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Joe D.

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Everything posted by Joe D.

  1. Welcome To the forum John, Looks like an historic area your in! Check your local rules and hit some old parks! Any detector will find stuff, but you have to put in the time! Make sure to practice good detecting edicate! If you read some of the more recent posts on the Meet and Greet, you will get some beginning detector advice for those new to the hobby! Check for local detecting clubs that may be near you! They sometimes have permissions for group hunts as well as much experience! And a good source for used equipment! Ask away if you need any more help! Good luck!??
  2. I forgot how much I miss that place! Haven't been in several years with the family! Gotta get back there! Great haul!??
  3. Great idea for a compact home test garden! All I have now is a compact portable setup I made to take to the beach! But that can be tough with some beachgoers wanting to know what you are doing!!??
  4. You are a lucky man, and smart; speaking of your wife so highly!? Sad state of affairs with her surgery's! My wife is a nurse, and has similar pains in all the same places! But is reluctant to get any surgeries; now I know why!! Been trying to get her to ditch the house for an RV, but the nesting instinct won't go away!! Probably has a lot to do with are lifetime resident son; for real!!??
  5. Great job at the beach! Bummer on the RV breakdowns, and hope the repairs don't take away from your treasures! And I'm sure it's good to be home! Cool necklace! And hope the wife is back to normal!??
  6. Not back detecting at the time, as my kids were little! But we had a great time in Portland, and Kennebunkport! We even got lucky enough to see H.W. and the Mrs's, on a drive by there house! I can't remember the exact location, but we had some great lobsta' rolls at a little clifftop restaurant with a Huge fog horn right next to it! And awsome clam chowda' in KBP! Ya'll have the best seafood!! Dang, now I'm hungry!!??
  7. From Geotechs link, I also noticed Carl W. Morland, and John L. Earle, but not on this chart individually! In any case, amazing stuff!!??
  8. Bravo on the hunt, and making the wife happy!! First time I've seen a beach anvil! The little ring might be rolled gold! Keep up the good "work"!!???
  9. Same here strick, But I'm a horder, and still have about a ML 6000's worth I should sell!!.........Wait a minute?, I need to go clean out my shed now!!??
  10. I've been catching up on all the shows since I changed my channel lineup after the beginning of the year! I don't take them too seriously, but I do learn some decent stuff; Good and bad!! And they are in the realm of what we like to do! Besides, other than a movie here and there, and Newsmax, it's all the TV I watch!??
  11. Even our resident "Pirate" chimes in to help! ????
  12. Brian, There's some very capable machines in your price range! And it looks like you have done very well with what you have! You can look at Steve's Reviews, and the Post of machines under $500 dollars! There are several that will fit the bill! I'm sure in the next couple of days, others will make some suggestions! I want to give them a chance to chime in first, as I trust their vast experience and advice over my own!??
  13. Brian, Your a hoot!! That was one hell of an intro! Welcome to the forum!! Make sure to peruse Steve's form rules, and you should be good to go join in the fun! Since you are close to the coast, do you water or beach hunt? Specific information like that will help us help you! Also budget! What your swingin' now, etc... It's hard to resist , but don't rush a purchase! And If you have a reliable detector dealer nearby, demos are an option, as well as used! There are also some great dealers that frequent this site! This hobby can get expensive quick, if your not careful, and don't do your homework! Anyway, Good Luck, and we'll be seein' ya!!??
  14. I did have an 800 give up the ghost last summer on the beach, during a hunt! Sent it in under warranty and they replaced it with a new pod! Like has been said previously, if it's too hot for you, it's probably too hot for your Equinox! The black cover most likely contributed! Ebay sells rubber bumpers in multiple colors for the vulnerable edges of the pod! And with a screen cover, that should offer enough protection, hopefully without overheating! I don't know if any other detectors have had this issue! But I think the size of the pods now, with so little room inside, give little protection from outside temperatures! Also the use of the black thermoplastic for the case doesn't help! It just compounds thermal absorption! Mine is getting a lighter color paintjob, after the warranty is up! ??
  15. Hello -Rob- Glad you found the forum! Tons of info to sift through! And many helpful people! Welcome!??
  16. I don't find it boring at all! But I think i am much closer to your level of experience, in some ways! Besides, any way I can help someone out with what I detect the most, I'm sure will be (and has) returned to me many times over, by the more experienced, great people here! That's why i love Steve's forum! I'm just trying to contribute by paying it forward, the best I can! And have some fun along the way!??
  17. Well, if you have an audience, the Mackarana is appropriate!?? Seriously though, I just put any good stuff in the pouch, as if it were a crappy zincoln, or trash! (same thing)! I keep a pretty good poker face on a crowded beach! You never know if someone that sees what you just found will say they just lost it! And than chaos insues! Sad, but it can happen! You will also get people that genuinely lost something, and will ask if you can find it! That's a personal choice, if you have the time to do so! But if you do help, make sure they give you a detailed description of the lost item, so if you find something else in the process, they can't claim it's their's also, if they follow you! If not, you can get basic information, and a phone number and call them if you find it! Most detectorists avoid crowded beaches for many reasons! It's not a bad thing! But when your traveling, or trying to catch a tide cycle that's in the middle of the day, sometimes you just have to put up with all the distractions that go with it! Night detecting is a great way to avoid the heat and crowds! With a nice moon, or headlamp, it is very relaxing! But a little more risky if you hunt alone! Also, some beaches have night time closing hours! This got a little longer than I intended; and there's always more! But I wanted to give you a few more scenarios, now that you are a "Bonafide Beach Jewlery Finder"! ???? PS- Nice rig and cart!! And "Thank You For Your Service"???⚔
  18. There you go! Did you do a ring dance?? Persistence pays off! Congratulations! Very nice ring! ??
  19. Joe uses very strong "gold magnets" on his feet; given to him during an alien abduction incident! The detector is just for appearances! Joe! Your secret is out!! Josh Gates will be visiting you soon!! And the Oak Island boys wants to replace Gary with you!!???
  20. Tough call where your at! Not being there, and with the large tide fluctuations! But for me, in unknown murky waters, no more than knee deep below the low tide line! I tend to be a little paranoid about Bull Sharks! Especially around river entrances! But that's just me! Stepping into dropoffs or holes is also something to consider! Also, if your using wireless headphones, they won't work if the control pod is underwater! ??
  21. You may be able to find historic objects sight hunting as well, if there are any shell or rocky areas near the surfs reach! Especially old glass! And also places detectors aren't allowed! When I was at the Old Savannah waterfront, shopping with the family (they were shopping), my eyes were glued to the old cobblestone areas looking for anything stuck in the cracks! That was before I started detecting again! My wife thinks I'm weird anyway; that didn't help!!? Good luck!??
  22. Welcome els, Information is the currency here! Glad you found your way!??
  23. Obviously more of a fishing beach, than a swim and loose your jewelry beach! At least in it's current condition, and time of year! But finding lead is a good sign! I think you are doing fine, and gaining valuable experience! Great sunset!!??
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