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Joe D.

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Everything posted by Joe D.

  1. It looks like some type of commercial resin mix! Like used in making bowling balls! 👍👍
  2. Look's like Steve may need a new category on the site! "Dangerous Detecting Plants and animals!"😁 Everybody around the country, and world, seems to have some plants or animals that we aren't all aware of, that can do us harm while enjoying the hobby, or just traveling!! Yikes! 🤯 I had no idea about the last two plants mentioned! I'm sure there are more! I think most are vigilant for animals! But plants that aren't obviously hazardous, are good to know! Kac, I've probably seen Giant Hogweed when traveling, but thankfully never touched it! We have a few such things in my area! But local knowledge does no good, when you travel! Thanks!👍👍
  3. Better build the "First Bank of Mars" first! Gonna be tough, and expensive to transport it back to earth to cash it in!!👍👍
  4. No! Still funny!! It's never stopped me from getting out there! Still love the woods! I'm just (a little) less reckless than in my younger years!! 🤣👍👍
  5. Hey midlake!! Can you be more specific! I still only have the Nox 11", as I was waiting to see how the coiltek's would do! I have been holding off purchasing any others, due to the coil tab issues I've had with the Nox! And i was hoping the coiltek's would be an improvement in any way possible! Thanks!!👍👍
  6. PT, No need to be a stranger here! And bad luck with the ticks! One of the few evils of the Great Outdoors! So hard to see, and protect against! Good pick, and plenty to learn here for the Nox 600! There are also some great books to be had! Gerry (as in Jerry, not Gary) of Gerrysdetector.com, is one of the great dealers that I've dealt with here! And there are other great one's too! Steve H. is no longer a dealer, but pretty much knows them all! Some lean towards gold detectors, and give great service, including lessons! But are also multiline dealers, and know other's equipment equally as well! And Steve G., of Stevesdetectorrods.com, makes beautiful carbon fiber detector, and scoop shafts! Make sure to register your warranty! Minelab has great warranty service, if needed! Hope that helps! Keep us in the loop, for how it goes!👍👍
  7. I did get a shot or two, cream, and a nice bill, as I recall! (30 + years ago)! But my hands were totally blistered, like I had been burned! It's a good thing I didn't drink alot that day, or something else would have been blistered too!!😳🤣👍👍
  8. Great deal of work you have done! And great ingenuity building your own equipment! It's really hard to appreciate all the work from watching "reality" shows! But your making it happen! Continued luck with your operation! And stay free and safe!👍👍
  9. Nice cleanup and finds! Is that 2 piece buckle silver?👍👍
  10. One time is all it can take to become sensitized! While most people are already! I got it so bad on my hands one year in my early 20's, clearing brush, that I had to get treated in the hospital! Ever since than, even the smoke of it being burned can get to me! Let alone handling it! I've since learned to be careful digging, and being around it! When I go North or West any distance!👍👍
  11. Gotta tell ya Ridge, I would much rather see you on the Can Am, than the two of you riding a 6000! Now I can't unsee that!!🙈 Thanks a lot!! 😂👍👍
  12. Great save, and not a dig mark on it! KC 4 even has a smile on his face!! That's a bucket lister by anyone's standards!👍👍
  13. Yes, those 🤬 bulldozers!! Got them on two of the beaches right now, adding more trash ladened "sand" in a useless, and expensive attempt to stop Mother Nature for the coastal elite! End of rant!😁 Congrats on the slew of items, and the company! You and others here, always cheer me up, with your great old finds! I even like some of your junk! Still alot of history their to be had! I hope it continues to produce for you!! Is there any chance that one of Dozer operators can scrape you a temporary, flat, two foot trench about 100-200 ft long, at the end of the day! He can cover it back the next morning!! If your up for an allnighter!!😂 Good luck next time out!!👍👍
  14. Hello Pasju! Welcome! I wish you much luck in proving the the tales true! But beware, if you are right, you may start a mini gold rush there!⛏💰👍 There are many very experienced gold hunters here that can point you in the right direction! Good luck!👍👍
  15. Sorry all, I never got back to state the outcome! ML replaced the control pod with a new one! No explanation of the code! I have since replaced a second unit that I bought nonfunctional from a dealer! ML also replaced that one with a new pod! All under warranty! Obviously, I have NO complaints for their warranty service! They have been Stellar! Including three coil tab failures! The coils where replaced without issue!!👍👍
  16. Hey Mark, Just checking through some older posts! You never finished the story of how and where you found the ring! Is there more to tell?? In any case, great job!👍👍
  17. Great finds, and blow by blow Condor!! Do any of the handheld pinpointers work for you at all? Or do you only use the Nox?👍👍
  18. Hello again John, GB brought up a good point about school grounds for detecting! Historically a great place to detect! I don't know about elsewhere, but where I am, most all school grounds are fenced in now, and have security! And in our county, there own Police Force! And remain that way year round! Tragic events that have happened have unfortunately, made this an all to common reality! Just something to be aware of, especially when schools are occupied with students!👍👍
  19. I thing Gerry's skills are the "magic silver sauce"! Not the coil! But good to see, just the same!!👍👍
  20. Cool stuff! Nice to have great sources of old stuff, so close by! I haven't found any dog tags at the beaches yet! Which is suprising! But I like the idea of returning them, if possible! Somewhat related; I have found stainless steel crematory tags on the beach! But those i generally glue to a throwable sized rock, and throw as far out as I can back at the location found! Also a few under trees! Those get replanted! Like the dog tags, I think it's a sign of respect!👍👍
  21. Sorry Midalake,😔 I will cut and past this, or link to it for future reference! Somehow I forgot, or missed your post previously!! I'm still trying to acclimate to this "aging" thing! Don't know if that possible, being it my first, and last time!😁👍👍
  22. You don't have where you are located in your info page, so hard to say! But generally, in fresh water, stuff doesn't move as much, unless you have "tides" and wave action like say, the Great Lakes! Items just get deeper in the sediment/sand/gravel over time until they stop on a harder layer! That's not written in stone, but you get the idea! There can be several factors in play, depending on the location! Like currents, runoff, drawdowns in winter, drought, flooding, dredging, etc...! If you find the history of a lake or waterway, or know where people congregate and swim, that should give you an idea of depth for losses! Again, area and environment dependent, but the deeper you go, the less good finds from swimmers to be had! Unless you have knowledge of a floating platform, or other structure that would alter the depth where swimmers normally congregate! But then you enter the realm of underwater detecting; a whole other discipline!! And one last thing! Hazards: Boaters, Currents/Dropoffs, Temperature, and Dangerous Wildlife/Bacteria! Wear Water Shoes at a Minimum, and cover any exposed wounds! Broken Glass, Sharp Object's, and Flesh Eating Bacteria ain't no joke!! 😫 Applies to most all waters, fresh or salt! 👍👍
  23. Midalake, Can you elaborate on the wireless headphones that don't work for detecting beaches?? My ML's for my 800 aren't the best, or most comfortable, but they do work fine at the beach, for the most part, when it's not too hot! Although I do like my wired Tony E's for comfort, and the water!👍👍
  24. Welcome To the forum John, Looks like an historic area your in! Check your local rules and hit some old parks! Any detector will find stuff, but you have to put in the time! Make sure to practice good detecting edicate! If you read some of the more recent posts on the Meet and Greet, you will get some beginning detector advice for those new to the hobby! Check for local detecting clubs that may be near you! They sometimes have permissions for group hunts as well as much experience! And a good source for used equipment! Ask away if you need any more help! Good luck!👍👍
  25. I forgot how much I miss that place! Haven't been in several years with the family! Gotta get back there! Great haul!👍👍
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