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  1. Past hour
  2. I have just started using my Manticore on the local beaches and I think the 105's let in too much of the wave noise. I don't think my 800 headphones had this problem. I'm going to post a couple of pictures of finds.
  3. Today
  4. Well, I don't know what this creature will bring in the field but as a diver, it touches my interest in some way... Believe it or not, the thing I'm more focused it is the return to an M12 headphones connection...I'm sick of this epoxy drowned 3.5 jack in between of it... Underwater headphones can cost You per year like half of a new machine, damn🫢. So I do it by myself
  5. Well, there's quite a bit of Us that'd be more than happy to dig tungsten rings instead of bc, and rubbish of any kind...It just reminds You the good ground for better stuff later, like sinkers🏴‍☠️
  6. Hello! Have you checked out David Paulides channel called CANAM MISSING PROJECT? And Steve Isdahl? I think Steve's is called 'How to Hunt'. Steve is a Canadian hunting guide. Lots of good stuff.
  7. If you look at it from the Red Hair's perspective, they are probably the frightened ones. The were warned to stay away or face war. Maybe what they do is out of scared to death fear of Humans. After all, they know we are able to hunt anything successfully. I never looked at it this way. It may explain the tone of their screams. So, on further thinking about this I'm coming up with some ideas. A predator would not make sounds. It would surprise attack. An animal wanting to stay hidden would also stay silent and still. What do we do when an animal is in our space and we want to make it go away. Let's say the animal is dangerous. And, we're defenseless at the moment. We are taught to raise our arms and yell. Bang pots and pans and yell. Make a lot of dangerous sounds and appear as scary and big as possible!! But, never charge the animal, never challenge it. Then, scoot as fast as possible when there's an opportunity. It sounds like every Bigfoot encounter I've ever heard of.
  8. Sarah Winnemucca, was the first Native Piaute to write a book. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Si-Te-Cah In this story, she describes how these large red haired creatures suddenly began to steal and eat babies from her tribe. They cornered the guilty one in a cave and buried the entrance with rocks then lit a fire to kill it. She said, they then made a treaty with them. The Red Hairs would stay far away in the mountains and never come back or they would fight them and do the same to them. This was before 1900. What would she gain by lying? Yeas later, 1982, in the museum in Carson City, they had a hand and skull of something much bigger than a man. It's no longer there. And, no one knows what you're talking about when you ask them where it went. I've never had an encounter with one or heard one. Except the skull and hand bones... Edit: Just read this: The remaining skull that still exists (many were discarded) was returned to to the Falcon band of the Paiute-Shoshone.
  9. Isn't it funny how everyone all of a sudden is throwing around hype? 3 companies now. I just hope that whatever Nokta is working on is something productive at an affordable price point. What I'm tired of the most is the hype in general today concerning new things. Wouldn't it be nice if instead of hype and innuendo for weeks, months, and sometimes years we actually got something in a reasonable amount of time and in sufficient quantities so we could just get on with it. Took my Legend out today and found more things my Equinox 800 had missed just a couple weeks ago. Unfortunately I also picked up something else today I didn't want- a tick. Joker had latched on. So now I have to worry about some horrible tickborne disease for the next 30 days or so manifesting. LOL For what it is worth, I've had active Lyme Disease in the past and still to this day suffer from the fallout. My memory was jostled today with this nice tick visitor and I remembered that is why I took a long break from metal detecting before.
  10. I had some very odd things happen on the claims in the journal back in 2020. I will post more about this soon.
  11. https://www.verdict.co.uk/codan-files-patent-for-method-for-target-detection-using-metal-detector/?cf-view https://forum.kimbucktwo.com/another-new-minelab-now-with-added-x-factor-coming-t35711.html Interesting.
  12. Hello Steve, I've had the extra lower rod for my Manticore that I purchased from you about a month now. I am extremely pleased with all aspects of the lower rod and thank you for a flawless product. Having the extra shaft makes changing out coils so much quicker in the field. Thank you so much! You are my go-to guy for all of my future carbon shafts needs. Be blessed, John
  13. I can't stand finding those damn tungsten wedding bands. I find at least 10 tungsten bands for every precious metal band.
  14. I have Reese's book also. I'm 64 and it is getting harder to do this kind of digging and pick swinging but figured it was worth a try and glad it paid off. I grew up on a dairy farm in SW Idaho and I moved enough dirt and cow poo with a hand shovel to last a lifetime.
  15. The facebook post mentions they're giving away 10 detectors and when they were having the naming contest for the pulse detectors they had mentioned winning one of the pulse detectors. So I think they're going to at least announce the pulse detectors.
  16. I began doing a lot more layering after read The Nugget Shooters Filed Guide by Reese Townes when it first came out. Excellent book. However at age 73 I cannot wait for my seven and nine year old grandkids to get a bit older and do most of the layering. They already pan for gold and love it.
  17. Yesterday
  18. This talk of Big Foots is all very coincidental. I am a total non believer but just this last week, for no reason, I have been checking out a bit of you tube footage on supposed sightings to see what it is all about. Then they are mentioned on here. D4G
  19. > "Nokta LEGEND + BRAND NEW Creator" Metal Detecting SUPERIORITY (A MONSTER is EVOLVING) Pro Coin HUNT > **SO, IT LOOKS LIKE I GOT YOUR ATTENTION - AND I AM GLAD I DID** THE CREATOR WILL BE SUPERIOR TO THE NOKTA LEGEND. Let me tell you something, when the Nokta Legend finally meets it's metal detecting creator, they will become a dual that will be completely unbeatable in the metal detecting market, AND FIELD! > Yes, you heard it. Great things are brewing, and I am not just talking about the BRAND NEW 1.15 UPDATE either. https://youtu.be/58flvQ_KraU?si=-YdL00C_vvHHfNRk
  20. The theory is the deeper you go the less nails there are ,but bear in mind since the foreshore at some points as been churned,dug refilled and mixed ...............nails are now everywhere........ I use quiet a few machine with success even the manti last Monday RR
  21. Excellent advice on the manticore. I also have one and have evolved to where you are for settings, etc. Let me know when you are planning to go out hunting. I would enjoy coming. Randy
  22. Ah, a trip down memory lane. 😜 Yes: The 99B was the little sister to the 77b . I think the only *essential* difference was that the 77b had a fine tune knob, whereas the 99B only had a rough tune knob. But as long as the user had a "steady finger", they were both capable of the same. Great machines in their day. You could lay 2 nails over the top of a coin, yet still get the clue of conductive underneath. Albeit the depth was only ~5 inches deep, and was a bear to balance in mineralized soil. And had no other form of disc. other than small iron.
  23. May 10 2002 Part Three As the one light came towards us it suddenly vanished and so did the one at the top of the canyon wall. Paul said that whatever they were they are most likely gone now. There was no sense in us continuing further into the canyon in the dark of night. I felt that if we used flashlights we might be discovered by whatever was roaming around in there. We headed back to camp and I poured myself a half cup of whisky just to settle my nerves. The crew retired to their tents except for Clay who was still drinking beer. He asked me if I thought we had made a big mistake in coming up here to explore and mine gold. I told him that I figured there was a huge wealth of gold just sitting in that canyon waiting for someone brave enough to take it out. That would be our crew. I have made my decision to work the canyon all season if needed and walk out of here a very rich man. TO BE CONTINUED .............
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