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Why Can't I Get A Ferrite Ring For My GPZ 7000?

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The "iron dust" toroid ferrite that meets the general specs (mentioned in their white pages) of the ML ferrite used on the ZVT is a simple powder iron type and most likely is a -6 type.  The color usually gives the type away and the one used by ML is yellow.  A T106-6 is a 1" toroid.  A T80-6 is one that is .80" od.  So, if you know the approximate diameter of the one used by ML then if the OD is 1.5" then a T150-6 most likely would work.  

Like mentioned before, most likely, the ferrite won't be needed here in the US in most places.  Our soil conditions are generally nothing like those in Oz.  However, since anything is possible, there may be an isolated place or two where a ferrite might help. 


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Hey Fred,


   I actually got in touch with a few of my contacts at Minelab and the Ferrite Tubes are in fact still on backorder.  They are doing their best to get them in stock and out to customers and dealers that have requested them.  If for some reason I would happen to get another stock of them before you get yours, I will send you one.  


Rob Allison

Rob's Detector Sales

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OZ is a big gold field, and I think in percentage the area of saturated alkali soils that produces compared to the "normal" ground that produces, would be much the same as anywhere in the world. I suspect the "story" that OZ gold fields are different to others doesn`t take into consideration all the ground that isn`t "hot" that produces. But it adds to the romance of OZ gold I guess. It is a lot easier to cover ground that isn`t rugged and covered with grass, thus the "lure" of those open salt flats of WA OZ.


So while Minelab have probably distributed ferrites to OZ first, I suspect a lot will be like mine, "somewhere in the Toyota". I doubt they will be used by the majority of GPZ prospectors, in fact I haven`t depressed my fast track trigger for months, but this is my take.

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 I used the ferrite a few times and can honestly say I had no improvement with the Z ground balance. Generally where I am detecting the ground type can change significantly many times in very short distances. This is when the old antique GPX5000 had an advantage as far as ease of keeping proper ground balance.

 My Minelab dealer (Doc) sent the ferrite with out my requesting it. Didn't know what it was so I tried to eat it.

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On 8/4/2015 at 3:30 AM, Reg said:


The "iron dust" toroid ferrite that meets the general specs (mentioned in their white pages) of the ML ferrite used on the ZVT is a simple powder iron type and most likely is a -6 type.  The color usually gives the type away and the one used by ML is yellow.  A T106-6 is a 1" toroid.  A T80-6 is one that is .80" od.  So, if you know the approximate diameter of the one used by ML then if the OD is 1.5" then a T150-6 most likely would work.  

Like mentioned before, most likely, the ferrite won't be needed here in the US in most places.  Our soil conditions are generally nothing like those in Oz.  However, since anything is possible, there may be an isolated place or two where a ferrite might help. 


From the Minelab Knowledge Base Article at https://www.minelab.com/__files/f/254884/KBA_26-1 GPZ 7000 Tips for Better Ground Balance.pdf

"A ‘dust iron’ toroid suitable for the HF frequency band (e.g.1–30MHz with an initial permeability of between 6 and 10) has been carefully selected. It is recommended to use this specific Minelab accessory, only. Alternate ferrites may significantly degrade ground balance quality."

Note the words "recommended" and "may". Certainly a substitute can be found if someone wanted to make the effort. Like other here though I don't see putting much effort onto it as being worthwhile. Presumably the dam will break at Minelab soon and we will be flooded with ferrite rings.

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I was also kind of wondering just how big a difference the ring would make when used in the western united states, the ring is targeted as I understand for a very specific mineral content as found in a limited geologic reagin and as such seems counterintuitive if used in soil conditions of a different composition? If there is a need for something like this worldwide (and I'm not saying there is by any means) shouldn't it be formulated to match the targeted mineral content and then, this is really something IMO the detector does very well already without any outside interference by the operator. I just want one to hang on a string and wear it around my neck as a token to the Zed gods as I'm about wondering the hillsides, ferret ring warding off evil spirits...

I knew it was said in jest, but anyone with a pacemaker should not wear it around their neck. That goes for cell phones in your left front shirt pocket too.

Have fun with your ZED smoke rings... Lolol

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Hey Scott,


   That sucks.  I was able to get all my customers that requested them one, but I got in early on the Ferrite Rings when I heard about them.  I'm not real sure why Minelab or people closely affiliated with Minelab would write articles and such on them if they are not available in stock to supply each sale. You know it's going to cause a rush to get the "rings," and if they are not available why release the articles ..... 


Hey Rob you know me personally enough to mention me by name rather than "people closely affiliated with Minelab" so whats with the devils advocacy? I'm sure Minelab will supply when able and as Chris and a lot of others have mentioned its not absolutely necessary in all areas. I agree with everyone's frustration on the matter, just not the derisive manner in which I've been alluded too. I have no control over the release dates for content I create for Minelab.


BTW for those of you who do have a Ferrite, and feel the need to use one (you can tell when the ferrite balance is out if after a period of time in Auto mode you get a signal response off the ferrite before triggering the quick trak button), it is best to always place the ferrite on the ground each and every time you perform a ground balance. If the ground conditions are salty then to avoid the Auto mode from going out of whack place the detector in Manual mode and check the ground balance regularly with the ferrite or without, once again depending on your ground conditions.



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Hey JP,

Don't get your blood pressure up over what I wrote, it wasn't directed to anyone in particular. That being said, I'm not sure you understand the frustration from customers when someone writes about a product(s) that could play an important role in properly ground balancing their $10,000 detector. Once the articles (your's wasn't the only one) hit the forums and such, there was a mad rush for customers to get these items.

I was lucky enough to realize their was going to be a demand for the Ferrite Rings and rushed to get an early order of them along with a few other dealers. We were able to supply our customers early enough to eliminate some of the headaches.

Whether the "rings" play that important of a role in the US or on lesser mineralized soil conditions, it's more psychological. Some customer may believe their unit will not ground balance properly without the ring.

I'm just "feeling" for the guys that are still searching for one.

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Like I said Rob, I understand everyone's frustration and feel for them when they cannot access gear that is being talked about. I was of the understanding that the initial Ferrites sent out were directly proportional to what each dealer had sold at no cost, so am surprised you had to "order" them in. Maybe things were done differently in the US? Either way it is unacceptable that people are still waiting on gear for a product that is so high end.


Your wording came across to me as being a bit "shoot the messenger" hence my comments. Blood pressures fine now thanks. :)



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