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Nugget Finder Z-search 3 Different Version Coils?

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I might be in the market for a 12" NF Z-Search coil and my research shows me 3 different versions.  Why is this and what are the changes or upgrades?  It seems the US is not getting the newest black version?  Your thoughts across the pond is ideal for my eyes and knowledge.

If my knowledge gathering is correct, the 1st version is white with red decal.


Then and what I'm seeing in USA is this white with black decal, see below.


Finally and the newest version is black with red decal.


I know Nugget Finder is a very well known and long time respected company but seeing 3 different color configurations has me scratching my head.

Please help me those who know.

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Was it purchased for a USA Dealer?  If so, how long ago? Thanks for chiming in Strick.

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Looks like this version was the first to be released:

I have the white coil with red labels, and I purchased it new around nine months ago. ?‍♂️

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I also have the white coil with the red label, the one you show in the first pic Gerry. But I have seen the black one way before I got mine in youtube videos, so I don't think the black version is the latest. But i believe these are just the optics, the winding and coil material should be the same. Love the coil, best one I ever had.


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13 hours ago, Lunk said:

Looks like this version was the first to be released:

I think so Lunk, I got the black decal-version very early on from Rob Allison. This coil has been a revelation both in sensitivity and its lighter weight. I am constantly amazed at how easy it is to work with especially when compared with the stock coil; it seems to balance out the GPZ. I don't know whether the subsequent coil decal releases mean changes in how the coil works, but if they are an improvement on this early one,
I would jump at the chance to get one.

The soft coil cover is it's only drawback but I have had good luck with using non-metallic epoxy on the edges and it still remains noticeably lighter.


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The first version is the one I have; it was one of the first off the ranks when they were new and extremely hard to get.  



These are the only photos I have that I can find, the one where I cut the cable to turn it into an X-coil adapter.   I can't even remember where I put the coil, in my garage somewhere.

They changed the plastic between versions as the early version (mine) was getting some splitting problems with the plastic, a fair few were complaining on Facebook at the time but they were getting replacements with the better plastic.  I doubt it will happen to mine as it never gets used so I'm not worried.  I've got no warranty anyway now by cutting it.

The black ones then came out but I was reading there was something about the heat affecting them so light grey it is, same thing happened with the GPX 6000 coils, they were going to be black for a while there and early test versions were.

I would go for the grey one but not the first version.

You can't even check the current version, according to the NF website the Z-search coils don't exist and haven't for about a year now.

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3 hours ago, phrunt said:

I would go for the grey one but not the first version.

What is it about the first version that you think is improved/changed in the grey version?



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