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New Rule - Number Of Posts Before Being Allowed To Use Classifieds

Steve Herschbach

Recommended Posts

I think it's a good idea Steve.-----Having a set # of posts (and perhaps time registered) on the Forum before being qualified to make a FS ad.-----Also feedback info on an individual (seller) that is made available to a potential buyer is (IMO) a very good idea.------Most of us old timers know each other (if only through the forums) & the above isn't of any concern--they have past the test of time AND earned the respect.-----BUT-----It's the newcomers to a forum that come on/register to IMMEDIATELY post a FS ad that need to have some sort of accountability before hand.-----I know (most) of these people are good, honest people---and I also know that there are a few rotten apples in every barrel.----Bottom line---Buyer beware & deal with someone you at least know SOMETHING about.-----That's my two pennies worth on the subject.---------Del   

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Perhaps the requirement should be that a new user must create two thread topics in other forums before access to the classifieds is granted....to get to know them better and prevent an easy spam. Makes it a bit more difficult and public when they can't get away with two posts that consist of, "Nice find!", "Good hunt!", etc.

I am ok with whatever. It's not a problem until it is.

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I agree with the 10 post minimum. 

2 posts is nothing for a scammer.

10 posts is nothing for someone that actually wants to be here and adds as well as finds value here. This is a great forum, hate to see that change.

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Guest Jennifer

10 posts is the industry norm. I was actually hoping you'd put this in place as I just noticed a 5000 get listed by a brand new user with a VERY LOW price.

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