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Manticore Software Update - Available Now!

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Simple, flawless, installs on both the Manticore and the ML 105 headphones... now let's play! ?

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Thanks for posting the link.

Excellent video from Brass Medic included in the link.

Looks like a very good update especially for hunting sites with lots of nails and for gold prospectors.

Time for the new coils!!!

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1 hour ago, OCBeepDigger said:

Adjust from 0 to 12 and make false detections a thing of the past.

Didn't watch it yet but that's a heck pf a promise, their line about the EQ making all others obsolete comes to mind.  This would be a competition killer.

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I am an ocean water hunter.   To be able to hear the Manticore while water hunting.  I am using Tony Eisenhower impedance matched headphone.  I set the volume at 21.  With the new louder volume settings for water hunters.  My new volume setting is now 15  using Tony Eisenhower impedance matched headphone. 

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YAY they listened and fixed the small gold sensitivity, at least according to the firmware update, time to find out.

Their update tools are fantastic, well made and you have no fear of bricking your detector like some other detectors on the market as the flash tool can recover the detector if anything goes wrong with the flash like your computer loses power or you knock out the magnetic USB connector, worst case scenario you lose any saved settings.

The small gold sensitivity on some quick testing does indeed seem improved, excellent that was one of my biggest issues, I really like that.

I haven't had a chance to test target ID stability yet as I'll have to go out and find some coins to see and it's night time and well below 0 outside so I'll wait ?

I'm impressed so far, love the red ID's for iron, love the clear target map on the 2D screen feature.  All in all a fantastic update by the looks of it, I'm super happy Minelab listened on the small gold as many thought it was fine and the same as the Equinox, I was confident it was not and contacted them about resolving it which thankfully it appears they have.

Thank you Minelab.

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The sense I get is that with a machine that needs to settle down multiple FQ's and a lot of power, the signal needs to be heavily processed / modultated.  Everything is "brought down." You are hearing more of a proxy. This makes iron falses sound not too far from a good signal--even clean sometimes.  A way had to be found to make this machine more accessable to newer hunters who  are getting fooled by spikes and other iron .  An "Enhanced" style audio feature (stabilizer)  acts to make them more distinguishable.  My one problem with"Enhanced " is that it makes everything sound more the same--the fullness and detail of the audio is lost. This is kind of a re -purposing.  One change I did suggest in my book was a more accessable Recovery Speed in that this is such a critical adjustment  in obtaining a balanced signal.  I also like that the "dual indication ie red / black" red iron indicator (instead of just the red line) will help us to narrow in on non-ferrous targets in dense iron.  Who knows it might even be faster / more sensitive than the audio.  We used to do this with the DFX--look for numbers flashing on the screen that the audio circuit would not pick up on....I will be incorporating some notes on this upgrade into the new book as I  test it more and see what others think. cjc

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