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GPZ In Mild Soils To JP


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Hi to u all Gents...

My Qus. to JP and others experts..

  1. What are the optimum conservative setting Pls in numpers .for GPZ in mild soils.usind both 14" and 19" coils.( are there any differences bwt  mild & difficult  soils ..sens.threth hold..volum ..et )
  2. Very important question is :- the  ferrite ring to be use for ground balance only or also  when changing gold mode..

 Thanks to all..

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On 1/4/2017 at 4:39 PM, lutfi said:

Hi to u all Gents...

My Qus. to JP and others experts..

  1. What are the optimum conservative setting Pls in numpers .for GPZ in mild soils.usind both 14" and 19" coils.( are there any differences bwt  mild & difficult  soils ..sens.threth hold..volum ..et )
  2. Very important question is :- the  ferrite ring to be use for ground balance only or also  when changing gold mode..

 Thanks to all..

Hi lutfi.

  • In mild soils you get the ability to use the GPZ in Normal gold modes which means tapping into the full depth potential of ZVT.
  • In Normal operators will notice more sensitivity to the Ferrite ring
  • In Normal there will be more ground noise
  • In Normal the Ferrite balance is a lot more important especially if the soils have varying degrees of X signal (Ferrite like material)
  • In Normal the Ground balance will move around a lot more, so an operator needs to be aware that rapidly lifting or tilting the coil or poor coil control can cause the GB to drift out of optimum, so they need to maintain the GB more by checking its accuracy more often (pump the coil without the Quick-Trak button to bring the GB back into line with the local ground conditions)

Settings for Normal using GPZ 19, GPZ 14 with a B&Z booster and dual speakers: I use very similar settings across the board on the GPZ, so long as the Audio Smoothing is OFF so I can tap into the full low noise floor potential of the GPZ 7000.

  • Sensitivity 7 to 9 (usually 9)
  • Audio Smoothing OFF
  • Volume 8 or even less if the ground is variable
  • Volume Limit 8 to 10 or even less than 8 in variable soils
  • Threshold 27
  • Ground Balance Auto
  • Tone 60
  • GPS OFF (important little snippet that one which requires a thread all on its own)

Ferrite Balance notes: I always use the Ferrite ring and I check the Ferrite balance often. Initially at start up and then again 30 minutes later and often after that just to be sure. You need to calibrate to the Ferrite for each Gold Mode and Ground Type Mode you are using, the Ferrite balance will move around more in Normal Modes so I check it often. If there is no X signal in the soils you are working then you won't hear the X signal if the X balance is out, however in my experience all gold bearing soils have X signal so it pays to keep a good X balance regardless of the soils being worked. If there is X signal present and the Ferrite Balance is out then the X signal can mask target signals without your even being aware, plus if the X balance is out it does have an effect on the G balance behavior because the two are symbiotic. G balance is the regular ground balance of PI machines, X is the Ferrite balance, due to ZVT the GPZ is susceptible to X so the ground balance software has to combine the two, they interact with each other.

Difficult and Normal: Difficult removes ground signal but also the null points of the modes (High Yield, General and Xtra Deep) are different to each other across the Ground Type modes (Difficult compared to Normal). For instance a 1/2 ounce solid nugget will give a better response in General Difficult than in General Normal, this is not due to ground signal but more to do with the modes sensitivity points. Some nuggets will fall into a modes least sensitive position that's why it pays to go over ground with a variety of modes.

In Australia we often only have the choice of using Difficult due to the severity of the mineralisation, the concentration of iron rich highly magnetic surface materials just kills the performance of Normal, or rather the signals created by those near to coil minerals swamp out or mask the deeper responses, hence why I always advise lifting the coil for maximum depth. You need to get the coil out of the near to coil surface mineral responses to allow the deeper target signals to come through, obviously this potentially removes a lot of the small shallow target response so a blend of the two dependent on ground is required. My aim is to always give the deeper target signals as much chance as possible to be heard, lifting the coil prevents the near to soil response from drowning out the deep target signals.

Hope this helps



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4 hours ago, Jonathan Porter said:


  • GPS OFF (important little snippet that one which requires a thread all on its own)


Hope this helps



Oh Oh, I always detect with enhanced GPS on!  I would greatly appreciate it if you were to elaborate on this, when you have the time.

Thank you,


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Hi  JP & all Gents...

First So much thanks and i do appreciate ur honesty and helpful manner.. you just give me the light ( ur experience )..

one thing didn't understand ( If there is no X signal in the soils you are working then you won't hear the X signal if the X balance is out,) i need to simplified to me).

I think this what exactly happen to me( If there is X signal present and the Ferrite Balance is out then the X signal can mask target signals without your even being aware,)

  • VERY VERY IMPORTANT QUESTION:- this would help me a lot JP.. IS this mean that if there is asignal from ( aferrit like material)  while moving the coil on the ground that mean the gpz ground balance is out?!!! bcz this happen to me many times during working there is a signal from black stones on the ground!! that mean wasting my time a lot!!!
  • Last what is better  GPZ. gold mode setting for the solid nugget in the mild soil if the Gen/ NOR. not ok for solid nugget  as u said :-(For instance a 1/2 ounce solid nugget will give a better response in General Difficult than in General Normal)


 With my regards..



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