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Copper Arrowhead Found


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Hello all,

I made an interesting find with the Nox the other day. I was detecting an early 1900s military site in Montana and found a copper or brass arrowhead (left in photo). I did a check online and found a few similar ones which are described as "fur trade era" arrowheads. They were apparently commonly made from scrap metal, copper kettles, etc. The Crow were said to have been expert at making these points. The other arrowhead I found at a different military camp in Colorado from the late 1860s over 20 years ago. I suspect that these points had nothing to do with the military camps, but were instead lost by native hunters. These are the only two metal arrowheads I have found since I started detecting in 1977. Just curious if anyone else has found a metal arrowhead.


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The Indians on the west coast didn't make refined metals, only once the Spanish and Russians got here early on did they trade for metal trade items.  

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Very cool find. From Jackson Hole I bought an old pawn Native American Bow with one arrow that had a metal arrowhead and tied with sinew. That was 46 years ago and it was already old.

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4 hours ago, BeachHunter said:

Very cool find. From Jackson Hole I bought an old pawn Native American Bow with one arrow that had a metal arrowhead and tied with sinew. That was 46 years ago and it was already old.

Do you have a picture that you could post? It would be interesting to see one intact. Thanks

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I found this metal arrowhead in western Colorado while multi-day backpacking  in search of Spanish treasure.  I had a lightly modified Gold Bug Pro strapped to my arm and was swinging willy nilly as I walked along.  I never would have chosen the spot to detect, but I had grown accustomed to swinging the GBP all day long wherever I was.  I found no other metal objects in the area.

I'm told the arrowhead dates to the mid 1800's.


Metal arrowhead.jpg

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