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GPX 5000 As A Coin And Jewelry Detector Or The New Garrett Axiom In High Emi Environments

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So I've recently started using my GPX 5000 as a coin and jewellery detector, I've been using the Coiltek 11" Anti Interference coil on it, this coil is fantastic for the job, the most stable threshold you'll ever hear on a GPX, although sadly the coil is now discontinued, Detech make a similar coil though but I know nothing about their version and if it works as well.

At the moment I'm considering an Axiom as I'm sure quite a few others are too, the main focus so far on the detector has been prospecting so it's time to find out how it goes as a coin and jewellery detector, and of course relics for those lucky enough to live in a place that has relics.

With my coin and jewellery spots there is always a lot of EMI around as obviously where you hunt these things are places with heavy human occupation.  The other places I'd use it are at beaches which around here especially popular beaches where the finds could be made generally have houses all around them so many sources of EMI.

An example of how good the Coiltek AI is on my GPX under some high voltage power lines

And another video showing the Coiltek AI coil being used inside my house, a crazy high EMI environment showing just how well it handles EMI

This is the question, how well is the Axiom going to compete with this? Is it naturally good with EMI with a DD coil?  Being a detector with no protective chips to prevent aftermarket coils perhaps manufacturers would be able to make AI coils for it too? I would think Detech would be one of the first to take on coils for the Axiom and seeing they make AI coils already it might end up possible.  These videos were filmed using my old Aussie made ratty GPX 4500, my GPX 5000 is much more stable although I can't really complain how well the 4500 works with the AI coil, the 5000 is even better.  I didn't own the 5000 when I took the video.

I guess for the answers to my questions it's going to take time for people to have the Axiom in their hands but with a few on order already from people giving up their GPX 6000 due to it's EMI problems as they hunt in high EMI environments I'm sure it won't be long and a few friendly helpful users will give me the advice I'm chasing ?


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  • The title was changed to GPX 5000 As A Coin And Jewllery Detector Or The New Garrett Axiom In High Emi Environments

I have no idea how the Axiom with DD coils can handle EMI. Maybe a tester will be able to do something like I am describing here.

I was able to run my GPX 5000 inside my house using the stock 11" DD coil with the GPX 5000 on Cancel. I had to turn down the gain below factory default but it was doable for testing of coin/jewelry and relic tone identification. I was also able to run my GPX 6000 using the 14" DD coil in the same spot inside my house using Normal or Difficult especially in Salt. Sensitivity was okay up to Manual 4. Absolutely impossible to run any mono coil on the GPX 5000 inside my house. 11" mono and GPX 6000 inside my house.....OMG!

The GPX 6000 14" DD coil worked great for me. I just needed a small DD coil and I am not going to wait for years to see if one ever happens.


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The 5000 should hit hard on those 3 pence silvers you find. I can usually tell coins by the sharp, fast up and down response on a coin like target. It's like a hiccup. Very fast up and down. I have the 14" Coiltek AI coil for it and I love it for EMI mitigation. Just recently did I  realize the depth response was better than I gave it credit for previously. I would be shocked if the Axiom could be as quiet as an AI coil, just by using their stock DD coil. If it was, that would be amazing (if it didn't lose depth). But if it accepts GPX coils, that adds another level of liking the machine and if someone manufactures an AI coil for it, that should seal the deal for many people wanting a lighter (by about 2 lbs) detector. It will be interesting to see how it turns out.

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At the moment my concern is the aftermarket manufacturers may not want to take on making coils for it, I hope Detech might but Coiltek and Nugget Finder are in bed with Minelab, if they started making coils for another brand that may not go down too well.  As for other brands they would rather wait and see what the uptake on the detector is, if it's quite small it's not even viable for the big expense of producing coils for it, it would also need decent uptake in countries outside of USA to make it worth while too, especially Australia or Africa and the Middle East.

Other brands like Nel that makes aftermarket coils have traditionally only made VLF coils so I doubt they'd be interested, although they've got enough to worry about at the moment without investigating coils for other detectors, they still haven't released their Garrett 24k coils they said were coming, but they do have a good excuse, hopefully they reach the market some day.

Detech would be a good one as they make DD, Mono and Anti Interference coils for Minelab GPX's, so if they make coils for the Garrett that would be fantastic.

The Axiom wins hands down over the clunky old GPX 5000 for being a detector that would be nice to swing in this situation, virtually like swinging a VLF, hopefully the DD's for it are good at EMI mitigation as most places I'd want to use it outside of prospecting for coins and jewellery are in very urban areas with very bad EMI for a PI.

I've never been much of a fan of Cancel, it seems to cancel performance too ? The AI coils you just run in DD mode so they lose very little performance, so similar to just using a DD but better EMI handling.

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1 hour ago, Steve Herschbach said:

For sheer number of coils and settings options, hard to beat a 5000 for sheer versatility.

I hope that can change, well the coils anyway ?


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My hats off and I bow down to schoolofhardNox, I could never walk on a beach with a PI. The trash digging would kill me. I used to do it, but the switch flipped when I turned 57. 
Yesterday, I identified over 50 ferrous targets. With my soft collapsing sand right now I would be lucky to get each target out in a minute. That would of been an extra hour alone in digging yesterday.  

That is a beach service I can not provide!  Going to have to stick with VLF and admire the brave PI souls from the sidelines! ?

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This is kind of more a question along with my way of thinking from an ex coinshooter (25yrs coins/5 yrs now nuggets).  Not a big fan of PI's even in the gold fields just because of the trash aspect but use them and they do have their place. You only have x amount of time in the field you have to manage wisely.  IMO...using a PI and the "dig it all" approach is a waste of precious time if coin shooting.  You have 2 of the best machines out there ...CTX/Nox with the ability to give you fairly accurate info in regard to trash or treasure?  Use those abilities and IMO trash to treasure ratio improve?  I swung Tesoro's for 22yrs (Golden sabre II, Tejon) and was pretty happy.....THEN I bought an Etrac and because of all the fairly accurate info my trash/ treasure ratio completely did a 180 and the old coins really showed up... a lot less trash.  So the Tejon gave me the depth the GSII didn't have but the Tejon lacked the added info the Etrac gives that helps make the decision to walk or dig (time saver)?  I probably put time management as a major priority in my everyday hunting be it coins or gold.  I see digging trash as something I try so hard to avoid.

Just my points of view above so back to the question part of why would you want to use a PI for coinshooting when you have two of the best shooters made already????

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