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Your Next Prospecting Trip -- Greenland?

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Greenland could be a hot spot for coal, copper, gold, rare-earth elements and zinc, according to the Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland.


Easier than mining an asteroid -- maybe good practice for that....

(Article from 8 Aug, so a week ago as I post.  I don't think I'm duplicating a previous post/thread.)

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Been there in 65 . Had winds three days straight at 150 and gusting to 175 mph . Now on the mountain around the valley I was in got over 200 . Their is a pilot still sitting in his plane waiting for someone to come get him but his signal stop before they could find him.

 I did bring back a rock that had the color of jade but was full of nickel. A guy I knew done test and it was pure nickel. I’m sure one can find gold there but too dangerous to go far off base . They had them little white bears that loved little white boys for dinner.


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Well how many can say they have been to the North Pole and see the monument that’s been placed there to mark it. I’ve been there in a two blade helicopter to see it. I was low enough to read what was said on the monument. Right near there a plane crashed and they sent a helicopter to get them out and it crash too. All this was caused by high winds. Short time later another helicopter was sent in and it made it back out with everyone.

When it got total darkness it was hard on people dealing with the darkness 24 hours a day. I’ve seen more than one person loose it and they had to send them back to the 48 to recover.

 You just couldn’t get too far away from any building because a storm could come up in just a very short time.

 That storm I told you about in my first post had to get to a 100 below zero if not more say 200 . At 55 was a heat wave and that happen when the sun was standing straight over head 24 hours a day.

 Before I went there I was told it was a girl behind every tree but you didn’t have any trees.

 It’s hard land that far north and unforgiving.


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