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Multi-IQ Frequencies & Tones

Cabo Chris

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When I called ML today and asked about Multi-IQ frequencies... Mums the word!  In their M-IQ description ML states the single frequencies are used... "and more".  Makes me ask how many more frequencies?  Has this been touched upon here and does anyone know how many frequencies and their range?  MLs only answer to that is M-IQ is a new technology.  So I speculate something similar in frequencies to BBS or FBS, because of the 50 response tones selection?  Might this mean M-IQ runs 50 frequencies?  Or might target tones be determined by some other factor?        

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Chris -- I am pretty sure the tones will have nothing to do with how many frequencies are being run...

50 tones = 50 ID segments from -9 to 40...so that you could assign one tone per each ID number, I am almost positive...



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There are a lot of threads on this <Minelab Equinox Fan Club> sub-forum.  If you haven't looked through them I suggest at least a quick scan of each.  Tons of info posted by Steve.

Unfortuantely 'frequency' is often used without a qualifer and it can be confusing, for me particularly.  The reason I have trouble is because an Inductance Balance (IB for short, which includes all true VLF detectors and sometimes detectors labeled VLF which aren't operated in the 3 kHz to 30 kHz range) transmits radio frequency signals.  Even Pulse Induction (PI) detectors pulse at a regular rate which technically also qualifies as frequency.  But the real overlap in terms is audio frequency (sometimes called 'pitch') which is where the 50 tones on the Equinox comes in.

Here is a thread (one of several) which illustrates the five radio frequency transmissions of the Equinox:


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I'm still wondering how many frequencies the Equinox runs on in Multi?  We know how many Frequencies BBS and FBS offer.  I must be mistaken thinking Excalibur tones correspond to frequency response?  Either way I'm wondering if the frequency range of the Equinox in Multi are 5, 10, 15, 20 and 40 combined, or a wider spectrum as implied by ML like perhaps 1-40/50+, the above possible chart range.  That could correlate to the 50 tones option?  Perhaps not, but I'm hoping the Equinox  works great in saltwater and we all know how well BBS / FBS does that.  I'm thinking the more Multi Equinox frequencies the better in salt???  I know, I know... I'll just have to wait!!! 

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19 hours ago, Cabo Chris said:

I must be mistaken thinking Excalibur tones correspond to frequency response?

Correct, you are mistaken.  The number of tones and the number of (radio) transmit frequencies have no relationship whatsoever.  (Correction:  I thought you were talking about the Minelab Equinox and my response was regarding that dectector.  All I know about the Minelab Excalibur is that it is highly regarded by many underwater detectorists.  I've never seen one in person, only a few on treasure hunting TV shows.)

19 hours ago, Cabo Chris said:

Either way I'm wondering if the frequency range of the Equinox in Multi are 5, 10, 15, 20 and 40 combined

From what I've read here, that is exactly it, nothing more and nothing less.  I don't know any more than what I've read here on this forum, and if others know more than what has been posted here they aren't talking.  As mentioned in my previous post, a lot has been written in this http://www.detectorprospector.com/forum/forum/53-minelab-equinox-fan-club/ sub-forum, and most of the informative posts are those done by Steve because he is one of very few worldwide who actually has a prototype and one of even fewer (among those) who has posted info on the performance.

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GB is correct - tones and frequencies have no relation to each other.

Tones are for target id and are tied to target id numbers.

Everything known about the frequencies and how they work is collected here and I update it when new information is available. Only Minelab knows the real story and only Minelab should be believed on any of this.

I promise more details will be coming very soon. I the meantime, here are a couple articles I wrote to learn more about the subject:

Selectable Frequency & Multifrequency Explained

Selectable Frequency & Frequency Spread

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Wow, that's quite a bit to digest!  So I guess frequency, target conductivity and ID tone are not related after all, other than by machine processing.  Obviously there's quite a bit of processing going on inside my Excalibur.  I find the older Blue-Tube Excals with blue headphones to produce the best gold jewelry tones.  One can learn to differentiate gold from pull tabs by tonal response.  Well 90% of the time one can predict correctly.  That goes for the sweet spongy mellow tones of gold/platinum rings too.  I always try to guess my target prior to scooping... part of the fun and constant learning process.

Are the Multi tonal responses of the Equinox similar to BBS where one can hear metallic/alloy nuances, or are they more filtered/solid?  In 50 tones with the Equinox will an average 14K gold wedding band sound different than a pull tab?  Or just the same solid similar conductivity beep?            

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