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Who Has Had Issues With Their Gpx 6000?

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Had our detector club meeting last night in Adelaide , South Australia.  Five members have a 6000 (most have purchased it in the last 6 months). So i took the time to ask if any one had any quality issues with their machine. Not one issue or complaint was the reply and not one person has seen a error message yet. I also asked about the shaft and everyone seemed ok with it - just a recommendation to take the shaft  apart and clean it up if you are having problems locking it.

This is just a observation of a very small sample size and I am not doubting the people who are having issues which must be very frustrating when you have spent so much of your hard earned on a new machine but it just makes me wonder how big a problem this quality issue is.



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All I can add is I've owned 5 Minelabs (6000,5000, goldmonster, etrac, and an SDC and NO ISSUES whatsoever outside of personal ones.....  Will most likely own future Minelabs......  

Scuze me.....  I had faulty headphones that came with the SDC, Minelab quickly replaced.

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Interesting exercise to quality review all Minelab detectors i have owned over the years -

Excalibur 1000 - had too many faults to list but this was over many years & lots of sea use.

E - Trac - no problems'

Equinox - no problems

GP3000 - no problems

Vanquish 340 - no problems

Gold monster - no problems

GPX4500 - faulty battery and loose switch repaired under warranty

GPX6000 - no problems after 1 year

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The early 4500's all required main board replacements too though don't forget. Mine was one of them. It was my first expensive detector purchase.

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My 4500 was a late production model - no problems with the PCB board.

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On 6/2/2022 at 5:02 AM, phrunt said:

Shows what we've got to look forward to when the warranty runs about, a disposable detector.

I agree with that statement.To me if I or anyone else on this forum bought a top of the range car and had the amount of problems as i've had with this detector and all the add ons that go with it they would be crying blue murder.Its fine to say Minelab stand by their products but do they really.The quality of this stuff is 2 dollar shop standard and at no point have Minelab come out and admitted that they dropped the ball and made some serious mistakes.Sadly its just another faceless money grinder.To hell with quality.This is not a dig at the power of the 6000,but the lack of respect for their returning customers.They know we'll come and buy because they have no other competition as far as the serious detectorist is concerned.The trouble starts there no competition, pretty well a monopoly and with most monopolized situations the rot sets in.   

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On 6/2/2022 at 11:08 AM, VicR said:

Interesting exercise to quality review all Minelab detectors i have owned over the years -

Excalibur 1000 - had too many faults to list but this was over many years & lots of sea use.

E - Trac - no problems'

Equinox - no problems

GP3000 - no problems

Vanquish 340 - no problems

Gold monster - no problems

GPX4500 - faulty battery and loose switch repaired under warranty

GPX6000 - no problems after 1 year

Looks like your one of the lucky ones 

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On 6/2/2022 at 7:25 AM, Jonathan Porter said:

What we've actually got to look forward to is a constant stream of Phrunt commentary on the subject, 3 years of it!!!!. ??‍♂️ ?

Minelab stand by their products, that is a certainty! I've never seen another company back their gear like ML do. Not trying to say there is no problem because there clearly is, however in our shop experience Minelab are addressing the ones that do pop up very quickly and I can also say, as much as a certain voiciferous commentator on this forum would like you to believe, it's not as bad as is being made out! Undesirable? Absolutely yes, but in our shops experience not the huge issue trying to be portrayed. 

Codds wollop to that.So if someone disagrees with your assessment of the situation they're voiciferous.He's right on the money.For my $8000 dollars ive had nothing but trouble.Its ok to say that minelab will fix this but then your without your equipment for 2 to 3 weeks while they fix their mistakes.I had to buy another battery because i would be without it for a extended period while they make sure im not lying about said problem.$8000 to have my time and money wasted.It is as bad as its being made out and its about time someone stood up for the customer.

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On 6/2/2022 at 1:08 PM, VicR said:

Interesting exercise to quality review all Minelab detectors i have owned over the years -

Gm1000 - Internal speaker failed - replaced under warranty

Gm1000 - Coil cracked - replaced under warranty

Equinox - Wobbly shaft - replaced under warranty

GPX 4500 - Ribbon cable for PCB hairline cracks in wire (outside of warranty, replaced myself with aftermarket cable) Old GPX is built tough.  Very happy with my older GPX 4500 and 5000 build quality so can't complain at all about them, tanks!

Go-Find 40 - Fold up hinge fell apart - Didn't bother claiming warranty as it's never going to be used, glued it. Hinge seems improved on newer Go-Find 44 model.

Pro Find 35 - Unstable / DOA

GPZ 7000 - WM12 rubber cover for USB broke in half within weeks - replaced under warranty

GPZ 7000 - Lower shaft clip broke replaced under warranty

CTX 3030 - Coil ear cracked on 17" coil, fixed myself as what's the point getting it replaced for it to happen again and didn't want the hassles of sending it away and then I'd be doing the fix to the new one straight away anyway to prevent it.

Pro Sonic - First one arrived decal upside down so buttons didn't line up, replaced.

Pro Sonic - Second one arrived and charged once then never worked again, refunded.

GPX 6000 - ! error on startup (DOA), Twisting shaft

I think I've remembered all of my problems, I've had so many I probably can't remember them all.  I'll update the post if anymore come to mind.

I have no problems with Minelab's warranty, they're perfectly normal, just as good as any other company really, the time away and the cost of shipping the products back to them is the big problems with the number of faulty products they sell.

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