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GPX 5000 As A Coin And Jewelry Detector Or The New Garrett Axiom In High Emi Environments

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Trash isn't such a problem for me, my beaches I detect I'm more likely to find a coin than a bit of trash, my fields are similar, iron just rarely exists, alloy cans and slaw exist but you've got to dig that with any detector if you're after gold.  Even prospecting I rarely encounter any iron, probably more likely to find a nugget than I am a nail.   I can walk a mile up a beach and back and not even find a target.  This beach is right near the city center of the second biggest city on the South Island where I live. 



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3 hours ago, oneguy said:

Αυτή είναι κάπως περισσότερο μια ερώτηση μαζί με τον τρόπο σκέψης μου από έναν πρώην coinshooter (25 χρόνια νομίσματα/5 χρόνια τώρα ψήγματα). Δεν είμαι μεγάλος οπαδός των PI ακόμα και στα πεδία χρυσού μόνο και μόνο λόγω της πτυχής των σκουπιδιών, αλλά χρησιμοποιήστε τα και έχουν τη θέση τους. Έχετε μόνο x χρόνο στο πεδίο που πρέπει να διαχειριστείτε με σύνεση. Ο ΙΜΟ... η χρήση ενός PI και η προσέγγιση "σκάψτε τα όλα" είναι χάσιμο πολύτιμου χρόνου για τη λήψη νομισμάτων. Έχετε 2 από τα καλύτερα μηχανήματα εκεί έξω ...CTX/Nox με τη δυνατότητα να σας δίνουν αρκετά ακριβείς πληροφορίες σχετικά με τα σκουπίδια ή τον θησαυρό; Χρησιμοποιήστε αυτές τις ικανότητες και βελτιώνεται η αναλογία σκουπιδιών του IMO προς θησαυρό; Κούνησα το Tesoro's για 22 χρόνια (Golden sabre II, Tejon) και έμεινα πολύ χαρούμενος.....ΤΟΤΕ αγόρασα ένα Etrac και λόγω όλων των αρκετά ακριβών πληροφοριών η αναλογία σκουπιδιών/θησαυρού μου έγινε εντελώς 180 και τα παλιά νομίσματα εμφανίστηκαν πραγματικά ... πολύ λιγότερα σκουπίδια. Έτσι, το Tejon μου έδωσε το βάθος που δεν είχε το GSII, αλλά το Tejon δεν είχε τις πρόσθετες πληροφορίες που δίνει το Etrac που βοηθούν στη λήψη της απόφασης να περπατήσω ή να σκάψω (εξοικονόμηση χρόνου); Μάλλον βάζω τη διαχείριση του χρόνου ως βασική προτεραιότητα στο καθημερινό μου κυνήγι είτε είναι νομίσματα είτε χρυσός. Βλέπω το σκάψιμο σκουπιδιών ως κάτι που προσπαθώ τόσο σκληρά να αποφύγω.

Απλώς οι απόψεις μου παραπάνω, οπότε πίσω στο ερώτημα γιατί θα θέλατε να χρησιμοποιήσετε ένα PI για σκοποβολή νομισμάτων όταν έχετε ήδη φτιάξει δύο από τα καλύτερα σουτέρ;;;;

unfortunately vlf detectors miss many valuable targets even at shallow depths due to many factors.... I've experimented several times with a vlf scanning a point of interest and after digging up all the targets the vlf could read I came back to the same spot with the GPX5000 and was really disappointed with how many good targets the vlf left behind. Sure using vlf to find coins is relaxing and fun but unfortunately there are big losses of the desired targets... also an experienced gpx operator will use a 10*5 dd coil in places where there is trash and make a comfortable and proper survey...

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I see your point....  I just have a real hard time trying to imagine higher traffic areas (higher traffic, more coins) without all the trash that usually follows?   I almost always did much better on quantity and also quality (old) coins by heading right into the downtown oldest heart of the nearest big city nearest the railroad tracks usually.  No avoiding trash unless you stumble onto a downtown permission on a private house that just "MIGHT" be semi clean of trash...it has happened but rarely.  JMO's

carry on and good luck

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I guess people here lose stuff, but don't intentionally throw rubbish on the ground and take pride in the place having as little litter as possible, unfortunately tourists aren't so easy to educate but if there generally isn't rubbish all over the place people are less included to throw theirs down.  If someone saw someone throw a bit of rubbish down it's highly likely they'd get confronted about it and told to pick up their rubbish.

There are also laws, Queenstown Lakes District Council has an an instant $100 fine for littering, and even dropping a cigarette butt, apple core or lolly paper qualifies.

Obviously people aren't perfect, and rubbish does get thrown down, but not terrible amounts like in some places.

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There are two things to consider:
  A PI detectorist's ears are part of the detector and he doesn't mind digging all the holes. The VLF pros talk about time and unnecessary fatigue and can understand them, but if you want results you have to give yourself the means, therefore PI.

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It sounds to me overall the Axiom is going to be the best overall detector for coin and jewellery hunters that use a PI so long as it gets a good range of coils made for it, including Anti Interference coils if it can run them, I don't see why not.

Certainly ergonomically it's the better choice, and of course it looks just like a VLF really, so you won't look like some sort of Cyborg swinging it in higher traffic public places like you do all rigged up with a GPX ?

I've pinned my hopes on Detech for the task at hand, time to start annoying them with email requesting Axiom coils ?  The squeaky wheel gets the oil.

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  • The title was changed to GPX 5000 As A Coin And Jewelry Detector Or The New Garrett Axiom In High Emi Environments

I'm one of those that will use a PI once the VLF can't find anymore. Gold nugget, relic and beach hunting I've used a PI for 1000's and 1000's of hours. Coin hunting in parks not so much. I really gets down to being in the right frame of mind when you switch over to a PI. You can't go running all over the country side swinging like a madman. You have to slow down, evaluate every target and make a dig decision based off a few audio characteristics. So what if you dig some iron targets with a PI. It's not like you'll never dig any with a VLF. Neither is better than the other, different tool for different circumstances. But, it really is amazing what a VLF will leave behind, especially in high mineral/salt ground.

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Nothing like a good PI to wake up a heavily hunted/sanded in beach. I’ll probably never get rid of my TDI Pro for that  reason. I got a clean sweep coil for it last year...it’s so much fun to use. For my trips to salt water beaches I like to bring the full arsenal just in case. The Axiom (is that how you say it?) seems like it may be just the ticket for beach hunting...even better once the after market coils start coming out.  Simon you would not believe all the trash we have on some of our beaches....it’s just disgusting some people. 


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