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Freshwater Beach Hunt

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Went out to a local freshwater beach on the Colorado River , was full of folk this weekend....

Got there at day break...was already 8 folks hunting , I took my place on the beach.
I found 5 pennies , 2 dimes and 2 sinkers plus 3 metal tent pegs . Still learning but I am getting able to tell bottle caps from coins and pull tabs . If it beeps I still dig it but I try to ID what I am about to dig.  Hardest thing to find was 2 split-shot sinkers as they was the same color as some of the gravel.

I am learning , finding stuff , but learning.

Does anyone have problems with sand getting in between the coil and cover....how to fix it ????

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Lots of hunters with the same idea!  No fix for the sand under the coil cover unless you permanently glue the two together.  Cleaning it out after hunting in the water is a must.  GaryC/Oregon Coast

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Good for you, Buzzard!  The only way to learn the EQX is to get out into the trenches and learn the sounds.  You'll dig a lot of stuff, but a learning experience and skill comes with each target dug.

Hate to say it, but the answer to the sand in the coil cover question is to remove the coil cover after each outing and wash the coil and cover off.  I doubt if there's any way to 100% seal the coil cover dur to the way it is molded.  Not sure I'd recommend gluing the cover on due to the fact it's going to wear out one day and you'll need to get it off to replace it.  You sure do not want to detect without the coil cover unless you have lots of money for buying replacement coils.  Removing and washing only takes a minute or two and it's pretty easy.  I plan to order a spare coil cover when ML makes them available.  It's a wear item.  Betterthan wrecking a coil.


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Waiting, learning , so when the 6 inch coil come out I can get one for some tight places I like to go.

Figured I would have to dump the sand.....at least if I got sand I know I was swinging low enough :biggrin: .

I was told that there was a group hunting on this beach the night before too.

This is a beach on the Colorado river across from the Laughlin NV casinos...very popular with the tourists.

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