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Awesome, I'll have to try that next time.  Thanks

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Nice finds, Steve! 

The way you have your machine set up is a fun way to hunt. Lots less trash of the aluminum kind and no pesky zinc. I found a silver ring with opal in it a couple of weeks ago as well. It is now the property of my wife :cool:.


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Sounds pretty much the way I set my 800 for parks. I can even run sensitivity up to 25 at times but usually around 22. The nickels and square tabs are the same for me.The tabs that trick me are usually the shallow tabs. I have been hunting behind someone all week but still managing to average $6 a day in clad. I have it open between 12 - 14 for nickels then 21- 39 open. 

You're also right about the dimes. Anymore I find 3 dimes to every penny.  My quarters rarely ring up at 30. Most often 28 -29. I get a lot of 32 beeps and a few 38 - 39 and I love the sound but have only found worthless medallions. I have had good nickel days where I find 5 or so and bad nickel days where I only find one. 

The park I been hunting has a lot of trash because it's along a parade route and there is often public activities and vendors set up in the park. 

When I went out yesterday afternoon after the rain in the morning I could not find any of the plugs or flaps I dug however I could see almost every spot the person before me dug. They never stomped down their plugs and barely covered the holes. 

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Nice job steve. I played around with discrimination tonight and set mine up the same except I set my cut off at 19 so I can get all those gold coins I know are lurking on my rancho permission. 

I have found most of my nickels in my soil at 11-12 and 13 has almost always been trash of some sort. Hopefully I'll have a good report to share. 

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Love that opal...my wife would confiscate it immediately :smile:  I just cant bring myself to notch out stuff that would fall into the small gold range..for me the coins are a bonus because it's the jewerly I'm looking for in the parks...I'm not going to be digging many targets in the 1-6 range in the parks but when I hit a beach I most likely  will dig those looking for small gold chains. Went to a park day before yesterday and was digging anything 8 and above that hit solid...got two rings both costume stuff...one really had me fooled for a second.  Might get off work early today so I'm fired up about relics this weekend. 


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