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Everything posted by flakmagnet

  1. That was a really nice post Rick. You have a good prospector's writing style and your hunting style speaks for itself. Continued good luck (which translates to 'hard work and perseverance.' )
  2. That's funny Col. this is the single best video about how to set up the Equinox that I (and many others as well), have seen. I have recommended it multiple times to forums and to individuals since Dirtfishing first posted it. So, it will be an easy matter to use it with your explaination Thank you...
  3. Nice effort. I have done that same drive to GB from about the same area as you leave from. It's not for sissies. You have an interesting way of leaving super early I have never tried that. And no skunk - the good part.
  4. Is someone willing to give a step by step on how to do 3-tone? Thanks, it sounds interesting.
  5. I consider myself unbelievably fortunate to own two detectors that give me the ability to detect almost anywhere with success. (GPZ7000 and EQ800) Now to find the time.
  6. Is there a multifrequency potential in pulse induction technology?
  7. I think we all would love a lighter detector in the PI range. Don't think the technology would support a smaller package, but I am not knowledgeable about the size of the electronics needed to do what the 7000 does.
  8. That's a beautiful snake. My coil doesn't false sofar after about 200 hours.
  9. Or as an old-timer I knew once said; "...but that's fine gold, who wants fine gold?"
  10. Now that last story Reg I totally believe. Best...
  11. Reg, you are highly respected so it is with respect I put this out to you. Do you seriously think Minelab is secretly monitoring the gps built into the 7000? Do you believe the "there are those that believe the gps is monitored" that you refer to?
  12. Hi Wes, Yes I agree the 49'ers were beyond industrious. As you know just to drive along sections of rivers like the Yuba where they flumed long sections of it, took every rock out and stacked them beside on the banks so they could break open the cracks on the bottom, is eye-opening. It is hard to comprehend some of the work gold hunters everywhere put in.
  13. Maybe it is my background of gold detecting, but I am used to listening to and digging signals that turn out to be iron or iron stone etc. So, I keep my iron bias low on the Equinox, swing slowly and dig almost everything. It works just fine with the GPZ and the EQ. I do not mean to say I would do this in the kind of iron infested site some of you guys mention. It sounds like that does take another approach. fwiw.
  14. That Alaskan flume building is crazy. I thought the ditches they built in the Sierra's for doing the same thing were pretty incredible...I take it back.
  15. Hi Andy, You have plenty of credibility left. The variety of replies is interesting and encouraging as you mentioned. Your comments on the law of attraction are interesting. I am not sure where intuition fits into that but am a big believer in following your hunches - and being relaxed is a large component of that. I wish I could think of a good example from personal experience but you know what I mean. The Simulation Hypothesis you mentioned puts up a lot to get your head around...I don't have an opinion on it right now haha.
  16. You obviously are not a gold prospector. (Not a failing at all mind you) We have a saying that if you don't find any gold you "got the skunk." So for me - aside from Chuck's perfect "a good day starts when you get out of bed." - a good day is when you don't have the skunk visiting you. A good day is when you find some pieces that would not be called flakes or specks, and a great day is almost anything more that. I have had two outstanding days and perhaps that's for another time. One short saying I have: starting the hunt is the best part of the day because anything is possible. In the UK you folks seem to have days that I cannot even comprehend. Such beautiful coins and artifacts that they almost defy description. You probably know, but in case you don't, you are in an amazing location that most of us can only dream about. best...
  17. I agree with Steve and Chase. I trust the 11" coil because of what I have already found with it and the depth it gets. A little coil like that would make me impatient on a beach, so much sand to cover, such a tiny coil to do it right...
  18. Don't know if I could handle a lightweight 7000 coil. I'd probably fall over on my back. It'll be fun to see how these coils progress.
  19. Mitchel, One of the most amazing experiences of my life...and I am lucky enough to have had more than my share...was when I made the decision to get hearing aids. End of story.
  20. AU_Solitude, Why yes, I do have pictures of said nugget. It was a moment I never thought would come so when it did, I made sure to document it so that later in life when I thought it was a dream, I would have proof. No one would say this is a pretty nugget but beauty is in the eyes of the finder, right? Thanks for asking...
  21. sigh... I would love to see W. Australia...and yes Fred, Pilabra sounds pretty cool.
  22. Not many people who prospect, chronicle their adventures or have photo's to accompany the words. Your recollections reinforce an important component to the lure of hunting for gold. It takes time, curiosity, ingenuity and above all, patience. There are a lot of accomplished gold hunters looking over your shoulder as you take the time to share your experiences with us. I am sure we are all reliving some of our own dreams through your writing. Thanks.
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