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Whites MX Sport Waterproof Metal Detector

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 That's my trouble now in I got more detectors than I need now. If was to buy the MXS I really don't need it waterproof. I like the big display and other things it has to offer. 

 Years back White's was the only detector I'd buy. But over time I've found out there is other great detectors available. The waterproof adds more weight on what your swinging and that's the only drawback so far I see. Well other what we've been talking about.


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With a waterproof machine you don't have to worry about rain or dust.  No need to wrap a plastic bag over the display.  You can even wash it with water.  Plus if you ever need to do some wading in the water you won't be left out.  Having a waterproof machine has advantages.  Yes, it's 4 pounds.  But with the battery under your cuff it will be super balanced.  The Atpro is super nose heavy. 

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  If we never agree again I do on your above post. It's been times in past years I wish my detector was waterproof. Say the time I drop one in the water and it couldn't swim. Lucky for me it was fresh water and it worked after some heat to dry it out.


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I bought the Makro gold racer-a fantastic machine at the first of the year. Now I am in the market to buy one of the new detectors coming out. My choices are the Makro racer 2, Whites mx sport or the Nokta impact, if it ever comes out. I would appreciate anybody's input, particularly Steve's- good, bad or ugly on each model. What I have heard and read, the Nokta impact is the way to go- if they ever release it. I'm going to direct this to the Nokta/Makro research and development, if they made a Mackro Racer 2 that was waterproof, it would be a no brainer.


. Keith

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Well, waterproof MX Sport now, or a waterproof Nokta/Makro someday. The Impact so far Nokta has refused to even commit to this year, so I would not hold my breath for that one. It is hard enough choosing from machines that exist now without throwing machines that do not exist into the mix.

Racer 2 vs MX Sport kind of boils down to whether you want waterproof or not.

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If you are going to hunt in river or use a machine for wading then you need the MX-Sport, If not then most of Whites machines have weather seals on them, because if you read Steve's reports you will see that he used then in the rain without any ill effects, and they have been used from Death Valley to Antarctica,, So you only really need a waterproof if you are going to submerge the machine either on purpose or by accident, A lot of people will need the MX-Sport  because of a lot of other reasons IE bad hearing and having a volume control is a bonus and that big screen is a bonus to guys who's eyesight is not what it use to be like me ( over 21 ), To me Recovery is King, The junk filled site I work can make a Saint swear so from that point of view then the MXS has a lot to offer, and there is something for everyone and you just have to ask your self does it have a feature that you need or have waited for, my reason for not getting one I have already stated, and I am a bit of a Whites Champion, But to me that issue is a pet hate having used a musketeer advantage and the sovereign GT both with headphone sockets that are Forward of the operator and having plugs pulled out or my headphones pulled off my head and landing in the mud is not my idea of heaven due to the cable being out in the open, we have all done it, such is life,


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I remember paying that 100 extra for the adapter for my SDC 2300 plus 85 for the cover.That's another detector I don't have anymore.

 I've had so many different detectors in the last 10 years than in the past 35 before that. I'd say the reason is it's more companies making detectors now. Here I am a big kid in this candy store of detectors and I want them all. Another thing when I was a young big kid I was more concern just to make a living for my family. The kids were like little birds with their mouth open wanting food put in it..

I've told my kids when you get married you have a whole pie to eat together. Now each time you have a kid the part of the pie for you gets smaller. you keep having more kids you won't have any pie at all. I don't what this has to do with detectors. Oh well it didn't cost you anything.haha


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I can tell you from experience - If you go in the water even ankle deep you can and will drop your machine.  It will happen.  I learned the hard way.  I will suggest to tie a cord to your machine and to your belt loop for a cheap insurance policy.  But if you've ever tripped, slipped or fell on a slick rock or in a hole you will appreciate a waterproof machine. 

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Many people have commented that metal detectors should just be waterproof, period. The idea being not just rain protection but dirt, dust, whatever. Just hose it off. There is a lot to be said for this. It used to be you gave up many features and paid a premium for a heavier, waterproof detector.

Garrett broke the mold with the AT Pro which despite its flaws was a ground breaking machine and a runaway best seller. Nothing like emulating success and you can bet everyone else wants to get in on the game.

I am not 100% sold on the concept myself. One thing you get is oring seals on connectors and battery doors that must be kept meticulously clean yet attract dirt like magnets. But as long as the detector has all the features I want and will normally be used in a single configuration without a lot of coil changing, why not be waterproof also?

We are not quite there yet but it appears the day is coming where everything but the cheapest machines will be at least dunk proof.

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