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Dances With Doves

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Everything posted by Dances With Doves

  1. Hi Obn.Don't the sharks come in at sunset.Also have you ever hunted and were in the middle of a bluefish blitz.I have 9 gold now ,1 more and I am in the Obn double digit gold club and yet still way behind.I won't complain since I have 5 gold in the last 6 water hunts and my buddies have not got even 1 in that time.I guess I am lucky.
  2. Thanks everybody.Since this was the first time in this update I dug more then I normally would just to learn.I can tell by pulling away by the iron grunts that they were caps and I just wanted to make sure.The pulltabs and rings gave a much softer sound.The only problem was it took a few more seconds to investigate where I did not have to do it as much before.I did a FP so maybe I forgot to change a certain setting back. At least I got rid of over 50 caps from this beautiful Finger lake.I did also get a 1917 low eagle standing liberty 25 cent coin and 13 gram part of a chain that seems to be silver but is bent. In this lake setting we want to cover as much ground as possible without stopping unless the target is good . A half mile by about 850 feet is the area we hunt in the water.We probably cover 3 miles in a 8 hour hunt going back and forth.
  3. I ran pk1 50 tone f2-7 and I dug over 50 bottlecaps since they repeated a nice sound.I could usually tell a pulltab or ring because of the softer sound but I wanted to see how the update might have changed things.It seems the bottlecaps had a more broken sound before even though the settings were the same.I did manage to get a 3.2 gram14k white gold band in very deep water so at least I was rewarded for digging all those caps.
  4. I just want the 7by 10 Vanquish coil for my Nox for beach use.I would get coverage plus less drag in water and in the sand coverage with less weight.
  5. Hi Tom.Check out what Raphis is detecting with now on the Nox software update thread and what he has to say.
  6. Having a explorer for a back up is something you did not imagine back in it's hey day.When I got 247 I was not nearly as good as I am now.To get your record many years after shows how good a hunter you are.If I could go back in time with the Nox to 2000 with my knowledge an skill I would get a 1000 for a year and you probably 2000 .We would have a lot of coins waiting for us that the Nox would feast on.
  7. Dan , you are smart enough to know having both those machines is a plus.My explorer friend loves his Nox too .I had a explorer but it died about 5 years ago and I found plenty of silver too. I did not find as many as you did in a year though and I got it in Jan 2000.I did get over 500 one year because of a coin spill of over 400 coins for me.247 is my record for regular drops.Had a lot of good explorer hunters around here who vacumed up many coins.I am shocked you don't miss the sun-ray probe.That thing was fun.
  8. Maybe Whites will have a Kodak miracle like what happened today in my city of Rochester.A good thing for our country.
  9. My first gold of the year was stained like that too. I did not see the gold mark til after.I knew it was gold after it was cleaned.
  10. Are you the silver coin master that Tom from California talks about who uses a Explorer ?
  11. I find grassy places that flood when creeks over flow their banks a place where old coins can be very deep or out of reach.
  12. Good info.I will pass that information to my fresh water friends since there Excals have been collecting dust since getting the AT Gold.
  13. A good hunter knows what tool to use according to the situation and to learn how to use that tool so he can be successful in the situation that he is hunting.
  14. My friend says it is not on Minelabs website and won't do it till it is.
  15. They might have done more then they said this way are hopes would not be to high and we would be more pleased then we would have thought.They could have put more candy in the basket then we expected. A Smart move on their part .
  16. I wait for the lake to open a cut and for me to find it.It usually has a lot of junk so you have to work smart to get the tougher targets.I get most of my gold this way then fresh drops in the big lake.
  17. Do you think these machines have less sens. for small targets at half battery charge vs. a full charge.I would also like to know if certain batteries give a better performance.Thank You for looking.
  18. I did get a half dollar in 5kz next to a sidewalk in a place I have pounded near my home with all my machines.I will try 4kz to see what it can do.
  19. I have not found any gold in the turf this year or last year.How have you done and with what machines ? Getting it is hard work and location is important.
  20. He gets that gold by brains and hard work.Nobody gives it to him.That is my department since I had someone walk up to me and hand me a gold hoop earring he just picked up on the shore leaving my friend to say" how lucky can you be". I also have had gold waiting for me in plain sight on the black sand.
  21. I would not mind a 60kz setting in the gold mode and 2 mf settings.I would not mind if they had a coil optimized for the gold modes like the x-terra with gold monster type coils. It would go like this > mf1-mf2-20kz-40kz-60kz,ad if they want 80kz too.
  22. I don't now what your grand total is in gold but when you hit 500 you are home is officially considered a jewelry store.I think they should name the next AQ after you.
  23. My take on it is it's a nice option.If you are hunting In MF for silver and emi is a problem.You can choose either 4 kz. or 5kz and which one handles emi better is the one you choose to get better performance.You get a extra choice that may make a difference.
  24. Good point Steve since my 48 kz. Gmx hit my tiny silver earring back very good because it is such a small target. If I tried my 3 kz. coil it would probably hit much less because of it's small size.
  25. I am not sure but is not 3kz. one of the main freq. for the FBS machines?I have found a ton of silver dimes with my explorer before it died.
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