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** Lost Gold At The Dead Man's Mine ** A Miners Journal **

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6 hours ago, GhostMiner said:

   May 6   2003     A Blood Curdling Cry


   we all of a sudden heard the most blood curdling cry you could imagine.


Mountain Lions can sound like a woman screaming for her life. Did it sound like that?

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Talk about terrifying screaming, we were in a National Park camping ground that had three Italian girl back packers, camping in a small tent. What happen was one of our native animal a Koala (The drop bear is a hoax in contemporary Australian folklore featuring a predatory, carnivorous version of the koala......OR IS IT....) Let out it Male calling scream and the poor girls were terrified that they would be attacked by it. The wife and I told them they don't eat humans but they do like Italian Food. After they had seen the joke they broke out laughing.



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8 hours ago, Tahoegold said:

Mountain Lions can sound like a woman screaming for her life. Did it sound like that?

No, I don't think so. 

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2 hours ago, GhostMiner said:

No, I don't think so. 

Creepy, lantern lights, disappearing people at night, screams... Not sure I'd stick around a place like that. Sounds like a Steven King story. 

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   NOT IN THE JOURNAL  :  One of my mining partners has been testing the southern area of the faultline. Tests were done along the side of the fault just south of the old kettle area the 1936 crew worked by running water line up there. That kettle is a big pot hole in the top of the fault . The tests were taken using multiple bucket samples processed through a portable 12 Volt recirculating highbanker and the cons were run through my Gold Magic spiral wheel. Sample depths were 1 to 3 feet. Bedrock and upheaval are quite scattered in this area. So the tests were very good averaging around $90/yard. We have an approval to build a road in there in order to get a trommel set up. We are still waiting for the final plan approval for that location as well as several others 2000 feet to the east (the Upper Dig Site in the journal). Be fore warned gold, we are coming for you. 

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 May 7   2003     A Hungover Crew And Beer Guzzling Clay


   I had a restless sleep last night. I am worried about what the crew may be getting themselves into. Last night at the campfire Paul and the crew were getting into the whisky pretty hard. Even Jacob had one too many I think. Paul started going on about how we should expect trouble this Summer. He said there would no doubt be bad people coming in and out of Dreamwind. He seemed certain and I didn’t like the sound of it. I’d seen enough trouble last year to last me a lifetime.

   We got a late start to working because the crew was hung over from all the heavy drinking. The temperatures today got hot and Clay and Conor got sick. They were holding their heads and puking all afternoon. We called it a day well before dusk and went back to camp. Jacob had canned stew and hotdogs cooking. Clay ate some of the stew and started hollering about it being bad. He said it tasted spoiled or overcooked. This set old Jacob off and he told Clay to shut his mouth and either eat it or get the hell away from his camper where he had everything set up on a table. Clay took his plate of food and tossed it in the garbage. Then he proceeded to do what he liked the best - drink beer. He was pounding them down and we all started to have a good laugh. Even Jacob was laughing. We told Jacob his supper tasted mighty good. Then Clay started to laugh and he apologized to Jacob saying he was just hung over and his stomach was jumpy. As soon as he had guzzled down a few ice cold beers his mood changed and he became jovial. Everyone turned in early except for Clay who must have sat up into the late hours of the night because I counted fourteen beer bottles by his camp chair and he was still sitting in it sleeping when I got up at 5:00 AM.

   TO BE CONTINUED ...............

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NOT IN THE JOURNAL  :  Sometimes at night on that 2003 mining season Clay would open up two beers at a time and use both hands to drink them. He'd alternate his chugs between hands and could have two beers gone in a couple of minutes. Then he'd open up two more. I saw him nearly finish off an entire case one night but usually he was ready to work the next day. As long as we kept him out of the whisky he was fine.

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Am I seeing correctly? Are all of your thumbs up's missing again?

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30 minutes ago, Old Miner Don said:

Am I seeing correctly? Are all of your thumbs up's missing again?

I think its the same with everyone again. 

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   May 8   2003     Lantern Lights In The Night


   The crew  was up and working by 8:00 AM. Everyone knows we don’t punch a time clock but each member of the team always wants to pull his own weight and contribute towards our goal which is gold. Clay was telling us at breakfast that last night around midnight while he was still drinking beer he thought he had seen several lantern lights north of camp. He said they were flickering and did not look like flashlights. Clay said the lights would come towards camp slowly but only get so close before retreating back into the trees. Then they would go out. The process was repeated several times before stopping after about half an hour.

   Jacob was listening to this story and when Clay was finished he started talking about phantoms and ghosts and all kinds of things like that. He was absolutely convinced they were the ghosts of the old timers who had died out here on this forsaken mountain. I didn’t say a word but I think he had Conor and Clay believing him. I guess I’d rather think Jacob was right and that the lights were not from earthly people who were up to no good.

   TO BE CONTINUED ..............


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