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A Little Ghost Towning In Nevada

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On 6/11/2020 at 12:15 PM, Steve Herschbach said:

Due to the above I was not paying attention, but next time you all have something similar coming up I will try to be more mindful and give it a go if at all possible.

Ditto from me, Monte.

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Excellent writeups by those in attendance.  I'm sure you hear this a lot (like all the 2,000,000 people who were in attendance for Hank Aaron's lifetime record breaking home run) but I was planning on attending this event, until life got put on hold by the pandemic.  Even here in the middle of June I don't know when I'll next be able to go away from my home area for a long expedition/hunt.  I hope you still do this next year and travel, group gatherings, etc. become safe again -- then I'll be able to put my feet where my mouth is.  (Hmmm, did that come out right?)  We metal detectorists are fortunate that by nature the hobby is a social distancing safe activity but camaraderie is also a fun and valuable component when conditions allow.

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18 hours ago, GB_Amateur said:

Excellent writeups by those in attendance.  I'm sure you hear this a lot (like all the 2,000,000 people who were in attendance for Hank Aaron's lifetime record breaking home run) but I was planning on attending this event, until life got put on hold by the pandemic.  Even here in the middle of June I don't know when I'll next be able to go away from my home area for a long expedition/hunt.  I hope you still do this next year and travel, group gatherings, etc. become safe again -- then I'll be able to put my feet where my mouth is.  (Hmmm, did that come out right?)  We metal detectorists are fortunate that by nature the hobby is a social distancing safe activity but camaraderie is also a fun and valuable component when conditions allow.

If possible we'll try to work in another WTHO this year as we have held two or more per year the past 5 years, but the virus sure messed things up for people.  Personally, I agree it is a bad virus, but so have been other virus forms we've dealt with.  Ten years ago the HiNi was down-played whereas this time I feel it's been a bit blown out of proportion in many ways>  It was due to politics tens years ago and politics now.  Yes, a bad bug, but, as with everything, life should go on.    It's us to us as individuals to use whatever level of caution we feel comfortable with.

None of it has stopped me or friends from getting out detecting as often as we have wanted to, and I can assure you I am not in the fittest of health and my immune system stinks.  I just try to do what's right and I always keep my hands washed.  We have averaged 17 to 25 people per Outing and it looked like we were going to have a record number of 30 to 35 people as of the first of February, then the virus hit.  Some folks couldn't make it but it was mostly due to limited $$$ coming in from loss of work, etc.

Since we started these in early 2015, we have had participants from: Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Idaho, Illinois, Kanas, Nevada, Oregon, Utah and Washington.  We wouldn't mind increasing the range of participants, and it HAD looked like we would have included New Mexico, Alaska, Michigan and  perhaps two other states represented if there hadn't been a pandemic declared.   Hopefully, you'll be able to attend one of the future Outings, and with any good leads we might even end up with one closer to where you live.


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1 hour ago, Monte said:

Hopefully, you'll be able to attend one of the future Outings, and with any good leads we might even end up with one closer to where you live.

I look forward to attending wherever it's held, but as typical, assuming conditions allow.  There are always tradeoffs, whether it's a decision to attend a (at least partly) social event with risk of infection or the choice of where to take up residence.  In the Eastern 2/3 of the USA we have different conditions than the Western 1/3.  For the most part, the naturally occurring gold is concentrated in the West, as are the accessible ghost towns.  It's just an extra day or two drive and the corresponding nights in hotels (assuming I can't 'impose' on friends and relatives along the way, which I've been able to do..., up until now, anway...  😏).

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