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Fresh Water Hunts Tid's 1 & 2

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In certain areas I'm getting definite hits reading 1 and some times 2 . At first I thought it has to be tiny split shot but now I'm not so sure.  I now believe most of these are tiny hot rocks.  Spit shot I can handle and ID  by sight. I've dug plenty in my day and always managed to get them in the scoop. With these hits there is nothing except a scoop basket full of small gravels.  In some areas I have resorted to notching out 1 or raising the iron segment to include it.

Any thoughts?

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There is a Field I hit with coke cinders from a steam tractor.  They consistently ring up as 1 and have a distinctive hollow quality t o their tone.  IOW you might be right.  Take a scoop sample if you can and place it on some neutral, target-free ground to see if it rings up.

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I can hit gold weighing under 1 grain (not gram - 480 grains per Troy ounce) with the 11" coil and the Equinox. Think flat gold the size of the ear on Roosevelt's head on a dime.

It is not impossible these are hot rock hits but that would be unusual. Coke though does hit in that range for sure so you never know. If it was me I would scoop and dump on beach, spread and detect until I was holding whatever it is in my hand. You simply have to know - are these hot rock hits.... or something else?

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Would panning it determine the source?

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1 hour ago, Steve Herschbach said:

I can hit gold weighing under 1 grain (not gram - 480 grains per Troy ounce) with the 11" coil and the Equinox. Think flat gold the size of the ear on Roosevelt's head on a dime.

It is not impossible these are hot rock hits but that would be unusual. Coke though does hit in that range for sure so you never know. If it was me I would scoop and dump on beach, spread and detect until I was holding whatever it is in my hand. You simply have to know - are these hot rock hits.... or something else?

Steve I do have to know and I did not think to try your suggestion of dumping it on the beach until I got home.  I will find out ne way or another.  If it is rocks, I'll try to track them out or something.

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Foil can also give a very low reading 

If its a flattened piece near the surface it can drift away with the water pressure as you work the scoop  


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On my last hunt I notched out #1 and #2 just for the sake of it ( I was hunting a park) Beach I would dig and quickly  throw it above the break water.  just too see what the are. Too many 1"s and 2"s in the turf. I ran my 800 over that nice gold chain and crucifix I found a couple weeks ago and the chain was a #2 in the air test. Depends on how much time you have  digging those low numbers. 


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Jackpine: Use sifter with small hole mesh. Put all scoop to sifter and you will find the small targets easily. Where the beaches filled small targets , you will find ear studs , chain pieces, leads etc.




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