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Throw Away Those Metal Detectors And Use A Bit Of Wire Instead

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I have heard of lots of findings here with rods..and there is no way someone could say it doesnt work.

Unless you expecting a false sense of reality of its capabilitly. 

Just like i know many who swore there detectores could locate Deep gold deposit with their metal detector.

I see no reason of comparing it to some metal detector that cost 1000s and 1000s of dollares. 

By far if people read the forum or others sites there is something behind them for a fact. 

Now everyone need to try it out for their self and see how they could use it effectly for there own. No need to be ignorant and then bashing something you didnt even tested it for a month straight. 

You buy a metal detector and spend years trying to find gold and many havent found their first piece. Does that mean that the metal detectors dont work ? 

Just need to test and test and learn what creates its effect and try to use it for your own mining experience. 


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Some time ago, I heard a story about a Siemens engineer somewhere in the Midwest who was tired of his job and wanted to make more money quickly. So, he and a few buddies decided to start a business in their spare time and announced they developed a device with which you could hear the voice of god. Within a few months they sold thousands of these devices to firm believers and made a few million dollars with it. It cost them their (real) jobs, but they could retire comfortably. As I said before, (some but not all) people are made to believe in mysterious things and create alternative realities without any desire to fact check. Even more, they get angry and upset if anyone questions their dogma's. Not to speak about politics here, but conspiracy theories and fact distortions are at an alarming rate. For me, it's all good and I enjoy reading these witchcraft stories at times.  

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Real or not , it sure gave us all something to think (and post) about ! 

My uncle used to use the "rods" , taught us kids too.

If someone finds a huge hunka with the rods , more power to ya and keep up the good work !

BUT , here I am with my Nox 800.

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Obviously this is an area where people still think this is an open question. Ok, let’s see how many are willing to step up and show their stuff. I’m going to use my contacts at UNR to see if I can get interest in yet another study. Something really definitive. There is harm being created here via outright fraud as far as I am concerned, and that makes it worth an up-to-date look. A grant can probably be found, and maybe willing subjects, though everyone disappears when given the chance to show their magic. But I am going to make at least a serious attempt to see if I can get the ball rolling on something. May take some time, but patience is one of my greatest strengths. I’ll let you all know how it goes, and if the time comes, I’ll be looking for volunteers.

It would be interesting to see how many LRL manufacturers would send their gear to be tested, would it not? It’s all dowsing. They say otherwise, so let’s see them prove it at a top earth sciences university. Seems to me they should fund the study if they genuinely believed their gear could actually work. But we all know how that would play, don’t we? This subject has bugged me long enough I am willing to donate my time and money if need be. I’m sure I can round up some like minded people to help. Stay tuned.

LRL at Geotech

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place a small gold needle in a large hay stack . dowsing vs metal detector.  and bet who wins. by the way i don't care if dowsing works it's inconsistent at best and it does not work. would the dowser even show up to the contest? not likely

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16 hours ago, Steve Herschbach said:

I could use dowsing rods and find lots of gold.  Because I know how to find gold, and I promise those rods will end up taking me right where I want them to. Who is leading who? Do not underestimate the power of the human subconscious.

It’s always anecdotal, and always fails on closer examination. That’s just an uncomfortable fact.


“Do not underestimate the power of the human subconscious.”

Good point, Steve. I think divining has more to do with influences from the subconscious mind than anything else. It even influences our conscious decision making without us even being aware of it:


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