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New Nel And Cors 12x11 Coil Coming

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5 hours ago, Steve Herschbach said:

You ever try and weigh a coil on a scale and exclude the cable weight?

Short answer:  'yes'.  😁  But when the coil is attached you can't completely eliminate all of it.  That was probably your point.  But the manufacturers can, and I've done it when working on coils (after detaching the cable).

5 hours ago, Steve Herschbach said:

But if the assumption is all published weights are bogus anyway, then just don’t bother with weights at all, detectors or coils. It’s all just lies anyway.

There is another solution -- let the users do it.  I posted here over a year ago my coil weights.  Except for a couple people (Simon being one) it garnered a big yawn.  I interpreted that to mean a lot of (most?) people here don't really care, and I'm fine with that.  If I post something that just one person finds helpful then I sleep well.  We could do the same for detectors, but definitely need to say exactly what we're weighing.  I certainly prefer your "give me the weight of what I'm swinging" method and agree anything besides that is at best innaccurate and at worst misleading, even sometimes intentionally so.

5 hours ago, Steve Herschbach said:

I have been doing this too long, and it bugs me when people switch how things are done or defined.

Major pet peave of mine, and it didn't start with metal detectors and it won't end there.  What really P's me O is when an inferior way of doing things or saying them gets accepted.  'Inferior' means not as straightforward, not as accurate, not as meaningful,... the list goes on and on.  'Profile'?  WTF is that?

Sometimes it's just difference in the version of the English language (or other language for that matter) but way too often it's something petty, such as "aren't I clever -- I came up with a new word/term."  What they ought to be thinking is "aren't I stupid for making something straightforward into something confusing."

You've seen me rant on the misuse of 'alloy'.  Chemists and metallurgists have defined this plainly and succinctly for centuries but someone decides they need a way to say something so they bastardize the language out of laziness, vanity, or some other irrational motive.

Wikipedia isn't perfect, it's just better than any single human alive.  It has every scientific/engineering/literature/geography topic (you name it) covered.  I link to it all the time.  If you want to know what something means (and use it properly!!) then go there.  Or use Google and ask for spelling or definition or synonym, etc. if it's something simpler.  Take a little extra time?  Sure, but not much.  Same thing with linking to a site, including this one.  Is it worth it to help the reader understand and/or avoid confusion?  Yes.  Then it's worth doing.

Oh, we were talking about coil weights.  See what tangent you got me diverted onto?  Nevermind.  😁


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One of the first tests of the new Nel Fly coil ... for comparison, the 10.5 "standard Minelab X terra coil as well as the Nel Tornado coil are in the test...in a 6:21 minute...

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