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PI And Small Gold

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Thank you for responding Reg.

It is good you are here. I think many of us, including myself, carry some baggage from other forums and days gone by. My hope is that with this new forum we can all leave the baggage at the door. A big plus here is you can link to any other forum and mention brands, whatever, as long as it is all done with an eye towards informing and enlightening others.

You have a long history in the metal detecting world and I and others respect you a great deal. So how about we all just roll up our shirt sleeves and talk detecting and look to the future instead if the past?

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Hi Reg, a few years back I actually tried a DD on my TDI due to a small blurb in one of your posts I read. If I remember correctly I was in low conductor only, GB9, and as the blade effect of the DD passed the target it would signal high/low/high if ferrous. Your technique worked good except on the smallest pieces of disintegrated tin can. It's funny this DD/TDI subject has come up as I was recently trying to get this technique to work for coin hunting in high conductor mode with a DD. After reading your above post I can now see why my results were unsatisfactory  :(

Thank you for sharing your knowledge. It is only through your easily understood explanations that this prospector has the foggiest notion of how the detector he is swinging works. 



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Hi everyone, thanks for the kind words. FTP is shaping up to be an interesting job. Way more horsepower and openness to new ideas, plus I get to work with Dave. Always wanted to work with Dave.


Yes, you can take a TDI and force it to sample at 8us, and it may or may not work. It's certainly not mass-producible. A mass production 6-8us sampler is a different design. I've done it, but in deference to my previous employer I can't say what I done. I can say that I believe I can do it again in a way that doesn't infringe on my past, but I can't say when that might happen, as my plate is already full, overflowing, and spilling all over the floor. FTP will keep me hopping for a long time.


Reg, I still owe you a call. Maybe next week when I'm back in El Paso. Meanwhile, feel free to email me.


- Carl

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Hi everyone, thanks for the kind words. FTP is shaping up to be an interesting job. Way more horsepower and openness to new ideas, plus I get to work with Dave. Always wanted to work with Dave.


Yes, you can take a TDI and force it to sample at 8us, and it may or may not work. It's certainly not mass-producible. A mass production 6-8us sampler is a different design. I've done it, but in deference to my previous employer I can't say what I done. I can say that I believe I can do it again in a way that doesn't infringe on my past, but I can't say when that might happen, as my plate is already full, overflowing, and spilling all over the floor. FTP will keep me hopping for a long time.


Reg, I still owe you a call. Maybe next week when I'm back in El Paso. Meanwhile, feel free to email me.


- Carl

Carl, best of luck with First Texas and be sure to say hello to Dave for me!

Rattlesnake Jim

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Several of the most interesting folks in the MD world posting on the same thread.

I love the part about leaving baggage (but not hard-won knowledge) behind. Metal Detecting and especially prospecting attracts a lot of folks with strong convictions and (maybe it's the years in the sun) - sometimes sensitive skins ("thin skins" sounds so ugly).

Sensitivity to small gold down to 1 grain levels, stable threshold, immunity to most hot rocks, ability to deal with high levels of mineralization (at least by North American standards) and light weight - just add iron reject to 5" or so and I'll happily pay $1000 for it. Now how hard could that be - LOL!

Oh yes - and a pony!

Seriously though, reading this thread I felt like something significant just happened. Thanks for the forum, Steve.

Rick Kempf

Gold Canyon AZ- where there is no gold

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Hi Carl,


I suspected you were taking time getting up to speed on your new job.  Glad you seem to like it.


Take your time and no need to rush getting back to me.  I have plenty of other projects I need to work on.



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Hi Rick,

Is what you asked for actually feasible?  The answer is yes.  Been there, done that several years ago.  There are a lot of tricks needed to overcome the various limitations associated with sampling at such a short delay and more and more tricks are being found every day.

As an example, I suspect that the new ML has only one size coil because that is most likely what was needed to work at the shorter delays reliably and have the sensitivity people want. Make the coil such that it is not changeable and one problem is overcome.

Carl was right, it was/is possible to sample at 8 usec on the TDI.  He is also right that to do so required the right coil for it to work.  So, to modify a TDI one would have to make the unit only work on the right coil at the shorter delay and advance the delay when the coil required it. 

Could this be done automatically?  My guess it could but I haven't done it....yet.  As an example, if you use the 12" mono  coil, then the 10 usec would most likely be the norm, but change to the smaller 7 1/2" mono and it is quite possible an 8 usec sample could work.    Use a DD coil  and things get easier to early sample.

Adjust the pulse width and/or pulse power and again, changes can be done to the minimal sampling time.  

So, there is always room for improvement and this means I will have to get back to programming micro's to make it easier. 


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I was a bit surprised when Minelab went with a mono coil instead of a DD because as Reg notes a DD would have made it easier to enable a short delay, plus going with the mono means no iron disc as exists on the GP series or Garrett ATX. Interestingly even though it is hot on tiny gold JP is also indicating the SDC handles mineralization better than a GPX which would seem counter-intuitive. Shorter delay, higher PPS, lower power, and of course multiple ground samples?


The TDI has a well known hole that travels with the ground balance point. Minelab long ago addressed this with two ground balance channels. What I did not realize until recently is that Garrett also is using at least two ground balance channels. I wonder how they got around the MPS patent?

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I'm guessing the new ML has a fixed loop because it uses a recycled military package which may have had no provision for a loop connector. I would consider this to be a severe drawback, esp at this price point.


I'm also guessing that Garrett isn't using a multi-period approach to solve the target hole problem (if they did solve it, I haven't tested an ATX), ergo there is no issue with the MPS patent. I know how to do it patent-free in the TDI but it adds a lot of analog circuitry. I know better ways to do it sans TDI.

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No doubt you are right Carl although in this case it may have aided Minelab in the design goal. Users like me will always see fixed coils as a drawback though. It makes the SDC a very specialized unit indeed.


Garret has done something with the ATX but not being a techie I will defer to others. Just a FYI.

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