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Joe D.

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  1. Cuda, Maybe he will do another like that, if we ask! He did a good job with that one! Update: I went on there and asked! Will see!!??
  2. My issue is why is it that we only hear of ML's coil ears breaking! And no other coil, or detector manufacturer! That should be, at least, one indication of a flaw in the design, or composition of the thermoplastic they use! And i haven't seen or heard of them trying to fix the problem! They are good with their service, but who wants to be down their only, or primary detector for weeks!??
  3. Very good unbiased video! I like both detectors very much! But i have a slight lean to the Simplex+ for waterproofness and price! Mostly because I'm primarily a beach hunter! I like the Vanquish for it's sounds, and strength at depth! And coil choices! Ideally i would get both, to cover many situations, if they were my only two detectors! And budget was key!!??
  4. Hey Caleb, You hit 100 today! Congrats!? And i hit 1000 today!? That's today's treasure!??
  5. Not to say that your experience was funny Caleb! But i swear, that has got to be an episode right out of a sitcom!? That is a story to tell forever! And by the way, if the rest of the coin's look like that one, you should be in good shape; at least once you get used to the smell! Could be worse, you could have heated it in the house, on the stove!!??? **Save a little bottle full for GB!! ??
  6. I'll buy you a whole bag of cheeseburgers, for your finds!? Good job breaking the AQ gold barrier!??
  7. At least when a lot of us started, a simple beep detector would find silver! Now it's almost nonexistent! (Unless your Simon!) Ahh, the good old days, when life was simpler, and we were younger!!???
  8. Bummer on the coin, but at least you got a nice band out of it!??
  9. I'm sure that was just another novel place to hide coin's in the old days! Easily accessible, and no one would dare throw out mom's cooking grease back than; too many uses! And it should definitely have preserved the coins! The military used to pack brand new guns in crates full of grease to preserve them till needed! (But not cooking grease)!!??
  10. Hello SG, Welcome! And good luck with the new detector! Let us know what you find!??
  11. There's no way to know how much damage was done by the sulfides, but at least if a professional does the cleaning, you won't be kicking yourself for damage you may have done! That goes for the setting too! Different cleaning methods are used for different alloys; another words, the ring may need to be seperated from the coin for proper cleaning! If nothing else, at least take it in to a couple of professionals for their opinions! I'm sure they will not give you any guarantee's on the results, but they should have some expectation's of what can be done! If it is indeed a coin, it was probably near mint condition when placed in the setting! My wife has a beautiful Platinum Panda coin in a white gold setting that was a graduation gift! Good luck wading through all the suggestions here! And I'm sure that we all want to see what it is, when your done!!???
  12. And then the Equinox hit the market! And the rest are history!??
  13. Wow, I think your grandfather is sitting on your shoulder, guiding you to these great finds! Keep the luck running!? Especially for next year!!??
  14. Nice find Rick, was that an AQ find?? I'm thinking some sort of collectible silver coin, based on the buildup, and the setting! I don't believe a platinum coin would have a concretion like that! I would have a jeweler possibly remove the coin for proper cleaning! That way, the setting won't be damaged! The setting look's custom for what it is holding, and is very nice! Let us know when it's cleaned! Post a pic!!??
  15. I will believe he is still alive when he sends me a free pick with his signature!????
  16. Fantastic find Caleb, I agree with the others! Do not clean it any more! Too easy to ruin the patina, and the coin! If you absolutely have to have it cleaner, let a professional do it! And any trash you find on that site may be of relic status! I'm sure there are at least a few more old coins to be found! Keep at it!??
  17. How do we find out if John is gone, or not! And why this quandary!???
  18. Love that class ring! The older one's look so much nicer than the modern one's!! The King Tides have been keeping the water way up, here in Florida! Plus with the big waves and winds, alot of sand removal, and beach leveling has happened! No cut's though! So finds have been sparse! Once everything calms down for a week or so, we should get some good sorting, and maybe some good finds!??
  19. You mental outliers must also be independently wealthy!? With finds, or some other means! But if you gotta be addicted to something, detectors and detecting is the healthiest of all the choices! Keep up the good work fellas! You can always sell your excess inventories to us junior junkies!??
  20. GB, I found those in Stuart, which is well South of the 1715 beaches! But they could be part of an old fishing boat, or something, being where i found them!??
  21. And Good Morning Simon! Just checked NZ time! Have a nice day!!??
  22. Simon, As you have said before, you are definitely not the norm, when it comes to buying detectors! Most of us can't get that many past our wives!? I really want Garrett to succeed due to the competition aspect, more than anything! We don't need any more companies closing up shop; not just in the US, but anywhere! With the exception being China and there damn counterfeiters! Like you say, its nice to have a variety to keep prices down, and innovation up! It would be expensive, and boring, to have ML be the only show in town!??
  23. Could give a whole other meaning to Double D detecting!??
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