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The Tale Of Three Detectors

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I have been detecting an old home site. I started out with my ORX and the x35 9" coil it found alot of targets, and then kinda went quite, so i grabbed the Tarsacci, with its 12" coal and the ground let up again , and in the one spot the east yard it to went silent, but what gagged me was i was digging down 14 inchesand doing what i call a frontabout 3ft wide and just detecting the dirt i was throwing out of the hole and using a magnet to pull out the iron and going over the dirt again but now i was using the Mackro racer with the 5" coil to do this and it was pulling out lots of non iron targets this way but what caught me off gard was when i went out side of the hole and just for the heck of it started scanning the surface the other two detectors had gone over , i started getting hits, pulling up more shotgun shells and other non iron targets , so the 5" Racer coil was doing somthing the other two could not do . it was getting in between the metal and at a good 6 "  , this took me back because i figured  no way it would do so well but it did and is ,

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Different detectors & different coils each have their own "perspective" in what they can see. I think this is a good thing. It justifies my having 6 detectors, all with different strengths & multiple coils for each. It also means no site is every totally hunted out. The fun never ends!

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Detecting in heavy junk like that would drive me crazy.  If you plan on doing that sort of detecting a lot the Nel Snake might be a worthy investment, you're one of the lucky ones with a modern detector capable of running one.  It should do ever better than your 5" coil.  I use it as a prospecting coil as it's sensitive to small gold but when reading their site it was never designed for that, it's their coil to sift through iron trash 🙂 It's cool you had the time and patience to run through the area with all three detectors to see the strong and weak points of them and their coils.


Their little sales blurb

NEL Snake for Nokta & Makro Racer, Racer 2

The Snake Coil is designed to search on land heavily littered with iron and other debris. The shape of the coil helps to separate non-ferrous metal from iron. The coil is light and has excellent maneuverability, it is recommended for use on the beach, foundations of destroyed buildings, settlements littered with debris. The coil has good sensitivity to large, medium and especially small targets and combines good separation and capture area. It is recommended as an additional coil. On a special-order basis NEL Company can make this coil with cable lengths up to 3 meters. Coil is fully submersible, filled with epoxy resin and additionally has a black protective coating that is used for the protection of marine boats, and it makes it possible to use the coil without coil cover. The coil copes excellently with high and medium soil salinity.

Thanks for doing the post though, while I've never had to face a wall of trash/iron the day will come sometime so I always take the time to read posts on people that do to ready myself.

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