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On 5/9/2017 at 9:26 AM, jjm861 said:

I will start be saying is has been a pretty good year already with the release of several detectors.  With out sounding too impatient, I would love to see Fisher release a new muti-frequency or PI type detector soon.  What are your thoughts of this happening with the next couple of months?? 

We taking bets?

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On 5/9/2017 at 9:55 AM, Steve Herschbach said:

These days wise money bets on later rather than sooner with any of the manufacturer's.

Well, how about placing bets on who gets to market first with something new - First Texas or White's :smile:

I will set the bar low - it just can't be a single frequency VLF unit. PI, multifrequency, selectable (switchable) frequency. Anything but Just Another Mid Frequency Detector!

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Greetings Tboykin,

I hope you and the good folks at Whites have a new PI or multi-frequency detector in the hopper.  I think we have seen enough new single frequency detectors to get us by for a while.  

I am not brand specific, so if Whites is going to make a move....I have some "man money stash" set aside.  Are you taking pre-orders :biggrin::biggrin:



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With the GM1000, ML has launched  an up to date, highly price competitive vlf gold machine. Between that move, and the First Texas housecleaning/clearance sale, the detector pricing landscape has changed.

I suspect the future of metal detector manufacturing belongs to high volume, low cost producers who --

1. leverage up-to-date manufacturing technology, - So that they cam make money on new products even at these new, lower price levels.

2. Utilize advanced microprocessors and DSP chips - this lowers component count and ups performance

3. Use state-of-the-art tools for rapid software development - no more assembly language programming - high-level languages and reusable modular programming

3. Have a solid mastery of high performance, low noise electronic design - if your target signal is lost in circuit noise - you're sunk

4. Have a first-class grasp of the physics of detecting metals in soil - the soil is a complex, varied environment - in many ways poorly understood.

5. Have the ability to design and produce robust, lightweight and attractive mechanical packages - these must be ergonomic, light and suited to OUR needs and uses.

6. - and perhaps most important, have the production and marketing capability mecessary to produce and sell tens of thousands (or hundreds of thousands) of mass market detectors per year in order to finance the R & D necessary to execute on the first 5 points.

How many conpanies have all this today?  I don't know, but those who don't will be left behind.



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Agree with all that, Rick.

Also, since many companies are on this forum: if you come out with another VLF detector in general, look at the Deus long and hard. THAT is the direction machines should be headed. Light, portable, packable. Please leave 1991 back in 1991. Also - LiPo is your friend, and my friend too. How long were we stuck with that big GPX brick that had to go into a backpack when there were tons of options to fix it? Argh...please no more 1991 anywhere on any machine from here on out. You know how you feel when you pick up one of those old detectors from the 50's or 60's and they just look ridiculous by today's standards (although granted, some are kinda cool in a retro way, but not a usability way)? Well, that's how I feel when I pick up a GMT or a 5000, it's like a bit of a joke to me. These models are still sold today with no updating...for offensively high prices. I feel like they should come with a complementary Walkman and fanny pack at least.

And finally - the days of the $5000+ detector are done as soon as one other company becomes competitive. Even if another company doesn't take the plate, it's still over in another 10 years. My generation can't foot those bills when we age into the prime consumer demographic, we've had nothing but market crashes, oil busts, real estate bubbles, and recessions our entire working lives just one after another with no ability to build or save. Most my friends have degrees/are professionals, yet few have savings or own a house. It's not like when our parents and grandparents grew up. Our children will have even less. The only reason I could play with a GPZ is I was able to model my prospecting as a business and I took a loan out, which I had a limited time to repay. Aside from myself, the only two people remotely my age I ever met in the field with a GPZ were both employees of a dealer. I know a few other guys my age have bought one now, but still, the demographic is clear to me.

Anyways, a gauntlet was thrown. My bet is on Fisher to win and White's to place, Tesoro slept through the race. Based on nothing, just good fun. Am I wrong? Prove it, let's hear some plans! :tongue:

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I can see why someone would compare the GM which is a product with the CZX which - so far - is a concept.

They are apparently both aimed at the same market, the "artisanal gold miner" in Africa (leave it to the social scientists to come up with a fancy new name for prospecting and small-scale gold recovery).  Both emphasise simplicity and a high degree of automation along with under $1000 pricing.

Having said that, the CZX concept - described on the leaked power-point slide from two years ago - was a simultaneous multi-frequency design.  In addition to the design features which are common to the two, the CZX was aimed to have greater depth than conventional VLF machines. The GM1000 makes no,particular claims, I believe, to having increased depth capabilities over other competent specialized VLF gold detectors of simaliar operating frequency. 

Another big difference, the GM1000 is (almost) available now.  The CZX - has not appeared. That's a big difference.

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"Another big difference, the GM1000 is (almost) available now. The CZX  has not appeared."


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