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Joe D.

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Everything posted by Joe D.

  1. Yes GB, I saw a show with that ship! Supposedly it was found back in the 30's or 40's, as i recall! But the legends vary that it was even real! A couple of guys were recently trying to triangulate it's location from some old pictures they had found researching! But like most of the other shows, they did not find anything! Not even a ships (railroad) spike!???
  2. I'm willing to try anything that doesn't have a chance of voiding my coil warranty! Has anyone had coil ears break on any other detector, besides the Equinox?? I may have asked this before, but i don't think i got an answer!! I had it happen on my first Equinox! I just got a deal on another "barebones" 800, since i traded the first one away! And will try the silicone first, and then if needed, the grip tape idea! ??
  3. Rick, I'm sure somewhere out there is another Tejon with your name on it!! Get-er-done!!??
  4. Compass, That must be the show i watched with Bombay Beach! They were big time, till the water was cut off, and the farming polluted it! I didn't know that there were other towns and bases around there too, till this post! That place seemed to be accessible, and not fenced off, or restricted like some of the others! I wonder if the few residents that still live there detect at all!? Really like the video's posted so far! And i love the way silver comes out of the desert ground all nice and shiny! Maybe one day, i will be able to get out that way! But living in South Florida literally puts it a world away! ??
  5. Chuck, I think you have hit on a great subject of this area! Steve H., the moderator of this site, may move it to it's own subject heading; seperate from your intro! Or else you can start a new one yourself under a new subject heading! I think there is much more to explore about this area, and many people will probably have input, and/or more experiences to share with us all! Thanks for posting! Very interesting area to be able to explore! Wish i was close to that side of the country!??
  6. There he is again folks, Simon the salesman! We will just update his name to "Simon the Silicone Salesman"!? You need your own Channel Simon!! I'll be your first subscriber!!?
  7. Welcome Chuck, Happy to see you here! Sound's like an interesting trip you have planned! I know a little about the history of the Salton Sea, and the abandoned town there! Always thought that would be an interesting area to detect, if the extreme amount of ground salt's didn't do a number on detecting depth! Good Luck! And let us know how it goes!??
  8. Hello Tim, Welcome to the forum! Great to have you here! I'm with Goldpick; the Equinox 600 or 800 are great choices! And you can find deals on used ones! Just make sure that they have some of the 3 year warranty left! If you want some of the same benefits of a multi frequency machine, than the Vanquish is a close runner-up, minus the waterproofness! At a lower price point! Both great choices for what you hunt! Good luck, and keep us posted!??
  9. Dog, I think your "rant" ? is perfectly valid! Dilek know's full well that she will hear the good, and the bad; another words, honest opinions, here on the forum! Critical thinking is an important aspect of any new venture, and it's important to make sure that N/M is aware that we have a vested interest in their continued success in producing detectors!??
  10. Great news Dilek, I hope you have great success in your new venture, and continued success in detector development, service, and sales!??
  11. The AQ is sounding more and more like the old board game "Operation"!! ???
  12. I've seen worse Jeff, I think your video is fine, you just need a third hand, or a hat mounted go pro!? I could not hear the Tesoro at all though! You can at least post your videos! Mine won't seem to post! I'm not very forum savvy when it comes to video or link posting! Part of the problem is i do everything off of my "smart" phone! I don't use a computer but very rarely!!??
  13. Are you finding the Tarsacci relatively easy to use? Some say its very different? What's your take?
  14. Now that's the picture i wanted to see! An awesome wopper of a coin! Did you look it's value up yet!???
  15. Beginner's beach luck or not; I'm jealous!! I have yet to find anything that nice with all my hours of beach hunting!! Great find! Feel free to find some more!!???
  16. It creates such a strong magnetic field, you can ride it like a magic carpet!?‍♂️ ??
  17. I don't think anyone's "swinging" that coil, unless they are built like Hercules!!???
  18. Hey Jimmy, Thank's for the kind words! It was my pleasure to help facilitate your interaction with Paul, and his fantastic Compass collection! I'm so happy that he is able to put together one from his stable! I'm glad that you remember him from the old Compass forum! Life is definitely a circle, and i believe all thing's happen for a reason; both good and bad! I'm not giving up on your defeating your cancer! I think the power of the mind can do wonders, and any pastime that helps keep you occupied is a good thing! I can't wait to see the detector Paul set's up for you, and some finds with it!! Hang in there, you still have much to explore!???
  19. Hey Bill, I bought a new MXT Pro a month or so ago! I haven't got around to using it yet, because I've been using a new G2+ i got at the same time! I was wondering about your thoughts on it!??
  20. Welcome Us, Glad to have you! You will find much information here! Steve will probably move this to the Meet and Greet; that is where intro's are, and a list of the forum rules! That should get you started! Look forward to some posts and finds!??
  21. Welcome Bill, That was one heck of an intro! Sounds like you will have many stories to share, and much to teach us from your extensive employment experience! Glad you finally stepped into the forum! ??
  22. Boy, finding where to hunt legally at Rye Patch sounds about as complicated as trying to figure out detecting rules from state, to county, to city! If i ever get to get out there with you all, please make sure we are legal! Jail or bullets are not my idea of a fun trip!!???
  23. Larry, Sounds like you are going to be a perfect candidate for an AQ relic machine! Only problem is it's going to be at least a few years away before it is even built! But i know we have several hardcore relic hunters here that can steer you in the right direction! Too bad ML doesn't make a larger coil, since you know the Nox so well! You may want to look into sacrificing a coil, to get the chip out for one of the ones being made! There's a few threads on here about that on Phrunt's posts! I don't have any idea how much more depth they would get, but it may be worth looking into!??
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