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CTX 3030 On Gold Nuggets - Tips On Settings

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I have it now on my 3030 waiting for a gold trip.  I could only load 5 of the programs because I want to keep my beach, relic and coin programs.  


When you use the 3030 for something other than gold, what programs do you use then?



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I have it now on my 3030 waiting for a gold trip.  I could only load 5 of the programs because I want to keep my beach, relic and coin programs.  


When you use the 3030 for something other than gold, what programs do you use then?



I have 47 different modes saved in my pc on the excange2 software.

I simply download my required modes before my hunt.


If I'm in the gold fields I'll have my gold modes + my mineralized ground coin modes.

If I'm treasure hunting in Europe I put in my specialist treasure and hammerd coin modes.

If I'm in Aus hunting old coins I'll put those modes in.

If im hunting the beach I put those modes in.

Ect ect.......

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Got it.



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Great post , been a while since I loaded a MLF file to X-change, how do you do it again ?


Worked it out , boy its been a while 


1. Download the program files you want to your PC/Laptop desktop.
2. Open Xchange2 program.
3. Plug CTX into the computer with its USB lead and switch it on.
4. CTX icon will now appear at the top LHS above All.
5. Click on file on the LHS of the screen.
6. Click on the up arrow in the centre of the screen (this is the import button), Click on choose file.
7. Navigate to the desktop (where you downloaded the .mlf attachments).
8. Click on the chosen .mlf then click on open, all the files will now appear in the file window.
9. Repeat the above for other .mlf files
10. Now drag all required modes onto the CTX icon.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi gold hound

Thanks for your program , its a cracker and thought I would share a story with you.

While laid up with a torn hamstring I was searching for a good program for my ctx3030 and came across yours , so I installed it with the intension of using it on an old Chinese gold mining area. Once I could walk again I was busting to try it out so I went to a local oval for a quick test. I normally just hunt parks and ovals for coins so my test area I had already hunted out the $1 & $2 coins but it's also trashy , so perfect to test this program. I kid you not within 15 minutes a had a very clear signal 8 cm down so I dug it. Man I could not believe that within 15 minutes I found a 18ct gold Ring.

A week later an elderly man approached me on the Oval and asked if my machine could pick up gold. I told him the story about the 18ct ring. He was impressed and asked if I could help him with finding his 22ct wedding ring that he lost 20 years ago. I agreed to help him out and meet up last Saturday to have a look. He had lost his ring while throwing some wood on a bonfire during a cracker night and thought it went into the fire.

There was heaps of trash in the area so I switched to your gold program, 20 minutes later and only 5 cm down I had a clear signal , couldn't believe it as it was his ring. He was a very happy man.

2 gold rings in 3 outings. I have not tested it yet on the gold fields but will report back when I have.

So thanks again.



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What a story!


I have taken the programs out in the field and tested them.  They are good slot programs that will let you miss the other trash.  It is somewhat surprising how different nuggets look on the screen based upon size and composition.


My test was in an area with lots of iron and hot rocks.  I couldn't find gold with my 7000 so it was no real possibility of finding a nugget with the 3030 in a short period of time.


I'm going on a trip this summer and hope to find gold with it there because it is bigger and more shallow with mining trash in the tailing piles.



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Gday Starvin

Good to see at least one member is putting them to good use!

Did you notice how much better the target separation is in heavy trash with my modes compared to the standard one's?

Did you have the target trace tuned on?

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