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Using The Gold Monster, Part 3: Hints And Tips For Best Performance

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Well, the final, part three of my videos on the Gold Monster 1000 are complete and up loaded. In this one I am giving hints and tips on how to get the best performance out of the GM1000. I focus on the types of places that the GM1000 will perform best and some suggestions to prospectors on how to increase your chances to find gold. You can see its a funny opening still picture - I'm going to have to change that frame. It  makes me look like I'm doing some kind of Zieg Heil maneuver.  Actually, I am explaining how if you dont overlap swings, you may miss gold - I have no idea why this was selected by Youtube (done automatically), but I am sure you can change it. Doing these videos has been an educational experience and I will be doing more in the coming weeks.


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Very nice series on the GM1000 detector!

Thanks for taking the time to product these videos!

I know watching these videos will take some of the mystery of how these new detectors work, and improve our ability to be successful using our new toy!


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Thanks Chris, very helpful video for me :-) I was doing some things wrong. Think I've watched it 5 times by now. 

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It does sound off on various hot rocks, volcanic hot rocks and larger bits of magnetite (which are the worst of the hot rocks at the place you mentioned). Like a normal VLF, you deal with that by turning down the gain, or in a worst case, switching to discriminate mode. It is a excellent VLF, well designed and easy to operate, but it is still subject to the advantages and disadvantages of the VLF technology.

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