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A Mining Adventure From Last Year, Still Pondering...

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I keep on having strange things happen at sites I map dowsed for gold and minerals, one time for treasure.
Just wondering if this ever happens to anybody else? This last time I am 95% sure I was talking to a ghost woman
in the Maine woods and trying not to be attacked by her snarling white Labrador dog. She seemed to know I was searching for something? I was trying to find a gemstone deposit I had left alone in them woods 30 years previous when I had found this perfect dark blue pointed hexagonal  crystal under a rock formation, long as my index finger, and flawless, sun shining thru it but could not bear to break it off...dammit...was in the right place at the right time for a change...might have been a dark blue topaz crystal I am thinking now...
Somehow she knew I was looking to find it I am thinking? This woman looked just as real as anybody else that I see every day and ditto for her dog but I thought it was rather odd she was out in the deep woods wearing short shorts and the ferocious pooch NEVER once barked at me, just was snarling, growling, teeth bared, looked like it wanted to tear my face off, and unleashed, and she did nothing to calm it down...She also had a leather thing on her belt, by her hip, which she kept pointing towards me.It looked too small to be a pistol holster, am guessing it was about 3 x3 inches square.
I had a heavy knapsack of rock busting tools and a 6 foot crowbar in hand but was exhausted from my hike up and down steep hills
and trying not to fall down in the rocks along the creek. I was standing beside the creek, admiring the tumbling mountain waters
when I turned around and the 2 of them were right behind me.
She asked for my name and I gave her my first name. Then she says she was out for a walk in the woods to see who might be out there. I had got all my permissions arranged but she did not accuse me of trespassing. Just wanted to know what I was Searching for? I told her I was kinda lost and my car was parked by the ford. But she seemed to NOT know what a ford was until I explained it to her. So then she points up the hill behind her and says that trail will take you back to your car.
I only took my eyes off her and the angry dog for a few seconds but when I turned back , she and the mean dog had totally vanished
, no branches cracking, nothing...I took this event as a sign I should give up my search for the crystal deposit and hoofed it back to my car. When I went by the shop where I had to get the permissions, I related my tale. One of the workers lived barely 1/2 mile from where the incident happened and told me she didn't have a clue who the woman washuh.gif?
Dunno if I will ever get brave enough to go look for the crystals again now? Heck, how do you test if you are talking to a ghost
vs a real person and that snarling dog? Heck, I couldn't move a muscle without that beast tensing his hind legs, looking to tear me to pieces... I never heard of ghosts guarding mineral deposits ,only pirate gold....


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Hello Tom… I hope but doubt you’ll remember some of our exchanges on this subject back on Steve’s AMDS Adventure Forum. I asked you then and do so again… do you understand the source of power that moves your gadgetry when you are map dowsing for minerals? It doesn’t move itself, and is certainly not moved by you. When you dabble in the supernatural, there could be possible risks or consequences, but I doubt that you really care. I also doubt that is the case in this instance.

I’d prefer to assure you that you saw some local young woman taking her dog for a walk. Her attire is irrelevant, shorty shorts don’t suggest that she’s either a ghost or a loosey goosey dancehall floozy. It implies that she prefers to be comfortable in the warm weather. That three-inch square case that was pointed at you may have contained a derringer or small container of pepper spray, and these possibilities certainly repudiate any notion that you were dealing with anything but mortal flesh. Moreover, the sounds of the tumbling brook would help to sufficiently mask her arrival behind you or in leaving, especially if she remained on a pathway. Be glad that she wasn't a pack of feral dogs on the hunt.

On several occasions I’ve experienced the power that moves dowsing rods. Most recently in my work life, we asked about the location of a landfill site discharge pipe. The engineer produced two aluminum dowsing rods and promptly located the pipe. I asked to try the rods, and sure enough they both turned to the outside to line up perfectly over the buried pipe. I’ve dowsed for graphite and felt the wood twigs arch so strongly down that they could have easily snapped. 

It is easy to imagine how dowsing could be intriguing and addictive. Incidentally, I have those aluminum rods as a gift to this day but only use them for bottle probing at old cabin sites when out prospecting silver in northern Ontario.

Regardless of your religious beliefs or otherwise, as a resource on the subject, certainly references are made to spirits throughout the pages of the Bible. Those references are not terribly flattering. A knowledgeable, rational individual would not willingly invite them into the house for any reason. 

Unless your map dowsing technique has encouraged you in the hobby and resulted in some satisfactory mineral finds, why not at least supplement them with some basic research? Perhaps arrive at the research area and then go to dowsing for specific places to investigate. This modus operandi might save you any further questionable experiences when alone in the bush. 


PS: You described that blue crystal years ago on the AMDS forum, and I mentioned the hexagonal crystal structure could indicate tourmaline… a commonplace occurrence in Maine.

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It is rather fascinating the differing subjective realities we each live in. Our realities are probably similar in most ways Tom, but at a very profound level you and I live in two different worlds. I love science fiction and fantasy, but the world I live in does not include the supernatural. My world is a magical enough place as it is without adding that extra dimension to things.

Therefore while similar things may occur in my life they are not as memorable as they have far duller explanations. Perhaps that extra dimension adds something to your life that is missing in mine. You at least will have ghost stories to tell people while I never will.

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I believe your story. I too have had some "interesting experiences" over the years and  to this day struggle to try explaining in some logical way. When asked if I believe in ghosts I reply; "not sure but I really don't have any reason to not believe either."

I have heard it said that if you believe in God you must also believe in spirits.  OK....... I suppose this is deep enough for a  metal detecting venue

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