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Everything posted by geof_junk

  1. English Translation of β€œbocado” Collins Dictionary https://www.collinsdictionary.com β€Ί portuguese-english A morsel is a very small amount of something, especially a very small piece of food. … a delicious little morsel of meat. … A mouthful of drink or food is the …> Gerry those massive bits don't qualify with the definition above.
  2. 9999 AU 99.99% Gold AU 79 Gold Atomic Number PURE AU ..........as it shows ......... AU79 AG47 Gold and Silver Atomic number
  3. Great photos, all I can say is you will have to get a bigger bucket for your coins soon.
  4. Most of the good spots are hit first by most people, if they did it good then there is not much left. At this point you have to try the other areas to get on least detected ground. That why you are getting your good targets after you have done the hot spots.
  5. Thanks for that link RickUK it was very informative. It is pity that Australia has no Roman hoards here. πŸ€‘
  6. If you use a super magnet it needs to have it exposed surface flush with your pick so that it can be cleared with one wipe with your hand. I managed this by using car bog filler and/or selleys-knead-it multipurpose-epoxy
  7. If that happens Gerry you will have to LITERARY give up the detector and go back to PANNING 🀐
  8. It is the black tape holding on the scrub plate on the bottom of the coil.
  9. I have used both PVC and CLOTH tape over the years, and found it OK, but I went to the "Self-adhesive Silicone Tape", Waterproof Silicone Rubber Adhesive Repair Tape, Bonding Rescue Wire Hose Silicone Self Fusing Tape. I found by wrapping it around twice it even provided protection against my rough swings against side hits on the outside of the coil.
  10. I retired at 55 but was planning to do it a bit sooner but redundance entitlements and tax yearly period made me go pass my 55 birthday by a few months. So get into the best financial period required to leave and go for it. Note old age and death is a lot closer than what you might think. If you make a century (100yr) you are already past half way. 😊😊😊😊😊😊😁 😊😊😊😊😊😊
  11. The manufactures use very experience operators to set the defaults for the best setting for most conditions that their buyers will use them in. When you have hunted out your spots, that is the time to find better setting for your locations by playing with different settings. Best of luck on the way to becoming an expert but a lot of detecting hours whoops I meant days or years is required to get to that level.
  12. All I can say sell high $ keep when low $. Work hard when yield is high and make desideration when yield is low. So emotions over ruled reasons.
  13. I must say he is one of the top prospectors that I enjoy following. OneGuy had some really good input to this forum and I'm sure I am not the only one that will miss his input even through we did not know him personally. ONEGUY I hope you see all the gold that the members here find while you watch over us all, as you have shown it the finding..... not the keeping that keeps us going..
  14. Sh!t I have been followed to my secret patch. 😬
  15. You should show both sides of the coin and note it issue date, face value and country of origin. The value of the gold is the minimum you will get for it but rareness and condition can push the value up to extreme figures so do a good search on the internet on it.
  16. A good group of finds, keep giving us an update of your finds with Manticore.
  17. The hoover program is doing very good, if you send me a few $$$ i will send you my Dyson program. 🀣
  18. Simon are those readings for Aus real Gold coins or UK gold coins.
  19. There is a section in this ....LINK....click here.... about Mosfet in metal detectors. https://www.lammertbies.nl/electronics/pi-metal-detector
  20. Within the 50 Km of Leonora. I found a 5Β½ oz nugget and a 1 oz nugget the area was undetected and the closest nugget that i found near them was 2 Km away in a large patch I had found.. Both of them had moss on them. So my thoughts were that the heavy ones get left behind on large flat areas that many people have only walk across due their vastness. However letting people know where I'm with "dig4gold" view.
  21. The largest polar bear ever recorded was hunted in Alaska and weighed 2,209 pounds! That’s over three times the size of the average grizzly! The largest wild Kodiak bear ever recorded was found in Alaska and weighed 1,656 pounds! The largest American black bear was a male shot in New Brunswick, Canada that weighed 902 pounds.
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