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Theres Something About Gary


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Just watched part of Gary's video, and couldn't help noticing how well he nailed the screen on the Deus. ? That's good enough for me.

I'm pretty sure I for one could be a good content creator or a good detectorist, but not both, I think one suffers from the influence of the other, and time.

I have created content in my lifetime, albeit not for the current consumer, I used older technology from black and white video cameras in the 70s to digital in the late 90s. Heck I was one of the first to use digital cameras and processing to save bad wedding photography! ?

I find that it takes hours and hours to produce minutes, a pursuit I find wasteful when I could be out detecting - just like I say about eating - it's 30 minutes I could be doing something else. I feel kinda sorry sometimes for those who do this for a living, but don't envy them their income from it. ?

Loren, what bothers me the most is your intent. I like some of the concepts you put forth, but think your fate is sealed in a way you might not appreciate. I'm pretty sure standing on this soapbox is intended to be "seen" by the companies that also read this forum in particular for the top-notch views and shared ideas. Again I say good luck with that. ? You did let out one little bit of info, you don't own a car. I wonder how you do any detecting then. Seriously?

I put together a bit of everything as is my talent from years and years of years and years, and I like my cobbled analogy of myself, a  'bumbling idiot with a selfie stick'. ? It's precisely what my intent is, I'm on this forum to show what I find which is arguably as good as the next guy, I enjoy telling stories and finding history. I also provide a noobs' perspective unafraid of being ripped for it. I don't 'get' your presence here at all. It's a chronicle of my detecting life thus far, and thankfully Steve hasn't shut me off. ?

You offer no qualifications, no background, no experience, nothing but quips that take a stance. What is your intent here? You showed up when the first Deus 2 info started coming out, attempting to get people to notice you, and unfortunately they have. "Loren" is a clever androgynous name, I'll give you that.

You'd save yourself if you back up and back... ground. ? Been hinting at that for a while now.

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20 minutes ago, strick said:

This was starting out as a good topic too bad it veered the wrong way. 

Yes.  And I'm not especially proud about weighing in and perpetuating the negative turn that this topic has taken.  

Anyway, good reminder about the block function.  It is a convenient forum tool that helps keep things in check when you simply have a perpetual difference of opinion with any member of the forum yet it enables any forum member the freedom to continue to speak their mind as long as the rules of forum decorum are maintained.

But let's also be careful to avoid the blood in the water syndrome that can occur in such venues when someone's opinion or style clashes with multiple members.  Let's not assume that the majority opinion rules here, that is a trap that has consumed other forums and the line is sometimes blurry enough that we may not readily see that we have crossed it before it is too late.

We may disagree with others, but let's respect all our members' points of view by treating them with civility.

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If anyone on here takes the time to watch both of Gary’s Dowsing videos (it’s okay you won’t grow horns or start seeing leprechauns) you will learn the importance of dowsing as a part of his modern metal detecting life. Instead of assuming you know what dowsing means to him, just watch. Otherwise stuff it. 

By the way, sometimes when gold prospecting, I’ll flip my small copper dowsing rods upside down, while strapped into my GPX5000 in one hand and my pick in the other and stick the dowsing rods in each nostril and have at it. Works too.

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I stayed out of this thread when it went south, but it seems there have been a few new people (or maybe the same person) pop up in here lately and try to start some drama for whatever reason. We often disagree about things, but usually maintain certain level of mutal respect. The fact that this is a drama-free zone is what separates this forum from the rest. I'm glad to see that can be maintained when necessary.


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Loren if you're still watching ...I have no way of knowing it now now.... but maybe I will unblock you you in the future.. never been a fan of censorship...One bit of advice on these forums is never hijack another guy's thread it's just poor form... There are other places you can go and do that. Best to start your own topic like you did with the creator content topic..


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After watching Gary’s latest video, I commented on it and how highly we regard  him , and how anxious I am to have my Deus II. Then I shamelessly asked if he thought they’d be in the states within the month of January. He thanked me for my support but told me sorry, but he knows nothing related to sales and shipments. 
  He always replies to comments- he’s just a class act. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
5 hours ago, Gary XP said:

Thanks guys, I'm lurking if you need any help.

Welcome to the forum Gary. Although you’ve been a member for many years, I never really clued in it was you. I really do think your videos are great, and I’m a harsh critic of most videos. Very much looking forward to my Deus 2 also. I have to admit my first two Deus never were a real fit for me, but looks like a good chance I’ll finally be permanently on board with XP due to Deus 2. What a nice surprise for 2022. :smile:

Any chance of a 6x10 coil someday? Or 11x13?

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Welcome, Gary. I see version 0.6 is ready, and hopefully helps get more units out to us impatient Americans. My question to you Gary, the recent shipping status update said the units coming have version 0.6 installed, so it should not need the software update, is that correct?  Only the units shipped prior to the  version 0.6 notice need to be updated?   

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