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GPX 6000 Emi Test


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Good baseline test Chet, I did that with my DD coil a few weeks ago to rule out a problem with my GPX itself when narrowing down if I think my coil or GPX is bad.  Worked remarkably well inside my house with the DD.

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Same exact results for me. 

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There must be a problem with my control box shielding then. My phone interferes with the control box even when it's off. In the field and it's my only camera so I can't show it right now, but I'll post a vid of it when I get back home and find another camera to film it with. My S20 interefered with the GPZ control box too actually.

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1 hour ago, jasong said:

There must be a problem with my control box shielding then. My phone interferes with the control box even when it's off. In the field and it's my only camera so I can't show it right now, but I'll post a vid of it when I get back home and find another camera to film it with. My S20 interefered with the GPZ control box too actually.

Jason, sounds like something is still pinging on you phone when you think it’s “off”…  you sure it’s not just in sleep mode?

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1 hour ago, GotAU? said:

Jason, sounds like something is still pinging on you phone when you think it’s “off”…  you sure it’s not just in sleep mode?

It's definitely off. You got me wondering though, so I just tried it again, and sure enough, it interferes with the control box while off.

2 odd things: it's not EMI sounds, it's like a target sound. Like the control box is detecting the metal in my phone as a target... also the weird thing is now it's way more noticeable on the right side, the last time it was way more noticeable on the left side.

Anyways, I'm getting some help trying to figure out what's going now, so I'm not going to comment on anything else while we work through things unless I get the go ahead to share something.

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14 hours ago, jasong said:

2 odd things: it's not EMI sounds, it's like a target sound. Like the control box is detecting the metal in my phone as a target... also the weird thing is now it's way more noticeable on the right side, the last time it was way more noticeable on the left side

It’s not uncommon for powerful metal detectors to detect stuff in the vicinity of the control box. The coil connector area is often target sensitive. And metal in close proximity to particular areas of a plastic control box can cause a signal. Relatively unheard of in metal box or lower power detectors. My ATX had what I call “hot zones” in a couple areas of the control box. Long story short what you are reporting does not surprise me per se. In theory somebody with any large metal in a pocket, right next to the control box as it swings, could be generating false signals in every swing.

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Reason I mentioned it is because the ground seems to interfere with the 6000 control box too, when I set it down. Not sure if it's just mine or what. But the detector often goes crazy when I set it on the ground so I wonder if the two phenomena are related.

But if it's a known issue with powerful detectors then again I'm left scratching my head why they wouldn't shield them better, just to eliminate one potential source of unwanted interference. 

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