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15” Coil Cable Wiggle Test


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I am not liking my EQ600 with 15” coil and am wondering if it’s just my brain is too attached to my CTX, or if something is wrong with the coil or detector. I am noticing that the coil cable is being sensed if moved when I’m detecting so I did this little video test that uses my car as a ferrous background/target. If I move the cable with it in the background it senses the movement. But if I do it in air, no detection of the cable.  I’ve never seen this discussed or tried before so don’t know what to think about it.


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When you move the cable while it's pointed at your car you are causing the coil to wiggle and pick up the metal in the car. If it was just the cable causing the problem, it would cause the detector to sound off when the cable was moved no matter what the coil was pointed at.

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I love my 15" coil

sometimes having the sensitivity up too high can cause the problem depending on the ground. I used the CTX for over 4years and changed because of aging muscles, however I'm not missing the CTX because the Nox is a great machine.

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This is my second - I had an 800 for over 8 months a couple years ago.  I’m trying to get a friend of mine to try it.  He uses an 800 and is happy with it.  Yesterday I was again trying my 600 with 15” at Laguna. This time I had the low latency Miccus headphones. I was still getting a lot of choppy audio - it seems a battle inside the machine on how to handle the intermittent black sand. Everything was a bunch of short cutoff blips.  Very hard to differentiate those caused by the black sand vs the very few targets that are there. Machine set for 50 tones but I’m hearing maybe 3. False targets are same volume as good ones. I have the sensitivity set down between 17-20.  Tried manual and tracking ground balance. Tried recovery speeds 1-3. Tried switching between beach 1 and 2. 2 has lower tones and different VIDs and misses some targets in wet sand.  Im really spoiled by the smooth setting on the CTX.  The EQ is just sending me junky audio that my brain is getting tired of processing. Sure, I could set sensitivity way down but that is not how others are running theirs at this beach.  

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27 minutes ago, bklein said:

Tried switching between beach 1 and 2. 2 has lower tones and different VIDs and misses some targets in wet sand.

The default tone settings (number, breakpoints, pitch, volume) for Beach 1 and Beach 2 are exactly the same by default and vdi’s for similar targets (e.g., nickels) are typically consistent across the board independent of the selected search mode.  So unless you changed settings manually from the defaults, this statement does not make sense.  Suggest you do a factory reset to get everything to the default settings and tweak from there.  You may have adjusted something inadvertently and that is why your Equinox is not behaving well at the beach unlike your buddies who seem to have no issues based on your statements.  

Sometimes a user just doesn’t click with a machine.  Maybe it’s just too complex or different than what you are used to (sparky and fast).  So sometimes it’s best to quit trying to find fault with your machine (which is a known good beach performer) if it is otherwise not defective and banging your head against the wall and just go back to the CTX you keep comparing it too and seem to like.  It does just fine at the beach, too.

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Just from the short video detecting your car, your Equinox sounds and acts like it is operating perfectly. Mine will do the same thing within 3 feet of any large piece of metal.

Default Beach 1 for most of the beach, dry or wet.  Default Beach 2 when Beach 1 becomes unstable or for use in the surf. If your beach has a lot of black magnetite or basalt sand you may want to hunt in 2 tones instead of 5 or especially 50. The same goes for if 50 tones is causing personal audio overload which sometimes happens to me. I often like to hunt beaches with nothing discriminated and -9 to +40 accepted. At some of the San Diego area beaches I have hunted, I had to reject a little bit of the iron range to deal with the black sand. I ended up hunting them with -3 or -4 to +40 accepted and used 2 tones.  I also owned a CTX for awhile. The tone lengths on the Equinox and CTX are very different no matter where you set the recovery speed on the Equinox since Equinox is a very high gain, very fast detector which comes remarkably close to XP Deus speeds and sensitivity considering it is an SMF detector. It will detect one millimeter sized targets even below the surface. It will never sound or operate like a CTX.

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