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Amazed At How Quickly White’s Discussion Faded

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I thought things would perk along longer than they have. But companies go away, people move on fast, way faster than I thought. As early as May activity here was high, now almost nothing. But so it goes.

If things don’t change, and I doubt they will, I will someday move the contents of this forum. Since Garrett bought White’s, I can merge it all into the Garrett Forum. But more likely I would merge it with the Compass, D-Tex, Tesoro, Etc. Forum, which is for companies that are no longer with us.

But no rush to do so, and this is you chance to tell me why I should leave things as they are for now. Posting more might also help your case, even if it’s nothing but “look what I found with my White’s” even a thread a week here would matter, but right now, not one thread in month of June, just two in July.

‘If I do eventually move the content, does anyone have a preference between my two options?

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  • The title was changed to Amazed At How Quickly White’s Discussion Faded

Kind of surprised it has not been already moved to the retired forum. Maybe the mourning is over. How long before Tesoro was moved?

I’m kind of more curious as to what else Garrett might do with what they bought other than the 24k. And really what new stuff they might come out with in future to keep them relevant, Whites related or not. I’m not a gold prospector but the Axiom sure looks like a nice detector and the Apex is a nice form factor. Not sure seeing some posts about “I put batteries in my V3i and took out for old time sakes” makes sense in the Garrett forum. 

Just my two cents. 

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I’ve got my “like new” XL Pro and four coils plus my MX7 (looks brand new) but I just don’t dirt hunt anymore. I’m either in the water during the summer or the goldfields during the winter. 
If I had a preference on where to merge then it would be in the Compass/Tesoro section. I certainly don’t want to post White’s stuff just for the sake of it. Since I moved on my TDI BeachHunter then I’ve been very quiet on the White’s forum ?

I may even move on my remaining beloved White’s machines………that would be a sad day for sure?

As a young kid around 1981, my first detector was a White’s…….the joy and excitement that detector brought me is priceless. Then I discovered girls and beer and the detector was never used again?

What was I thinking ?

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1 hour ago, Jeff McClendon said:

Put White’s in the out of business/retired forum. It doesn’t fit in the Garrett forum in my opinion since the 24K is probably the only Garrett/Whites rebadge that I expect to see from Garrett. 

Ditto for me.

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With the exception of the Goldmaster 24k (now completely absorbed as a Garrett product), what was the most recent White's detector that actually made a splash?  I wouldn't include the MX/Sport (no pun intended, @tboykin :laugh:) but I won't write off that some might.  Vision family (V3i, VX3, etc.)?  TDI family?  It seems they stopped being an innovator around 2010.

They certainly made some great detectors and seemed to have had a run as the best manufacturer for one or two decades.  But what is the decay time for detectors as far as popularity?  With a few exceptions (e.g. Fisher Gold Bug 2, White's MXT) it seems to be about 5 years.

Personally I still have my TDI/SPP and still like it, but I don't have many situations where a PI is needed.  (And obviously there are better PI's if one wants to spend the bucks.) 

If people would use the tags when they create posts (how many even think of that?) it would be easy to find posts on out-dated detectors like those White's classics, without having to depend upon a special, manufacturer specific forum for the topic.  (The vote for putting White's in the graveyard ? forum with Compass and friends seems to be unanimous.  Add my name to that list.)

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The MX7/MX Sport/24k/GMX form factor and internals was the last "innovative" set of detectors from Whites. I don't count the Treasure Pro/Treasure Master since those acted like and seemed to be Coinmaster's inside the MX7 control box housing........ and they certainly weren't innovative in any way.

I really like the MX7. I just don't see any reason for Garrett to rebadge the MX7 or expecially the MX Sport with sales of the AT Series still going strong.

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@Steve Herschbach my vote goes to the graveyard. As much as I miss White’s and wished things would have turned out differently, the company is out of business and should be folded into the likes of Compass, Tesoro, and maybe Fisher soon.

Hats off to the other American brand for taking the fight to the Ozzies. Hopefully some of the things we were working on at WE will aide them in representing yanks in the industry.

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