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Greetings From Michigan

Bill in MI

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I'm new to the forum - I just joined yesterday. I stumbled in from a Google search about XP pin pointers.

I've been using an Equinox 800 for the last 3 years, and just picked up a Deus 2 with a 9" coil. I haven't been out with the Deus 2 yet. I plan on devoting some time to learning the machine in my test garden and then hit some of my favorite sites once the temperature stays above freezing for several days.

I hunt mainly old house/former settlement sites along with the occasional park for a change of scenery. You'd be surprised how many small villages there used to be along the railroads and rivers in mid and southern Michigan. Once the forests were all logged off, many faded away or were absorbed by a neighboring larger town, leaving lots of nails, iron junk, and when I'm lucky, the occasional relic or old coin.

So far the posts and discussions I've read here appear to be conducted on a more cordial and helpful basis than some other sites I have frequented in the past.

Thanks for having me -



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Welcome, Bill!  Sounds like you'll fit right in here.  Hope you get some decent weather soon; spring is being its usual unpredictable self in the next state south of you and I've only gotten out a few times this year.

Please keep us informed how your new detector is performing for you.  Sounds like you've got some good (unhunted!) sites in mind as soon as it warms up.

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Welcome from East Texas!

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Welcome to the forum and glad to have you with us.

I know that we will have some good conversations about your finds and knowledge in the near future.

So please share some good stories and pictures with us as you are in a great state.

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Welcome to the group Bill from another successful Equinox user.  I will be looking forward to seeing your participation on the Minelab and Deus threads.  That Deus 2 should be a real game changer.  I have a Deus 1 and I think that it compliments the Equinox very well having it in my personal arsenal.  Happy Hunting!

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