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Why I Tend Not To Post My Finds

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I tend to agree with you Cipher, tuff call sometimes, but these things would not be found if not for you or others in the same circumstances. Perhaps if something is of incredible historic value something could be worked out with a Museum or authorities.  Good luck with your finds. 

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It is, and in the end everything will find its place. We just don’t like anything that reflects poorly on us or our hobby. Those of us who stick with this are good people who provide valuable services to the public. We rescue history, we put recyclable metals back in circulation, we clean up bodies of water, parks and playgrounds where someone could step on something and children could stumble into dangerous items. Where we can, we return valuable property back to their owners when we could just as well keep them. There’s an integrity within us that gets more joy out of reuniting someone with something they lost. There are some bad apples out there for sure, but they tend not to frequent metal detecting forums and lose interest in a hobby that requires attributes they don’t have. 

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Cipher, the title of your post is : "Why I Tend Not To Post My Finds "    But what you are talking about, would only happen if you paraded cool historic finds in front of purist archie types.   And only then-so, if you're telling where you found the stuff.  What you are talking about does not happen on md'ing forums like this.


Many of us post our show & tell on md'ing forums ALL THE TIME.   And no one gets in touch with us saying : "You should donate that, blah blah"  


So I think what you meant is, that you don't do your show & tell to purist museum archie type people.  Right ?


And actually, most museums these days do not even say those things.  They are OVERWHELMED with donations, from sincere well-meaning citizens.   And unless you had something phenomenal (George Washington's personal wrist-watch), no one is going to be saying those things.   About the only people that would say those things, are purist archies.  And those types are NOT hanging out on md'ing forums !    ?


So:  Post away !  Let's see you're bragging rights  ?

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Ahh the illustrious whiskbroom and dustpan  crowd beware of those SOBS.Not only do they have the opinion that they own it all they also feel that only their  fraternity has the expertise and right to dig it.

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All of the landowners who let me hunt their property are grateful I don't get any one else involved in what I find, I never tell where I post my finds. Not many where I live are really interested in this type of hunting. ? A few stop and ask if I'm finding anything but my stock answer is not much, and that any detectorist would be reluctant to tell them anyway. Might as well be honest in that regard.

Were I to find anything spectacular on any of these properties I'd like to think I would be honest enough to share it with the landowner and go with whatever they decide of its fate. So far I've only found things of casual interest, certainly not George Washington's 9-iron. ? After seeing what most of the stuff I dug is worth, it isn't an issue at all. Guess I'll enjoy it while I can.

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19 minutes ago, Tom_in_CA said:

Cipher, the title of your post is : "Why I Tend Not To Post My Finds "    But what you are talking about, would only happen if you paraded cool historic finds in front of purist archie types.   And only then-so, if you're telling where you found the stuff.  What you are talking about does not happen on md'ing forums like this.


Many of us post our show & tell on md'ing forums ALL THE TIME.   And no one gets in touch with us saying : "You should donate that, blah blah"  


So I think what you meant is, that you don't do your show & tell to purist museum archie type people.  Right ?


And actually, most museums these days do not even say those things.  They are OVERWHELMED with donations, from sincere well-meaning citizens.   And unless you had something phenomenal (George Washington's personal wrist-watch), no one is going to be saying those things.   About the only people that would say those things, are purist archies.  And those types are NOT hanging out on md'ing forums !    ?


So:  Post away !  Let's see you're bragging rights  ?

tom! you can talk a 'snake" back into it's hole!  ehe! heh !he! 


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As a beachhunter I have found some very valuable finds over the years. I wouldn't say anything was of historical significance. I only recently started taking pictures of some finds about 8 years ago. Never did I think of pics , let alone carrying around a camera some 40 years ago. Have only posted a few finds here and there because it was the cool thing to do , others did it and confirmed some sort of legitimacy. An old timer told me about 4 years ago , NEVER post any finds. And we went into depth about this... So I had a couple friends I hunted with that I would share some pics with. Also found some nice gold in front of them when they didn't find any. It got to a certain point where they were demanding to see everything. I had been scammed before on some returns I did and found this a bit odd.

So one time I tested them by basically sending them a stock pic of something. Sure enough they were doing image searches on all my photos. Then I would get " I know who lost that" or be contacted by a stranger they say lost it and will give me a token reward. All sorts of BS. Well , it backfired on them as they both got set up and are now my ex-friends.

I say do what you want with your finds. Historical or not , you paid the dues. No one else. But I am still gun shy on posting finds. HH

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If you find a special find and want to keep it, then keep it and let those decide that inherit it what to do. Remember it has already been out of circulation for a long time before you found it.

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     I've had relatives of permission granters follow me around,hurl many hints they'd like me finds! Although annoying if land owner and I didn't agree to terms it's an uphill battle for the succubus! 

    I've gave many things to these succubuses to though if I think they are truly interested in the history! My thoughts are any object like jewelry,rings or anything with absolute ties/writing/links to family its theirs no question without asking as I feel it's honorable and right! All else is mine and I can't be bullied! 

     I have detecting cards with this on it I hand out to anyone I ask as well. You know leave yard as i found it,remove trash,have respect,return all things directly tied to household/family and "show all finds" that one is a at my discretion.lol and I'm willing to negotiate and I would detect to hand over all finds if i had hope of epic!

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