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Gold Jewelry Settings?


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       For gold jewelry, I wouldn't hunt a park, but, that's an answer to a different question. I'm sure you have your reasons to be that masochistic! ? If I were going to look for gold (including tiny gold) in a city park, I'd start with 2 Tylenol, then set my Equinox 800 in either Field 2 (the most sensitive to tiny gold except for the Gold modes) or Park 2. The Gold modes in a park would be way too much sensory overload IMO. I'd run 50 tones, recovery speed @6 or higher, and Iron bias F2 @ 6 for eliminating most bottle caps. I would start with the 11" coil. If the park was really polluted with trash, I may switch to the 6". Normally, I like to run in "all metal", but, in most parks around here, that just results in tonal fatigue in short order, so, I would discriminate out iron. 

        If you don't care about tiny gold, I'd also discriminate out 9 and below, and 20-21 to keep from digging zincs cents until I couldn't stand it anymore. Sometimes I just leave the 20-21 in, but, just ignore those numbers unless they're right on top the ground where i can just pop them. If your're just after gold and don't want to recover coins, you can kill everything over 24 too. 24-up is not likely a gold item, but, I've seen some big gold in that range, so, I reluctantly would dig them if they're a solid number. Gold items don't usually have a TID that jumps around. They're usually a real solid number......unless it a chain or mixed metal! Ignore sketchy targets at you own risk!  I like silver myself, so, I keep 22 and up and dig them all. In an old park I dig all deep targets regardless of number. For me, when I want gold, I go to the beach! Just be prepared to dig a ton of pull tabs and aluminum junk!

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You could use 5 tones and customize it the way you want and what you want to hear and find. If you want micro gold you can set the tone break there and adjust the tones. Or if you don't want micro gold set it so you don't hear foil. You could turn it into a 3 tone. For no foil you can also use 2 tone and set so you don't hear foil and dig everything else. Park 2 and Gold 1 & 2 are the hottest modes on gold. 

I don't see why it can't be a park hunter for gold. 

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The Nox is got a strange Target ID system.....a lot of nice  Jewelry comes in at the Hi foil Range .....so single digit  numbers are a pretty normal jewelry range with the Nox .

For best Results use no  Discrimination, other than Iron, regardless of the Detector your using.

Jewelry Park hunt tip.....Focus on the wide open parts of the park ....where people throw freebies/ balls / Horse play...... Less trashy.... and very likely some lost jewelry will be found.

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23 hours ago, Badger-NH said:

High frequencies are best for gold. Try running 20 or 40 kHz.

Then you lose all the other Multi IQ signal processing designed to enhance gold jewelry detection and iron bias filtering.  I would only do that if EMI is somehow keeping you from being able to hunt in Park 2, Field 2, or Gold modes.

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Good thread, nice to see a thread actually about detecting tips and tricks. ?

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11 hours ago, Tiftaaft said:

Good thread, nice to see a thread actually about detecting tips and tricks. ?

Welcome back, Tim!  You've been MIA for quite a while.  Hope you are getting out finding goodies that you can share (by photo) here.

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For me park hunting jewelry has very little to do with settings. It is not like looking for old coins where maximizing depth matters. For me it really just boils down to which target id range to dig.

1. All non-ferrous
2. All non-ferrous up to but not including zinc pennies (optional - notch quarters in)
3. All non-ferrous above a small aluminum cut- off point and up to but not including zinc pennies.

I often use option 2 with quarters notched in, and if I want to narrow it further I may only dig targets that deliver a single, tight target id number.

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