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Everything posted by Northeast

  1. Thanks Phrunt. You mentioned that the SPO1 (or any booster really) won't give a performance improvement but I think that this actually might be it - the ability to keep the detector volume low which will likely help to keep a smoother threshold which should improve faint target detection. If that, and variable volume, is all that a booster provides then I think it is still worth it. I'm probably going to take my time on all of this and leave it until after my W.A. trip. We will be prospecting so easy on/easy off, portability, minimal stuff to recharge, etc, will be the order of the day. My Avantree AS70 and Phillips out-of-ear earbuds are doing a good job so far and are light and easy. Also thinking that EMI is going to be of little concern out where we are going but who knows ?‍♂️ I will also be able to easily afford the boosters and speakers after returning with all those kilos of W.A. gold ? ⚒️ Cheers, N.E.
  2. Well then, he found the proverbial ‘rocking horse shit’. Can’t find one in Aus at the moment. Nenad is busier than a one-armed grave digger at the moment trying to get some stock out. Be great to hear your feedback, thanks ?
  3. Glad you’ve got your GPX6 and enjoyed your first proper day out. It sure LOVES the lead shot! Will be interesting to follow your 38.3 gram quest ??
  4. Thankfully I am one of these too. I think I got one from JPs first shipment, so one of the first in Oz. And got a 17” coil later on and have not had a single issue with anything - touch wood ? That is not to disregard the issues with Phrunt’s and others’ detectors as they are a very expensive product and should have quality control to reflect that. I am still happy I went early and am amazed at the performance. Apart from the headphone port and poor speaker location choice there is nothing I would change. But, I am keen to purchase the CTX 4040 (or whatever the next high range treasure detector is) and hope that Minelab have learnt a major lesson in quality control from this episode and the poor reflection it is having on the brand. They cannot underestimate the damage a thread like this will have on sales. Customers and shareholders alike are watching to see the response.
  5. Any chance you could record it/video it and put it up on the forum. Might be easier to diagnose with a bit of audio ?
  6. Thanks Art, I appreciate the trouble you have gone to. That wind was certainly blowing! I am thinking I might just bite the bullet and buy a booster and do some testing myself. They are very sought after for the SDC, 5000 and the GPZ so can always sell it on if it doesn't work out for me. I'm surprised more people haven't tried a booster on the GPX6 or are at least willing to comment if they feel there is/isn't a performance difference ?‍♂️ Thanks again Art ?
  7. Thanks Art. As you continue to use the SPO1, I am wondering if you are using it simply to boost audio or is there some performance benefit? Being able to run the detector audio lower means a smoother machine? The filters on the SPO1 are helping with deciphering the ground noise/actual targets? Gold Catcher had mentioned in another thread re: the longer target signal the GPX6 produced compared to that of the SDC - maybe the SPO1 would shorten the GPX6 signal? Like others have said, extra volume is not really required from the GPX6. I am wondering whether using a booster allows some other performance benefit from the detector. Re: the speaker on the GPX6 and no supplied audio module. I guess there is a reason but to have supplied the exact same options that the Equinox is supplied with would have ticked all of my boxes. Wi-Stream via the WM module, ability to hard wire some headphones, LL Bluetooth to supplied headphones or any other BT device and a speaker on the pod so the sound faces directly at you. Easy peasy ?‍♂️
  8. Yep, me too. Sports earbuds are the best I can manage. Agreed. A booster would have to provide significant improvement for me to proceed. I thought it was impossible but I'm very un-techy! One is Wi-Stream (whatever that is?) and I think the only audio coming out of the GPX6 is Low Latency BT. Maybe Wi-Stream is a form of LL BT?? No idea ?‍♂️
  9. Good morning DP forum. Now that the GPX6 has been out for awhile and I'm sure people have had time to play with various boosters, I'm wondering what the consensus is. The easy question, do you think they are worth it? Do they make enough of a difference to bother with the extra attachments and cables - even if they are kept to a minimum? 5% improvement? 20% improvement? Have you done any specific testing over un-dug targets with and without booster? Interested to hear your thoughts and, if you continued to use a booster, what are you using and how have you set it up? Are you using speakers or wired headphones to the booster? The reason I ask is that I am considering purchasing a booster, but my gut feel is that it is not going to make enough of a difference to be worth it. My current set-up of AS70 BT LL receiver attached to my shirt and then plugged into either some ear buds or a speaker provides good clarity audio. Perhaps a booster allows lower detector volume and a smoother threshold for the same sensitivity setting? Or improved signal response? Really interested to hear the responses. And JP, Doc and Phase Tech - please don't sit on the side lines just because you manufacture/sell them - would love to hear your views too ? Cheers, N.E.
  10. Nice going Reg!! Well done. Any others out there or on its lonesome? Good to see your still getting out and about ?
  11. My guess would be not required. With a small DD and the GPX6 in EMI mode I would have thought it would be the same result?
  12. Hi Allen, Interesting find. Certainly quartz on the bottom. Interesting that it is showing non-ferrous. Maybe copper? But I'm guessing the greeny stain is more moss than actual stain? We are all hoping it is gold! A cleaned pic would be great. The bits I've circled, did they clean up or brush off? They're a little bit yellow-ish...? ?
  13. I'm not sure of the slang used in the States but if that's what they are requesting, by all means send one in ? ? ?
  14. Nice work Mitchel. Glad you got some time to get out in the scrub ?
  15. No, I'd probably steer clear of it at the moment...the commute would be a bitch ?
  16. The Fisherman is back! Good to see you on here tuna, your posts are often good entertainment and also good advice for those planning a WA trip ?
  17. Hi upanddownthehills - nice name and welcome to the forum ? Being from the medical field I immediately think Obstetrics and Gynaecology but I am guessing your O&G is something else? Sorry, can't help with the commercial geological libraries part but will be interested to see some of the members answers. Cheers, N.E. ?
  18. Just thinking the same thing Reg ? Give me a home among the gum trees....
  19. Words that should get all GPX6 owners in a party mood ? ?
  20. I've had both. Prefer the Nox 800 and sold the Monster. Just find the Nox can do everything the Monster can but then it can also do a whole heap more. Would very much like to have the small coil for the Nox but have never found enough of a compelling reason to fork out the cash as the 11" is a pretty good allrounder. If you are hunting in bushes/sticks, etc, then getting a solid skid plate for the Nox 11" will make things much easier. Spoked coils in the bush are a ? Best of luck with whatever you do ?
  21. Ditto to all of that Bootyhunter. I'm waiting too. I've never used or seen a CTX but the visual display does some degree of this perhaps? Happy to be, and likely to be, corrected. ? Anything that gives better accuracy of target and increases the likely-hood of digging 'good' targets and leaving the 'crap' targets in the ground will be welcomed. This is not coming from a lazy perspective. This is coming from wanting to dig as few holes as possible in public areas. As much as I try to leave things looking completely undisturbed, less holes can only be a good thing. Mainly, my hope is that the Next Gen of whatever has: -better than CTX 3030 target ID. Some sort of screen, visual, picture thingy would be totally acceptable. -faster than Eq 800 processing and therefore target separation -finds the fine gold jewellery that I believe the 3030 had an issue with? -housed in something like the GPX6000 but even lighter. -with a speaker placed where the Eq 800 speaker is - facing right at you. -a changeable battery system like the GPX6000 and, even better, exactly the same as the GPX 6000 so they can be interchangeable between units. -a device such as the WM08 so that we all don't have to chase around trying to find a suitable bluetooth receiver. And keep using the headphones issued with the GPX 6000 - they are quite good thank you Minelab. I think that is all Santa. Can you send me one of those? ? ? ⚒️ Cheers, N.E.
  22. Thanks for the response wltdwiz ? Re: being unable to hear the Nox - is this due to the noise from the regulator? I would have thought the Nox was pretty loud but maybe not so with the underwater headphones? Cheers, N.E.
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