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My Thoughts On Hunting Winnemucca Nv Region After Two Weeks

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I got 4 nuggets out of my recent patch and then went out to find another patch towards end of the day. I ended up finding another patch. Got 3 out of it. 7 for today. This is all the gold I got here so far. One of my patches I found was looking like it was going to be good and the second day I went in the my friend here went in there when he said he wouldn't and cleaned out 12 nuggets for somewhere between 3-4 grams perhaps. One nugget had to have been a gram. When I got there and saw he was already there cleaning it out, it pissed me off really bad. That is something guys shouldn't do when someone else finds a patch. Wait to be invited on the patch. I won't be sharing any more patches I find with him. I have found two in two days. The loss of those twelve nuggets hurts when I am the one who found it and rely on every bit of gold I can pull out of patches I find. 

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19 hours ago, Goldseeker5000 said:

I got 4 nuggets out of my recent patch and then went out to find another patch towards end of the day. I ended up finding another patch. Got 3 out of it. 7 for today. This is all the gold I got here so far. One of my patches I found was looking like it was going to be good and the second day I went in the my friend here went in there when he said he wouldn't and cleaned out 12 nuggets for somewhere between 3-4 grams perhaps. One nugget had to have been a gram. When I got there and saw he was already there cleaning it out, it pissed me off really bad. That is something guys shouldn't do when someone else finds a patch. Wait to be invited on the patch. I won't be sharing any more patches I find with him. I have found two in two days since that happened.. The loss of those twelve nuggets hurts when I am the one who found the patch and rely on every bit of gold I can pull out of patches I find. 


Lose lips sink ships. I know your frustration so best to keep quiet about your patch finds until maybe you think you have cleaned it out. Is a patch ever truly worked out? Not in my mind.


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Reese you are working hard and that work does help the luck part  David great writing and a  wonderful reminder of past fun   Wes made a good point   It is tough  I am fortunate  I have quite a few I can trust yep you can loose partners  and hard to enjoy for a while after the event  good lessons learned    I agree carry a gun in bear country my only bear encounter  happened at night woke me up I was sleeping in a cot at Rose Creek  Ca     Something woke me up I thought it was a rang cow or something else I was pissed being woken   Got up yelled and went back to sleep  in the am  my partner whom was in a camper with his dog  looked at me in the morning and said  you are one crazy SO B    You scared that bear away fast with your hollering   I replayed what Bear   Upon this conversation I went over to my cot  there were bear prints all over in fact 2 front paws just below we’re my pillow was on the cot   Were my cigs were I guess they like that stuff  that was a black bear  if it was a grizzly  well shorter story    

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   Here's a story I have only told to several people but what the heck. This took place in August of 2019 on a mining claim in the northern Sierra Nevada mts of  California. I had been driving my truck for days when I hit town and stopped at my storage building to get my camping gear. I was tired and by the time I got to the mine it was getting dark. Not wanting to set up camp in the dark I decided to just sleep in the back seat of my Ford F150. It was hot & being the thirsty devil I opened up a six pack of cold beer I had picked up in town. The rest of my crew would be arriving in a day or two so I was alone on the mine.

   I turned on the radio and drank a few beers while I listened to some good Country music on the satellite radio. Other than the radio it wa stone quiet and all the stars were out. Well, it got to be midnight & I had killed the six pack. Time to crawl in the back seat of the truck and get some sleep. But first I took a pee and for some stupid reason let out a loud Bigfoot call. That broke the silence and as I got into the truck to go to sleep everything was quiet for a few seconds until I got an answer. It was loud and very close. Just near a little creek to my west about 50 yards or so. I was scared as hell and wished I had not done that call. Before I could decide what to do I heard a heck of a ruckus over on the west side of the creek about 75 ft up the slope of the mountain. 

   It was a bunch of whooping and a big pine was shaking like crazy. I got out of the truck and slowly walked over that way. All I had on me was bear spray and a 9MM semi auto for protection. As I got a little closer I could make out what looked like a giant ape shaking the pine and throwing rocks down to the creek which was completely dry. I realized that I was seeing a Bigfoot. It continued to shake the tree which was fairly large but on a slope and tipping towards the creek. After about 15 minutes of this the tree crashed to the ground and the thud was loud. I couldn't believe it. I was frozen in place as I watched. Finally, whatever this thing was started to walk up the mountain which was quite steep. That was it. I went back to the truck, crawled into my sleeping bag, & locked the doors. I slept on & off that night. Each time I woke I half expected to see the ugly face of Bigfoot staring in my window at me. Luckily that never happened. That's a true story. 

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Ok when I was in Oregon years ago it was Johnston creek   The camp was were Sucker and Johnston meet I set up camp telling my buds to come back in 2 weeks as I had a sale point for gold and credit at the store/ gas station  no gun first time out well I did my night time yell no beer  just nature for three night after  I had boulders thrown towards my camp and the fricking yelling and whoops  so much for showing off   I figured it was a buddy screwing with me 3 nights waking up to bolders rolling and being thrown  and the loud crack of trees or large sticks being broken  no shaking trees and not in camp but off on my area I peed in my corners to mark my space finally I said this it is it’s been enough I talked as loud as I could and said why can’t we get along    young and full of vinegar I was no coward after that night never had a problem and I was out there for six months  who knows somebody screwing around I am not sure  I do have to mention a family was down there one weekend about 4 weeks in  and the nine yrs old girl came running back to camp on sat  she kept saying I saw Bigfoot he was this and he was that we asked her how she knew it was a he   Hold on this still Cracks me up  she said he had a pecker this long showing with her arms quite the specimen   How do kids make that up   So needless to say me and the big peckered  Bigfoot made peace and there was no  strange  problems  my hole time there   Take it for what it is I lived it and was not impaired by booze or the sorts   We did have a gun fight on the claim later I may write down   It’s a sad story so maybe not   

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