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7005 Hits The Beach!

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Had a guy i work with call me asking if i would come to East Tahoe to detect for a ring one of his church members lost during a baptism Sunday.

He said he knew pretty well the area that it should be in-------- So i said what the heck, I have never had my detectors in the lake so I told him i would be there.

Well, I took out the trusty 7005 with all the "paulsmods"--- and walked down to the water---the sand was mainly decomposed granite and seemed have a low mineral content---

Using the 7005 with the '7500hz' concentric 'modded coil'--i set out into the cold, clear water of Tahoe.....it is amazingly clear.

I listened to where my friend said he thought it may be and i started walking gently up to my ........"quit it area" brrrrrrr......

I was in water as deep as i could go, without submerging the control box, as I started sweeping and within 15 feet i heard two targets at the same time a high and a med audio-- i was on 4 tone=--

My friend was using my handheld sand scoop to dive and dig ------ he was having a hard time digging because he would float up when he put pressure on the scoop---so we kinda scratched off that target as a training hole---

I began my grid of about 20 feet to the south and was amazed at how quiet the sand was--i was expecting way more trash targets-- i guess the 7005 had them all  discriminated out for me--(i haven't figured out all the settings go yet)

OK,.... i turned back north to the area i began and started my return sweep---kinda like mowing the lawn---when i got back to my starting point I hit the same targets i had hit at the beginning....

So i told my digger to go a little deeper with the scoop  this time,,,,-----and to make sure he did,,,,, i pushed down on his back as he was ("digging/bubbling and screaming for me to let  him up)

But alas..... we had the ring this time!!!!--- a beautiful Hawaiian handmade men's band weighing in at approximately 1/4 -1/2 ounce..... and it was the ring we were after!

The owner lives over in Dayton NV which is about 50- 60 miles away, but just happened to be in the area and he came rushing down to the beach when we texted him and told him we had found his wedding band---Man was he happy!!!

Some milestones for me today-

-First ring

-First water recovery

-First ring with the 7005

-First ring in Tahoe

-First time i ever tried beach hunting in the water

I like it !!!!!!

Please use your zoom--- i couldn't figure out how to blow it up....


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Good story!


Just another nice thing Paul does.

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When you come to OZ Paul, leave ya bloody 7005 home, can`t stand competition. :lol:

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