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Quick Air Test Of GPX 6000


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On 2/12/2021 at 9:45 PM, Gold Catcher said:

Could be invisible with smoothing on. With smoothing off in HY/N I have picked up stuff so small that you can barely see it with your eye. So, I remain curious how much better the 14dd ultimately will be on tiny gold. So much depends on the settings on how you run the GPZ and conditions. Also, not many people pay attention to the really tiny gold with a GPZ. I do.

Your Settings on the 7 are pretty close to mine.  Smoothing OFF was my 1st year getting used to it and with some knowledge from my staff (who get in the field more often that I), Now I keep it off for most hunts.  This is not a do it all, everywhere suggestion, but for Rye Patch and a few of my other areas, it doesn't miss much.

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11 hours ago, araratgold said:

You say I am being negative, I say I am being a realist JP.

I have a nice selection of very expensive coils for our current GPX that just won't fit the new 6K, and a selection of X Coils for the ZED. I don't want to be locked into Minelab's limited coil offerings again.

$8K plus is just taking the Mickey as far as I am concerned ! Mine the miners !

I can see the appeal of this detector to new chums, who don't already have a heap of equipment.

PS Apologies to Goldcatcher who first put the chart on.


Rick,  You are too good of a gold prospector to not want one.  You and I both know Minelab is really the only brand left that continues to get us more gold. Sure there are a couple flash in the pants manufactures of a certain model that is good at a task or two, but the reality is most of us who are serious realize it's Minelab.

You own a GPX and GPZ, but if we go off of what you said about available coil selection for a GPX, then you could have just as easily did that with a 20+ yrs old SD-2100.

Your justification does have some merit.  When  you mentioning coils and coil selection, but I think you are missing a big part of the GPX-6000. Ergonomics, lighter weight, not being tethered to a detector, no headphone cord - Bluetooth wireless and to many people - User friendly.  Just these benefits alone are worth the investment to many people.  Any extra gold we find is a bonus.

I don't know any more than you about the SDC-2300 being discontinued soon, but I would certainly doubt it as their price point $3300 US, compact and waterproof are desired features the other machines do not offer.  I'll think it will be around for a few more years, or they would not have spent the money they recently did on the upgrades to it.

You'll own a GPX-6000 eventually as you have done the same upgrades to the other GPX and GPZ.  No worries though, as us prospectors get it in our blood and it's to tempting.  Yes some will hold out longer, but in the end..you'll bite...It just tastes to damn good not too.

Or, you hold out just to make a point and be carrying around 15 different coils and shafts for your GPX.  As most folks get older, we try to make live easier and less clutter.  Why you want to be different?

Bottom line....you'll bite...It just tastes to damn good not too.



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Gerry, your GPX pic "Says it all"! The decision process is easy peasy.



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1 minute ago, cobill said:

Gerry, your GPX pic "Says it all"!


You know,  I actually carried around about 8 different coils for a while. 

One of my own staff came on a trip with me a few years back and showed up with 11 different coils and rods.  Heck it took have the room in my truck backseat.

I'll stick with simplicity, lighter, newer technology and get more gold. 

I like the taste.

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Confidence and skills are wonderful things.  Add just a bit of luck and you have some fun!

Thanks JP.

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Gold Catcher

  I really don’t want to see the SDC go away being like you said so unique. I was in hopes we’d see another version like that military version we seen a short time back. At the same time have other coils you can exchange out and not change the outward appearance.

  I’d have to buy back into again just on the uniqueness.


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1 hour ago, Jonathan Porter said:

I see this a lot with detector releases, a new machine is touted at being able to do a specific thing and all the comments by others are focused around how their current detector can do “such and such so why go with the new?”. Pie charts and depth % figures just do not cut it in the real world and are so dependant on the user and many other variables.

This is why I hate seeing depth comparisons because all detectors are bound by the same laws. As an example I have dug many gold targets down to a depth of 3 feet, this is from the SD 2000 on through to the current day with the GPZ 7000, yet would any of you want to go back to a SD2000 to chase gold? I for one know I wouldn’t want to go down back down that path. ??

With new tech it’s often not about the ability to find a certain sized target that sells it, it’s about the consistency and ease of use in finding those targets in well worked areas. Minelab have a very strong track record of regularly producing detectors that continue to pull gold from the ground that all of us have done too death over and over again. Pulling ‘point ones’ might seem boring to some but at AU$7.50 a piece they all add up, I for sure will pick up a $10 bill if I see it blowing down the street.??

Pulling point ones over and over again can easily be done with the SDC, but the time you’ve invested in doing it is curtailed by the depth limitations of the tech, imagine better sensitivity whilst every swing of the coil could also bring you a bit better depth than the GPX5000? Suddenly your chances improve out of sight, the deep less frequent gold is in with a chance while you sniff out the little ones with ease.?

Below is a pic of a large specimen I found just prior to Xmas, it was in a well worked thrashed area that I’ve been frequenting since the VLF days. It was only at a depth of 33 inches, I’ve dug targets in this area at those depths with a variety of detectors since 1995, yet the 7000 still produce this one in between old dig holes, some of which were very recent!!

So if I say that I’ve found smaller gold weight specimens at similar depths with previous MPS machines does that discount the GPZ 7000’s abilities to punch deep too? At the end of the day there is a range of gold available to a certain depth that constrains us all, Minelab have been very good at producing more and more refined detectors that are good at sniffing out targets still within that range, the only limitation IMHO is our ability to imagine the potential, because none of us actually KNOW what’s still in the ground, thats the main driver for us to continue trying our luck isn’t it?

SG test shows approx 12 ounces 





I think in the end we all want the new tech.  We just don’t want to pay outrageous prices.  The GPZ was a massive upgrade and it doubled the price of what a gold detector would cost.  People saw the value.  Now we have something “inbetween” and are wondering if we should shell out another 6k.  Thats half the price of my car that I use every day!  If this was another above and beyond detector I don’t think we would be having as much discussion.  If Minelab would’ve advertised this as a 7500 people would not be questioning it as much and praising the upgrades.  But now people want to know, is it going to outperform the 7000 (and should we sell) or is it truly an inbetween detector?

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