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Are You OK Paul?


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I haven't heard anything about Paul after his surgery. Anyone have any updates?


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I slowed down on the codeine... Went out on my bicycle yesterday for a quick one mile ride... To see if I still could...

And today I stepped it up to the recumbent trike for 5 mile circle around east Truckee Heights.... Still kicking...
I feel 100 percent better...heart is staying in rhythm a little better.. My feet don't hurt Anymore!!!!
That is a major accomplishment...

I couldn't believe what Scott told me...
Sounded like Gomer Pyle....
He said, Well, Gollleye Paul, no wonder your feet hurt.... It's like trying to run a coal truck on Volkswagen tires..... He's just cruel!
My feet are size 13.....oh he means I'm so big....... Never mind..

I'm feeling good, already been out detecting last Saturday
>>in a Bear Toilet,
Seriously, I have never ever seen so much bear scat.... It was crazy.. Like every 50 feet Another big pile of Manzanita berry crap... Everytime I dislodged a rock and it made a noise behind me rolling down the hill.... I added a little scat to the 'toilet'.... Had a good lunch and got the heck outta there....

Thanks for asking about me...

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Was just going to post, from a PM he sent he`s as cheeky as, but you can see that from his post. With SSs golden eye on him he`s got no choice but be good.

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YES! Also to those felonious miscreants so called friends on here . Your efforts to track me to the golden eye patch have been thwarted. But coming back from my secret lair of metal detecting awesomeness. I found several of these little black boxes with beeping lights and antennas.
I put the boxes in hermetically sealed containers to run the trackers for fingerprints. Back at the SS CSI Garagemahal. The results came back. You know who you are. If it was'nt for me coating the underside of my rig with cooking spray and the Baja 500 road going to the patch. I would have never found these detecting tracking devices. Now I have my two guard dogs 24/7 on patrol. My trusty Scandinavian cheesehound. And my teacup Dingo. Be forewarned, your ankles will be a bloody mess of hanging skin and sinuew.

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I want my tracker back---i gonna tell them i want my money back if it fell off that easily......Chinese junk...hummmmph---


back to using hamburger and cheese bait......lolol



Oh....i was just tracking you so in case anything happened,,,,you know , like you were gone to long , or something ..i could come and check on you... purely the purist , pure motives mate! :rolleyes:

Yeah, that's it, that's the ticket,,,yeah,,,,,

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You know Paul can't track worth a darn.  He has to get out in the lead!


We were headed to a spot one day and Paul got behind me.  I let him pass and he was out of sight bouncing down that road in a couple of minutes.


He has no patience for tracking but on the other hand ... I dare anyone to keep up with him ... even when he is pulling a trailer!



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