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Still On Cloud 9

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I agree 100% Steve.  I'm still loving mine regardless of what people say.  I'm amazed each time I go hunting.  :minelab:ROCKS

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I haven't even begun to play with all the settings and I know it's a keeper...now I just gotta get back out for a hunt work is killing me!


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I fell in love with mine in the 1st hour and it gets better everytime I use it.  Even if I don't find anything or very little I learn something I can use on the next hunt.  I haven't dug a can in almost a month. I am getting better at tabs and nickels. Mixed signals almost always pay off and even the shrieks in the high 30's almost always are something other than silver. When I go to all metal mode I hear that grunt I didn't want to hear. 

I love it that the edge of the coil is so hot. I sometimes hear a blip but it seems nothing is there and I broaden my swing by a bit and boom a digable target. 

I am learning everyday and one thing I learned a long time ago is not to try and outsmart the detector. Other than discrimination and sensitivity the stock programs will most likely give you 95% of what and expert with find. 

This is the easist and most quiet detector I have ever used. I sometimes look down to see if it is still on it is so quiet.. 

I read about the problems 1st time users have and In the back of my mind I keep thinking they read to many posts about settings and which mode to use.. I hated Park 2 at 1st but it was a sensitivity issue and nothing else. I like Field 1 but prefer more than the two tones. Beach is awesome.. I went for a cpl hours the other day and I found very little but had no chatter at all. Didn't dig a single false target even though I hardly dug any at all. 

I turned on gold once just to hear the sounds but that's it. The only gold in Mississippi is in the Golden Nugget Casino on display. 

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I love my Equinox. It is a learning experience every time I take it out. The ability to change modes is unique, at least to me. I am learning it's tonal language and have been using 50 tones which is a huge leap in itself.  I'm a happy camper.

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What are people saying?

I have found my best silver ring ever.  I have found my best gold chain ever.  I have found specimen gold.

That is what I am saying.


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I'm with Strict on this one, haven't touched half the features, but just from what I have used, I can tell it's a great machine with tons of potential, great depth, fast recovery, good unmasker, great in mineralized soil, with tons of additional features and settings for different types of ground.

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2 hours ago, Cal_Cobra said:

I'm with Strict on this one, haven't touched half the features, but just from what I have used, I can tell it's a great machine with tons of potential, great depth, fast recovery, good unmasker, great in mineralized soil, with tons of additional features and settings for different types of ground.

Congrats on the baby girl Brian!!

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Only had my Nox for a short time but I know if I go out detecting I pick the Nox up and leave the MXT and my MX Sport at home now...still learning but almost have no interest in other machines . But that is just me.

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