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Who Has Had Issues With Their Gpx 6000?

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Shush, quiet mate, or we will have all these yank prospectors setting sail for the land downunder. Be warned. Our immigration thugs will not roll out the welcome mat but will lock you up on some God forsaken island forever and feed you on gruel. The welcome mat was thrown on a bonfire some time back.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am curious to see if anyone has gotten the “I can’t use my built-in (“in-built” for you Bruces and Sheilas) speaker with this $6000 detector” fixed by sending it in for repair. As a former industry pro it would be extremely satisfying to be able to flip the tables and become the squeaky wheel customer. But my guess is it’s a design flaw with the circuit.

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  • 2 months later...
On 10/16/2021 at 10:01 AM, Gerry in Idaho said:

As a dealer who sells them and tries to keep up with my customers, I've had a few with issues and would say it is more than the norm.  No excuse at all but I would guess they are having the same issues we are here in the US for keeping people at work.  Just imagine the demand for a new product and at the same time so many people don't want to work don't want to be about anyone and then the Covid protocol kicks in and if someone tests positive, every person around them is sent home.  The reality is there are issues with many companies and products right now.  I would expect this to go on for another 6 months.

My issues with the GPX-6000. 

1) It finds gold so easy, I have to bend over more than I did with the other PI's and that's not good on my bad back I got from swinging a GPZ-7000 for so long.

2) It finds smaller nuggets so easy, I have to actually wear my glasses and filter the dirt.  Now I have to carry glasses.

3) It's so much lighter in weight and better ergonomics, I find myself detecting longer hours and finding more pieces of gold.  You would think this is great, until you realize you didn't get time to relax and have a beer or shot of whiskey with your comrades.

4) I'm finding smaller nuggets with this PI than any other before and sometimes I easily lose them before I get back to the truck.   It pisses me off when I admit (easy come - easy go).

5) I find the external speaker works so well and is so loud I just assume the target is near the surface and then find out it's actually deeper.

6) The detector is so compact, it gets lost in my camper.  Heck I even lost it in my truck one time and actually drove back home thinking I forgot to pack it.  I'm wasting precious time trying to find it.  In days past, the GPZ-7000 would take up the whole passenger seat or half the bed in my trailer.  No more with the 6000, but I might put one of those beepers on it and keep the fob with me.  I lost full size F-350 long bed 4 dr super duty truck one time in a parking lot.  That beeping fob saved my ass.

7) The simplicity of the GPX-6000 is boring my brain.  Who the hell sells a $6000 detector and all you pretty much have to do it hit the power button and a couple others.  How can my brain grasp something I have no control?

? Not wearing a big bulky harness anymore is not what I expected.  Now I have nowhere to pack my pick and I have no bungee to get in a fight with each time I bend over.

9) The cost of coils and battery is not inline with a $6000 detector.  A GPX-5000 battery is $441 and this is only $165.  A GPZ-7000 coil is $1000+ and this is less than $400.  How is a dealer supposed to make a living selling accessories.

10) The amount of gold nuggets my customers are finding is the best Success of any high end gold machine in many years.  Now I am getting accused of planting gold and taking pictures of the same gold over and over.  

I'm a Karma guy, just saying.

Minelab,  You ever pull this shit again and I'm done buying detectors.  You could go out of business, me too.

6 Month Bump:

Issues with the GPX-6000. "The reality is there are issues with many companies and products right now.  I would expect this to go on for another 6 months"

I am wondering if there has been any noticeable change for the better regarding the aforementioned quality control issues of the GPX-6000?



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40 minutes ago, BMc said:

Issues with the GPX-6000. "The reality is there are issues with many companies and products right now.  I would expect this to go on for another 6 months"

I am wondering if there has been any noticeable change for the better regarding the aforementioned quality control issues of the GPX-6000?


I'll be in a position in a week or two, to provide a fresh-start view on the 6000's reliability when I pick mine up. I will give mine an instant run for a few hours prior to taking it home, just in case its a 'dud', I can take it straight back to the dealer. Fingers crossed!

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1 hour ago, Aureous said:

I'll be in a position in a week or two, to provide a fresh-start view on the 6000's reliability when I pick mine up. I will give mine an instant run for a few hours prior to taking it home, just in case its a 'dud', I can take it straight back to the dealer. Fingers crossed!

Thank you Sir! You are a brave soul indeed, I am hoping for the best! 

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2 hours ago, Aureous said:

I'll be in a position in a week or two, to provide a fresh-start view on the 6000's reliability when I pick mine up. I will give mine an instant run for a few hours prior to taking it home, just in case its a 'dud', I can take it straight back to the dealer. Fingers crossed!

Aye I look forward to your review, reckon you`ll have no troubles but be amazed at the depth you`ll get scraps.

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I hesitate to post this because I know it'll mostly be written off as bad detecting practice, especially since no one else has seemed to have this issue. But I feel there is something randomly happening with my 6000. Now that I've used it quite lot, I've noticed that the CPU seems to be getting bogged down occasionally, like it's running too much at once with Geosense. I run in Auto+ mostly, the setting where I'd guess the most CPU intensive load is occuring due to ground/EMI/audio processing in the background plus the target processing.

The reason I noticed it is because I'm tossing a crazy number of targets out of my scoop. I can't even count how many times I've run my scoop twice over the front and back of the coil, had no target sound at all, and then tossed the scoop. Just to find no target in my hand either. I can only recall this happening a small handful of times with my 4500 or 7000 during the many years I ran them, but I'd estimate I've done it easily 20 or 30 times with the 6000 already. Further, it doesn't just happen with small nuggets like on the 4500/7000, but with bigger stuff too.

It also happens during pinpointing far, far more often than on previous machines. Something I wonder if might be happening in cases like Brogansown's post discussing halo effect. And again, not just with tiny targets where it might be expected to lose a target because I thought it was on the front winding but really was on the back winding.

Sometimes it'll sound off, but then disappear on the back swipe over the coil. And then not be there for a few iterations, then show back up again. I'm positive the dirt/target isn't moving or shifting in my scoop. It's the machine itself "hiccuping" is what it feels like to me.

I'm pretty sure it has to do with speed. As it almost never happens when I run the scoop slowly. It's totally random though, same speed and same target will be heard one time and then not another. 

I thought it might just be a problem with my 6000, but a friend noticed the tossing targets from his scoop thing as well. I redetected some spots and sure enough I had some screaming targets left right in my footprints and by dig holes. Sure, I could have missed them originally, but that many targets and that loud, very unlikely in my mind. When I redetected my spots with the 4500/7000, I'd very rarely to never leave any screamer or glaringly obvious targets, mostly just faint ones or the type that sound better in one direction than the other. Not the case with the 6000.

The 6000's main strength to me is as a "fast" prospecting exploration machine. So, swinging faster than if I was gridding is a necessity to me, it's a big reason I bought the 6000. 

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