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GPX 17 Coil Commentary

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4 hours ago, Jonathan Porter said:

It was written tongue in cheek because I go through this crap fest every time a detector goes to the masses.? All of the things being complained about were brought up during field testing, but I’m just one voice and at some stage the detector had to be released. There’s always someone taking a pot shot with absolutely no clue what’s involved with testing or even having anything invested in what it is they are sniping about. ? It could be a cloudless sunny day and an argument would ensue about it being heavily overcast and night time!?

I should have known better and avoided responding, same schist different day!! ? 

All detectors are flawed, all detectors have their gremlins, all detectors could have been designed better. Don’t like it then vote with your dollar and buy something else or not at all I could care less anymore. ?



Anyone with half a brain knew you were being facetious.?

I enjoy any information that you give whether it’s positive or negative.  It helps people make informed decisions as well as provides great advice when using your equipment in the field. I guess the negativity from others comes from the jealousy that they do not get to test the equipment out before bringing it to the public.  One of the downsides for you but hopefully the upside of being able to test new equipment and give feedback is worth it.

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7 hours ago, afreakofnature said:

Anyone with half a brain knew you were being facetious.?

Bit F'n rude. Not everyone reads something the same way. 

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2 hours ago, Jonathan Porter said:

I just want to talk about detectors and gold

Hear, hear.  As I get older the more I distance myself from negativity. There is enough of that in the world. 

Phrunt and others find some negatives about their detectors or set-ups but they try to find solutions and then pass them on to us on the forum.  To those that constantly find the negative, perhaps provide some solutions along the way? 

55 minutes ago, Jin said:

Not everyone reads something the same way. 

I did get JP’s angle but you are right Jin. Unfortunately we can’t read ‘tone’.  After a lot of crap went down in my family via letters I remind my kids and friends of this often.  How we write something is almost certainly not how it will be read. 

Back on topic.  Personally I am very keen to get the 17” coil and for WA to open its borders to Victoria.  I’ve got a window of opportunity to get to WA until mid October before it will just get too hot.  Hoping Victoria can get the current outbreak under control or the fully vaccinated ‘COVID passport’ gives me a free pass. 
Be good to get a couple of outings in Victoria under my belt with the 17” before heading to the west. 

Best of luck to those heading out with a detector this weekend. Hopefully see some golden posts on here by Monday  ?

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Interesting but mainly ironic, Xcoil drama was brought about by negativity, and people believing they had a message in their negative barrow they push now boots have changed feet, me I'm a positive X coil user now a positive 6K user, both putting weight in the pocket. Seems the negativity was made with a supposed message in that negativity guess I'm walking down a barb wire fence with a leg on each side.

Your not wrong NE, negativity is not constructive mostly destructive. 

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Tried out the 17 inch coil  2 days ago  - only for 4 hours before rain set in.

First impressions

I was able to swing for 4 hours with no bungy cord without affecting my crook shoulder.

It appears to be as quiet as the 11 inch coil in area of high EMI and high mineralised ground.

Pinpointing was easier than i thought it would be.

The shaft did move a few times but i was in steep grassy area - would work better in flatter/easier country.

Only pinged on one buckshot pellet - the 11 inch coil constantly gives me about 10 pellets for the same time detecting so "may" not be as sensitive to very small targets.

Certainly can cover lots more ground.

Definitely need to swing it more to decide if it is worth the $528 AUD.

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Well I guess we can't be too down on Minelab, if it wasn't for them what would we be swinging? A Garrett ATX? Let's see the complaints about ergonomics and lack of coils then! Or perhaps a Whites TDI? We would still complain about lack of coils as I doubt all the aftermarket manufacturers would have popped up to make TDI coils, then we'd be sad White's collapsed and the detector was too gutless anyway.  Or perhaps a QED? Then we'd be sending it in for repairs all the time when it breaks or doesn't perform as intended and we'd still want better performance and all the things we've become accustomed to on modern detectors like not needing to manually ground balance instead having a quick trak or auto balancing and wireless and so on. 

We need Minelab and let's face it, they come out with some great gear, the best there is by far which is why virtually everyone uses their equipment.  There is always going to be something to complain about though, I just hope the complaints are more seen as constructive criticism to be taken onboard in the future products or upgrades when viable and not just a form of attack, that's all my complaints are ever meant to be and I'm sure most other peoples too.

Yes, they're not perfect and some mistakes seem so blatantly obvious you'd wonder how they could happen which is being discussed with some of these 6000 flaws, some things obviously fall on deaf ears or were noticed too late in the process although personally I'd always rather wait longer and get a better product, then you can bet people would be complaining about the extra wait too ? That's when good communication from the manufacturer comes in handy, but we won't get into that with Minelab will we? ?

I just hope the speaker issue on the 6000 is something that can be fixed and does get fixed, I've been saying since the start of my detecting time these Minelab high end gold machines need a speaker as that's what I'd personally want to use.  I'm a bit different as I can't stand headphones.  Maybe it's just how it has to be and that can't be helped but it would bother me looking down at the speaker knowing I don't want to use it worried about the side effects of it.

It seems the perfect opportunity to thank Minelab for the detectors that I love and also the people involved in making and testing them and bringing them to us.  Sometimes things can easily mistakenly be under appreciated.

Is my understanding of the 6000 coils correct that the 11" is bundle wound and the 17" is flat wound?

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I don’t seem to have a problem using the speaker, matter of fact it is all I use. I also extend out the coil to the max meaning to the red line on the shaft, and being its carbon fiber i crank down hard on the cam locks knowing It would take alot to break them (Plus I figure if I break them they’re still under warranty for three years LOL so why not give it a shot). The further the coil is away from the speaker probably reduces EMI?  I only run my speaker at like one or two on the volume because it’s plenty loud enough. I’m going to do a write up here soon I just got a find a time to do it.  People just need to realize that this is an SDC type of threshold. It’s not an Equinox type of threshold.

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