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Worst Find Ever

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I have been absent from posting any finds since before my neck surgery and probably won't be making any more. Before my surgery I was loosing strength and dexterity in my arms, legs and hands. After being submitted to every test, x ray and MRI everything pointed to my spinal column being compromised in my cervical spine, given that information, the decision was made to operate. After six weeks of recovery and two months of physical therapy and only getting worse, one more test. They had me do a Genetic test, the results came back positive for having the SOD 1 gene that causes  ALS. That is the final diagnosis and it is always fatal. I would like to thank everyone for their prayers and well wishes, I really appreciated that. I have met and made friends with a lot of great people in my quest for gold and wish that I could have met more of you. I will be lurking here on this forum and will be looking at your finds and reading your posts                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Happy Hunting   Norm

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I am so sad to hear this news and will keep praying for you to get better. My grandfather had a friend that passed from ALS several years ago and I know how he felt about that. We all here will greatly miss your input and knowledge, and wish you luck on this battle against your sickness. I believe that there is always hope when people pray, so I want you to know that we will be praying for you.


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All my best wishes Norm. Never give up! I work in healthcare and I can tell you that nothing can be predicted with absolute certainty.  Many times patients with a terminal disease live way longer and reasonably well than what was forecasted. It is actually not rare at all. I wish you strength for the days ahead!

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I am so sorry you got that diagnosis. My prayers are with you and your family. You never know what God might do for you.  

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