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Running The 15" Cc X Coil Over A 6000 Patch

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On 6/1/2022 at 12:33 PM, jasong said:

Good sentiment and I'm sure you'll rake the likes in since no one out there disagrees. But you might want to tone down the calling us "bitchers" and telling us our opinions are like an ass (presume yours are golden though?) if you want a better reception from people. No one attacked you, no one even mentioned your name. No need to come in hot and look for a fight. Just because we don't have an inside line to Bruce Candy or Minelab engineers doesn't mean we aren't allowed to talk about things we find interesting. And yes - that means guessing at some things that involve information we'd love to learn, but simply are not priivy too. Doesn't mean the topic is off limits to discuss.

Just saw this, where have I called anyone an ass or bitchers? I had to go and actually click on the link Steve put up to work out the rest of what you’ve said. All I’ve done is try to correct a lot of assumptions that are not based in fact and at least put some balance on the guessing that is going on of which I’m quite limited at as everyone knows. Nowhere have I said people cannot discuss, I only offered, in the way of balance, my own personal opinion from where I sit nothing more.

If an opinion is not based in fact it is fraught with risk of being wrong, we, all of us, have an opinion (and backsides) but a lot of opinions can be factually wrong due to not knowing or understanding the circumstances. And as has now been played out because I dared defend Minelab or seemed to defend Minelab in my attempt at correcting some of those ‘Opinions’ I get reamed, yet again. 

So because of who I am and what I do is my opinion on this forum moot? Because of who I am and what I do will I always be hauled over the coals for daring to offer an opposing view? Even to the point that when someone else points to something flattering that was written about me I’m treated as if I wrote it!!!

It is never my intent for my words to offend or ridicule anyone, I am usually the first to apologise if that is so and am happy to do so in this case. If I came across all self righteous please take it from me it comes from passion in what I do and how strongly I feel about the subject and my role in development, this is especially so when I feel I see an imbalance, none of this is intended to insult (although earlier today to my shame I am somewhat guilty of exactly that). 

A good example of opinions was Steve calling me out on something he felt very strongly about, I then did my best to reassure him of what I actually meant and he responded positivity, hence my remarks back to him, that’s how mutual respect works. 

Once again I apologise if I have written in such a way that is offensive, I also apologise if I come across all self righteous and lofty and lastly I apologise for being so defensive about the subject, I just hope readers can see it from my impassioned POV because I too have a backside. The GPX 6000 is a winner and I am proud of my involvement, it hurts to see if being bagged out in a way I feel is unfair, yes there have been issues but those issues are being addressed. 


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2 hours ago, Jonathan Porter said:

yes there have been issues but those issues are being addressed. 

That is good to hear, thanks JP.  

I am happy to put myself out there as someone who believes in the ability of the GPX6000.  I’m also happy to see your passion and support for a product that you helped develop.  I’m sure your and Steve’s input has made it the machine it is. I will also put myself out there as a customer of JP.   I feel his input to this forum in particular deserves some reward and this is a way that I can give something back to someone I feel has provided good advice over the years. 

I’m also happy to put myself out there as a Codan shareholder - of recent times but not at the current price unfortunately ?

As a shareholder, it is certainly disturbing to see threads about quality control plastered over forums, although I am not sure that forum content is having much impact on share price. 

JP, I am one of those that is wondering (and trying not to voice an uneducated opinion) about the aftermarket coils for the GPX6000.  

It would be great if some simple questions could be answered but understand if legalities do not allow.  Perhaps Coiltech, Nugget Finder, x coils or even Minelab could pop up and answer some of these?  

- are small double d coils possible and are there any in development/testing? I don’t see any need to keep this a secret as we assume they are but currently just offer uneducated guesses.  A coil manufacturer can always say “Yep, we tried but it just wasn’t doable”.   I don’t see the issue with that  ??‍♂️

- what is making these coils so expensive compared to previous GPX coils?  It has been stated here that the specs are the same or very similar.  Perhaps that incorrect?  Is it the chip?  The licence charge by Minelab?  Simply that it is the new flavour and a little more margin can be asked?  I know nobody will want to answer that ?

JP - you also mentioned there are some other GPZ7000 coils in the wings - is anybody able to provide some guidance on sizing?  Bigger? Smaller?  I no longer have a Z but 2 mates do.  

I understand that maybe not much can be said.  Again though, I don’t see the issue in a manufacturer saying “we are trying something”.   They can always say it didn’t work out.  

And Minelab!! For Pete’s sake, appoint someone as a communications spokesperson!  People are more forgiving if they aren’t treated like mushrooms.  

Jasong - sorry if this hijacks your thread.  Maybe it should be moved elsewhere, Steve?  

Cheers, N.E.   

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2 hours ago, Jonathan Porter said:

Just saw this, where have I called anyone an ass or bitchers?

One was the first post you made here, and the other was the first post you made in another thread that I was actively posting in where you called us bitchers, among other things IIRC. To be clear, what I told you was that you came in hot telling us our opinions were like an ass, which is after all what a "backside" is. I was just trying to communicate to you that it's not a great way to join an already existing conversation, before any attempt is made to share information, evidence, or anything else that might change people's minds or move the topic of discussion forward in a productive manner.

And you are right - in a lot of cases I've seen you get some responses you don't deserve at all, but in cases like this the response I gave you was suitable.

This is my post, about concentrics. I'm just sharing my experience and thoughts about concentrics in general or anything on the subject, on both machines, and venturing to imagine what the potential of the coils might be in other applications and welcoming other people would join in with whatever thoughts, ideas, or experience they have.

I appreciate the apology though. None of it is a big deal, it's all been moved well past already. Your more constructive input on topics is understood by almost everyone to be a unique and appreciated view. We are all passionate here about the things we talk about, or we wouldn't be here talking about them. And most people including myself do understand that you have extra passion towards machines that you were personally involved in the development of, so that's definitely understandable. I'd feel the same way if I saw something I felt was a misrepresentation of work I had done and poured my heart and soul into too. 

17 minutes ago, Northeast said:

Jasong - sorry if this hijacks your thread.  Maybe it should be moved elsewhere, Steve?  

No worries, We are at like 11 pages at this point so there is already a variety of things being discussed. And I'm out of field reports to post about the X Coil concentrics anyways now so was drifting off topic myself too into things which this topic set my mind wandering into.

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1 hour ago, jasong said:

One was the first post you made here, and the other was the first post you made in another thread that I was actively posting in where you called us bitchers, among other things IIRC. To be clear, what I told you was that you came in hot telling us our opinions were like an ass, which is after all what a "backside" is. I was just trying to communicate to you that it's not a great way to join an already existing conversation, before any attempt is made to share information, evidence, or anything else that might change people's minds or move the topic of discussion forward in a productive manner.

And you are right - in a lot of cases I've seen you get some responses you don't deserve at all, but in cases like this the response I gave you was suitable.

This is my post, about concentrics. I'm just sharing my experience and thoughts about concentrics in general or anything on the subject, on both machines, and venturing to imagine what the potential of the coils might be in other applications and welcoming other people would join in with whatever thoughts, ideas, or experience they have.

I appreciate the apology though. None of it is a big deal, it's all been moved well past already. Your more constructive input on topics is understood by almost everyone to be a unique and appreciated view. We are all passionate here about the things we talk about, or we wouldn't be here talking about them. And most people including myself do understand that you have extra passion towards machines that you were personally involved in the development of, so that's definitely understandable. I'd feel the same way if I saw something I felt was a misrepresentation of work I had done and poured my heart and soul into too. 

I do humbly apologise to you if you feel I’ve singled you out that has never been my intention, my comments are always directed at the general thrust of a thread if I see it straying down a path I find myself at odds with, I just don’t have time to answer every post individually so tend to bulk it out in one hit when the passion rises. The saying, “Opinions are like backsides, everyone has one” is a very common tongue in cheek saying here in Australia and is in no way meant to offend anyone because it is inclusive for all who have a backside, me included, I think maybe a cultural language barrier is coming into play here and for that I’m truely sorry.

I have no idea what IIRC is? Maybe you can PM me the meaning and as for Bitchers? That is not a term I use, I’m not sure if I’ve coloured up my comments at some stage and said something like “bitching” in reference to complaints or some such, however once again I unreservedly apologise if I have said anything to offend you. 

Getting back to the general subject at hand, my intention was to never come in hot but to provide an encompassing different perspective/opinion to put some balance into what I felt was becoming a complete Minelab bashing session, no one has to agree with me because I too have an opinion/backside just like everyone else. I hope this helps clarify my comments in the hopes it releases some of the pressure that has occurred through misunderstandings etc.

With regards to DD coils for the 6000 and also a point that needs to be made about concentric coils for the 6000, AFAIK there will be aftermarket NF DD coils for the 6000 at some stage in the future based on conversations I have had, I can’t speak for anyone else but it has been seriously talked about.

Concentric coils will I think be very tricky to make for the 6000 as the 6000 does not have a DD mode of detecting built in, it only offers a Noise Cancel mode and Salt mode which operate similar to the old Cancel mode on the 5000, so unless a concentric does Tx and Rx in the same manner they will not work properly due to the mode of operation, conversely I doubt a crypto taken out of a DD coil will work properly in a monoloop coil as it would be instructing the electronics to expect a DD wind and to then Tx/Rx in the Noise Cancel or Salt configurations. Not 100% sure on all of this but it seems logical when you think about it, maybe the tinkerers already know about this aspect as I am only Opining a guess and we all know about Opinions here now. ? 


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2 hours ago, Jonathan Porter said:

AFAIK there will be aftermarket NF DD coils for the 6000 at some stage in the future based on conversations I have had

That is appreciated JP  ?

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4 hours ago, Jonathan Porter said:The saying, “Opinions are like backsides, everyone has one” is a very common tongue in cheek saying here in Australia and is in no way meant to offend anyone because it is inclusive for all who have a backside, me included, I think maybe a cultural language barrier is coming into play here and for that I’m truely sorry.

Yeah that saying is different here LOL.  We say “EXCUSES are like assholes, everybody has one, and they all stink”

Not Opinions.


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Yes for mono coils you'd need to use the mono coil to make an adapter, for concentric coils you'd need to use the DD coil to make an adapter.  The chip tells the detector which type of coil is plugged in, that's it's other purpose.  It did it on the GPZ too, my GPZ tells me my X-coils are a NF Z-search when I use my long adapter cable.



It seemed the perfect coil to use as I'll never use it anyway so I don't need it's warranty.

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On 6/3/2022 at 3:49 AM, phrunt said:

Yes for mono coils you'd need to use the mono coil to make an adapter, for concentric coils you'd need to use the DD coil to make an adapter.  The chip tells the detector which type of coil is plugged in, that's it's other purpose.  It did it on the GPZ too, my GPZ tells me my X-coils are a NF Z-search when I use my long adapter cable.



It seemed the perfect coil to use as I'll never use it anyway so I don't need it's warranty.

I don't get it! Why do this to a nugget finder coil?

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To get the chip & from what I have been reading all along since X coils became a thing, you can still use the coil that the chip came from by putting a connector back on to the cable so the chip is still there via the adapter. If you have access to X coils then you have the ability to still use the minelab coils as well as the X coils. Best of both worlds. What is so hard to understand about that? As we have seen there are issues so it isn't for every body. But it is a choice if you so choose.



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